@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ def on_mqtt_disconnect(client, userdata, rc):
def exit_gracefully(rc, skip_mqtt=False):
global topics, mqtt_client
log("Exiting app...")
if mqtt_client is not None and mqtt_client.is_connected() and skip_mqtt == False:
mqtt_publish(topics["status"], "offline", exit_on_error=False)
@ -96,6 +98,14 @@ def refresh_storage_sensors():
except AmcrestError as error:
log(f"Error fetching storage information {error}", level="WARNING")
def ping_camera():
Timer(30, ping_camera).start()
response = os.system(f"ping -c1 -W100 {amcrest_host} >/dev/null 2>&1")
if response != 0:
log("Ping unsuccessful", level="ERROR")
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
# exit immediately upon receiving a second SIGINT
global is_exiting
@ -134,14 +144,18 @@ camera = AmcrestCamera(
# Fetch camera details
log("Fetching camera details...")
device_type = camera.device_type.replace("type=", "").strip()
is_ad110 = device_type == "AD110"
is_ad410 = device_type == "AD410"
is_doorbell = is_ad110 or is_ad410
serial_number = camera.serial_number.strip()
sw_version = camera.software_information[0].replace("version=", "").strip()
device_name = camera.machine_name.replace("name=", "").strip()
device_slug = slugify(device_name, separator="_")
device_type = camera.device_type.replace("type=", "").strip()
is_ad110 = device_type == "AD110"
is_ad410 = device_type == "AD410"
is_doorbell = is_ad110 or is_ad410
serial_number = camera.serial_number.strip()
sw_version = camera.software_information[0].replace("version=", "").strip()
device_name = camera.machine_name.replace("name=", "").strip()
device_slug = slugify(device_name, separator="_")
except AmcrestError as error:
log(f"Error fetching camera details", level="ERROR")
log(f"Device type: {device_type}")
log(f"Serial number: {serial_number}")
@ -316,10 +330,12 @@ mqtt_publish(topics["config"], {
if storage_poll_interval > 0:
log("Listening for events...")
for code, payload in camera.event_actions("All", retries=5):
for code, payload in camera.event_actions("All", retries=5, timeout_cmd=(10.00, 3600)):
if (is_ad110 and code == "ProfileAlarmTransmit") or (code == "VideoMotion" and not is_ad110):
motion_payload = "on" if payload["action"] == "Start" else "off"
mqtt_publish(topics["motion"], motion_payload)