package builder
import (
ctxkube "github.com/docker/buildx/driver/kubernetes/context"
ocispecs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
type Node struct {
Builder string
Driver *driver.DriverHandle
DriverInfo *driver.Info
Platforms []ocispecs.Platform
GCPolicy []client.PruneInfo
Labels map[string]string
ImageOpt imagetools.Opt
ProxyConfig map[string]string
Version string
Err error
// Nodes returns nodes for this builder.
func (b *Builder) Nodes() []Node {
return b.nodes
// LoadNodes loads and returns nodes for this builder.
// TODO: this should be a method on a Node object and lazy load data for each driver.
func (b *Builder) LoadNodes(ctx context.Context, withData bool) (_ []Node, err error) {
eg, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
b.nodes = make([]Node, len(b.NodeGroup.Nodes))
defer func() {
if b.err == nil && err != nil {
b.err = err
factory, err := b.Factory(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
imageopt, err := b.ImageOpt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, n := range b.NodeGroup.Nodes {
func(i int, n store.Node) {
eg.Go(func() error {
node := Node{
Node: n,
ProxyConfig: storeutil.GetProxyConfig(b.opts.dockerCli),
Platforms: n.Platforms,
Builder: b.Name,
defer func() {
b.nodes[i] = node
dockerapi, err := dockerutil.NewClientAPI(b.opts.dockerCli, n.Endpoint)
if err != nil {
node.Err = err
return nil
contextStore := b.opts.dockerCli.ContextStore()
var kcc driver.KubeClientConfig
kcc, err = ctxkube.ConfigFromEndpoint(n.Endpoint, contextStore)
if err != nil {
// err is returned if n.Endpoint is non-context name like "unix:///var/run/docker.sock".
// try again with name="default".
// FIXME(@AkihiroSuda): n should retain real context name.
kcc, err = ctxkube.ConfigFromEndpoint("default", contextStore)
if err != nil {
tryToUseKubeConfigInCluster := false
if kcc == nil {
tryToUseKubeConfigInCluster = true
} else {
if _, err := kcc.ClientConfig(); err != nil {
tryToUseKubeConfigInCluster = true
if tryToUseKubeConfigInCluster {
kccInCluster := driver.KubeClientConfigInCluster{}
if _, err := kccInCluster.ClientConfig(); err == nil {
logrus.Debug("using kube config in cluster")
kcc = kccInCluster
d, err := driver.GetDriver(ctx, "buildx_buildkit_"+n.Name, factory, n.Endpoint, dockerapi, imageopt.Auth, kcc, n.Flags, n.Files, n.DriverOpts, n.SecurityOpts, n.Platforms, b.opts.contextPathHash)
if err != nil {
node.Err = err
return nil
node.Driver = d
node.ImageOpt = imageopt
if withData {
if err := node.loadData(ctx); err != nil {
node.Err = err
return nil
}(i, n)
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: This should be done in the routine loading driver data
if withData {
kubernetesDriverCount := 0
for _, d := range b.nodes {
if d.DriverInfo != nil && len(d.DriverInfo.DynamicNodes) > 0 {
isAllKubernetesDrivers := len(b.nodes) == kubernetesDriverCount
if isAllKubernetesDrivers {
var nodes []Node
var dynamicNodes []store.Node
for _, di := range b.nodes {
// dynamic nodes are used in Kubernetes driver.
// Kubernetes' pods are dynamically mapped to BuildKit Nodes.
if di.DriverInfo != nil && len(di.DriverInfo.DynamicNodes) > 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(di.DriverInfo.DynamicNodes); i++ {
diClone := di
if pl := di.DriverInfo.DynamicNodes[i].Platforms; len(pl) > 0 {
diClone.Platforms = pl
nodes = append(nodes, di)
dynamicNodes = append(dynamicNodes, di.DriverInfo.DynamicNodes...)
// not append (remove the static nodes in the store)
b.NodeGroup.Nodes = dynamicNodes
b.nodes = nodes
b.NodeGroup.Dynamic = true
return b.nodes, nil
func (n *Node) loadData(ctx context.Context) error {
if n.Driver == nil {
return nil
info, err := n.Driver.Info(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
n.DriverInfo = info
if n.DriverInfo.Status == driver.Running {
driverClient, err := n.Driver.Client(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
workers, err := driverClient.ListWorkers(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "listing workers")
for idx, w := range workers {
n.Platforms = append(n.Platforms, w.Platforms...)
if idx == 0 {
n.GCPolicy = w.GCPolicy
n.Labels = w.Labels
n.Platforms = platformutil.Dedupe(n.Platforms)
inf, err := driverClient.Info(ctx)
if err != nil {
if st, ok := grpcerrors.AsGRPCStatus(err); ok && st.Code() == codes.Unimplemented {
n.Version, err = n.Driver.Version(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting version")
} else {
n.Version = inf.BuildkitVersion.Version
return nil