
310 lines
7.5 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package moby.buildkit.v1.frontend;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "";
option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true;
option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true;
service LLBBridge {
// apicaps:CapResolveImage
rpc ResolveImageConfig(ResolveImageConfigRequest) returns (ResolveImageConfigResponse);
// apicaps:CapSolveBase
rpc Solve(SolveRequest) returns (SolveResponse);
// apicaps:CapReadFile
rpc ReadFile(ReadFileRequest) returns (ReadFileResponse);
// apicaps:CapReadDir
rpc ReadDir(ReadDirRequest) returns (ReadDirResponse);
// apicaps:CapStatFile
rpc StatFile(StatFileRequest) returns (StatFileResponse);
// apicaps:CapGatewayEvaluate
rpc Evaluate(EvaluateRequest) returns (EvaluateResponse);
rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PongResponse);
rpc Return(ReturnRequest) returns (ReturnResponse);
// apicaps:CapFrontendInputs
rpc Inputs(InputsRequest) returns (InputsResponse);
rpc NewContainer(NewContainerRequest) returns (NewContainerResponse);
rpc ReleaseContainer(ReleaseContainerRequest) returns (ReleaseContainerResponse);
rpc ExecProcess(stream ExecMessage) returns (stream ExecMessage);
// apicaps:CapGatewayWarnings
rpc Warn(WarnRequest) returns (WarnResponse);
message Result {
oneof result {
// Deprecated non-array refs.
string refDeprecated = 1;
RefMapDeprecated refsDeprecated = 2;
Ref ref = 3;
RefMap refs = 4;
map<string, bytes> metadata = 10;
// 11 was used during development and is reserved for old attestation format
map<string, Attestations> attestations = 12;
message RefMapDeprecated {
map<string, string> refs = 1;
message Ref {
string id = 1;
pb.Definition def = 2;
message RefMap {
map<string, Ref> refs = 1;
message Attestations {
repeated Attestation attestation = 1;
message Attestation {
AttestationKind kind = 1;
map<string, bytes> metadata = 2;
Ref ref = 3;
string path = 4;
string inTotoPredicateType = 5;
repeated InTotoSubject inTotoSubjects = 6;
enum AttestationKind {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
InToto = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "AttestationKindInToto"];
Bundle = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "AttestationKindBundle"];
message InTotoSubject {
InTotoSubjectKind kind = 1;
repeated string digest = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
string name = 3;
enum InTotoSubjectKind {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
Self = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "InTotoSubjectKindSelf"];
Raw = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "InTotoSubjectKindRaw"];
message ReturnRequest {
Result result = 1;
google.rpc.Status error = 2;
message ReturnResponse {
message InputsRequest {
message InputsResponse {
map<string, pb.Definition> Definitions = 1;
message ResolveImageConfigRequest {
string Ref = 1;
pb.Platform Platform = 2;
string ResolveMode = 3;
string LogName = 4;
int32 ResolverType = 5;
string SessionID = 6;
string StoreID = 7;
message ResolveImageConfigResponse {
string Digest = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
bytes Config = 2;
message SolveRequest {
pb.Definition Definition = 1;
string Frontend = 2;
map<string, string> FrontendOpt = 3;
// 4 was removed in BuildKit v0.11.0.
bool allowResultReturn = 5;
bool allowResultArrayRef = 6;
// apicaps.CapSolveInlineReturn deprecated
bool Final = 10;
bytes ExporterAttr = 11;
// CacheImports was added in BuildKit v0.4.0.
// apicaps:CapImportCaches
repeated CacheOptionsEntry CacheImports = 12;
// apicaps:CapFrontendInputs
map<string, pb.Definition> FrontendInputs = 13;
bool Evaluate = 14;
repeated moby.buildkit.v1.sourcepolicy.Policy SourcePolicies = 15;
// CacheOptionsEntry corresponds to the control.CacheOptionsEntry
message CacheOptionsEntry {
string Type = 1;
map<string, string> Attrs = 2;
message SolveResponse {
// deprecated
string ref = 1; // can be used by readfile request
// deprecated
/* bytes ExporterAttr = 2;*/
// these fields are returned when allowMapReturn was set
Result result = 3;
message ReadFileRequest {
string Ref = 1;
string FilePath = 2;
FileRange Range = 3;
message FileRange {
int64 Offset = 1;
int64 Length = 2;
message ReadFileResponse {
bytes Data = 1;
message ReadDirRequest {
string Ref = 1;
string DirPath = 2;
string IncludePattern = 3;
message ReadDirResponse {
repeated fsutil.types.Stat entries = 1;
message StatFileRequest {
string Ref = 1;
string Path = 2;
message StatFileResponse {
fsutil.types.Stat stat = 1;
message EvaluateRequest {
string Ref = 1;
message EvaluateResponse {
message PingRequest{
message PongResponse{
repeated moby.buildkit.v1.apicaps.APICap FrontendAPICaps = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated moby.buildkit.v1.apicaps.APICap LLBCaps = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
repeated moby.buildkit.v1.types.WorkerRecord Workers = 3;
message WarnRequest {
string digest = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
int64 level = 2;
bytes short = 3;
repeated bytes detail = 4;
string url = 5;
pb.SourceInfo info = 6;
repeated pb.Range ranges = 7;
message WarnResponse{}
message NewContainerRequest {
string ContainerID = 1;
// For mount input values we can use random identifiers passed with ref
repeated pb.Mount Mounts = 2;
pb.NetMode Network = 3;
pb.Platform platform = 4;
pb.WorkerConstraints constraints = 5;
repeated pb.HostIP extraHosts = 6;
message NewContainerResponse{}
message ReleaseContainerRequest {
string ContainerID = 1;
message ReleaseContainerResponse{}
message ExecMessage {
string ProcessID = 1;
oneof Input {
// InitMessage sent from client to server will start a new process in a
// container
InitMessage Init = 2;
// FdMessage used from client to server for input (stdin) and
// from server to client for output (stdout, stderr)
FdMessage File = 3;
// ResizeMessage used from client to server for terminal resize events
ResizeMessage Resize = 4;
// StartedMessage sent from server to client after InitMessage to
// indicate the process has started.
StartedMessage Started = 5;
// ExitMessage sent from server to client will contain the exit code
// when the process ends.
ExitMessage Exit = 6;
// DoneMessage from server to client will be the last message for any
// process. Note that FdMessage might be sent after ExitMessage.
DoneMessage Done = 7;
// SignalMessage is used from client to server to send signal events
SignalMessage Signal = 8;
message InitMessage{
string ContainerID = 1;
pb.Meta Meta = 2;
repeated uint32 Fds = 3;
bool Tty = 4;
pb.SecurityMode Security = 5;
message ExitMessage {
uint32 Code = 1;
google.rpc.Status Error = 2;
message StartedMessage{}
message DoneMessage{}
message FdMessage{
uint32 Fd = 1; // what fd the data was from
bool EOF = 2; // true if eof was reached
bytes Data = 3;
message ResizeMessage{
uint32 Rows = 1;
uint32 Cols = 2;
message SignalMessage {
// we only send name (ie HUP, INT) because the int values
// are platform dependent.
string Name = 1;