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package moby_buildkit_v1_frontend //nolint:revive
import "github.com/moby/buildkit/util/apicaps"
var Caps apicaps.CapList
// Every backwards or forwards non-compatible change needs to add a new capability row.
// By default new capabilities should be experimental. After merge a capability is
// considered immutable. After a capability is marked stable it should not be disabled.
const (
CapSolveBase apicaps.CapID = "solve.base"
CapSolveInlineReturn apicaps.CapID = "solve.inlinereturn"
CapResolveImage apicaps.CapID = "resolveimage"
CapResolveImageResolveMode apicaps.CapID = "resolveimage.resolvemode"
CapReadFile apicaps.CapID = "readfile"
CapReturnResult apicaps.CapID = "return"
CapReturnMap apicaps.CapID = "returnmap"
CapReadDir apicaps.CapID = "readdir"
CapStatFile apicaps.CapID = "statfile"
CapImportCaches apicaps.CapID = "importcaches"
// CapProtoRefArray is a capability to return arrays of refs instead of single
// refs. This capability is only for the wire format change and shouldn't be
// used in frontends for feature detection.
CapProtoRefArray apicaps.CapID = "proto.refarray"
// CapReferenceOutput is a capability to use a reference of a solved result as
// an llb.Output.
CapReferenceOutput apicaps.CapID = "reference.output"
// CapFrontendInputs is a capability to request frontend inputs from the
// LLBBridge GRPC server.
CapFrontendInputs apicaps.CapID = "frontend.inputs"
// CapGatewaySolveMetadata can be used to check if solve calls from gateway reliably return metadata
CapGatewaySolveMetadata apicaps.CapID = "gateway.solve.metadata"
// CapGatewayExec is the capability to create and interact with new
// containers directly through the gateway
CapGatewayExec apicaps.CapID = "gateway.exec"
// CapGatewayExecExtraHosts is the capability to add additional hosts to
// /etc/hosts for containers created via gateway exec.
CapGatewayExecExtraHosts apicaps.CapID = "gateway.exec.extrahosts"
// CapGatewayExecExtraHosts is the capability to send signals to a process
// created via gateway exec.
CapGatewayExecSignals apicaps.CapID = "gateway.exec.signals"
// CapFrontendCaps can be used to check that frontends define support for certain capabilities
CapFrontendCaps apicaps.CapID = "frontend.caps"
// CapGatewayEvaluateSolve is a capability to immediately unlazy solve
// results. This is generally used by the client to return and handle solve
// errors.
CapGatewayEvaluateSolve apicaps.CapID = "gateway.solve.evaluate"
// CapGatewayWarnings is the capability to log warnings from frontend
CapGatewayWarnings apicaps.CapID = "gateway.warnings"
func init() {
ID: CapSolveBase,
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapSolveInlineReturn,
Name: "inline return from solve",
Enabled: true,
Deprecated: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapResolveImage,
Name: "resolve remote image config",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapResolveImageResolveMode,
Name: "resolve remote image config with custom resolvemode",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapReadFile,
Name: "read static file",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapReturnResult,
Name: "return solve result",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapReturnMap,
Name: "return reference map",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapReadDir,
Name: "read static directory",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapStatFile,
Name: "stat a file",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapImportCaches,
Name: "import caches",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapProtoRefArray,
Name: "wire format ref arrays",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapReferenceOutput,
Name: "reference output",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapFrontendInputs,
Name: "frontend inputs",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewaySolveMetadata,
Name: "gateway metadata",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewayExec,
Name: "gateway exec",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewayExecExtraHosts,
Name: "gateway exec extra-hosts",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewayExecSignals,
Name: "gateway exec signals",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapFrontendCaps,
Name: "frontend capabilities",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewayEvaluateSolve,
Name: "gateway evaluate solve",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,
ID: CapGatewayWarnings,
Name: "logging warnings",
Enabled: true,
Status: apicaps.CapStatusExperimental,