package monitor
import (
controllerapi "github.com/docker/buildx/controller/pb"
controller: refactor progress api
Refactor the progress printer creation to the caller-side of the
controller api. Then, instead of passing around status channels (and
progressMode strings), we can simply pass around the higher level
interface progress.Writer.
This has a couple of benefits:
- A simplified interface to the controller
- Allows us to correctly extract warnings out of the controller, so that
they can be displayed correctly from the client side.
Some extra work is required to make sure that we can pass a
progress.Printer into the debug monitor. If we want to keep it
persistent, then we need a way to temporarily suspend output from it,
otherwise it will continue printing as the monitor is prompting for
input from the user, and forwarding output from debug containers.
To handle this, we add two methods to the printer, `Pause` and
`Unpause`. `Pause` acts similarly to `Wait`, closing the printer, and
cleanly shutting down the display - however, the printer does not
terminate, and can later be resumed by a call to `Unpause`. This
provides a neater interface to the caller, instead of needing to
continually reconstruct printers for every single time we want to
produce progress output.
Signed-off-by: Justin Chadwell <me@jedevc.com>
2 years ago
// RunMonitor provides an interactive session for running and managing containers via specified IO.
controller: refactor progress api
Refactor the progress printer creation to the caller-side of the
controller api. Then, instead of passing around status channels (and
progressMode strings), we can simply pass around the higher level
interface progress.Writer.
This has a couple of benefits:
- A simplified interface to the controller
- Allows us to correctly extract warnings out of the controller, so that
they can be displayed correctly from the client side.
Some extra work is required to make sure that we can pass a
progress.Printer into the debug monitor. If we want to keep it
persistent, then we need a way to temporarily suspend output from it,
otherwise it will continue printing as the monitor is prompting for
input from the user, and forwarding output from debug containers.
To handle this, we add two methods to the printer, `Pause` and
`Unpause`. `Pause` acts similarly to `Wait`, closing the printer, and
cleanly shutting down the display - however, the printer does not
terminate, and can later be resumed by a call to `Unpause`. This
provides a neater interface to the caller, instead of needing to
continually reconstruct printers for every single time we want to
produce progress output.
Signed-off-by: Justin Chadwell <me@jedevc.com>
2 years ago
func RunMonitor(ctx context.Context, curRef string, options *controllerapi.BuildOptions, invokeConfig controllerapi.InvokeConfig, c control.BuildxController, stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.WriteCloser, stderr console.File, progress *progress.Printer) error {
defer func() {
if err := c.Disconnect(ctx, curRef); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("disconnect error: %v", err)
controller: refactor progress api
Refactor the progress printer creation to the caller-side of the
controller api. Then, instead of passing around status channels (and
progressMode strings), we can simply pass around the higher level
interface progress.Writer.
This has a couple of benefits:
- A simplified interface to the controller
- Allows us to correctly extract warnings out of the controller, so that
they can be displayed correctly from the client side.
Some extra work is required to make sure that we can pass a
progress.Printer into the debug monitor. If we want to keep it
persistent, then we need a way to temporarily suspend output from it,
otherwise it will continue printing as the monitor is prompting for
input from the user, and forwarding output from debug containers.
To handle this, we add two methods to the printer, `Pause` and
`Unpause`. `Pause` acts similarly to `Wait`, closing the printer, and
cleanly shutting down the display - however, the printer does not
terminate, and can later be resumed by a call to `Unpause`. This
provides a neater interface to the caller, instead of needing to
continually reconstruct printers for every single time we want to
produce progress output.
Signed-off-by: Justin Chadwell <me@jedevc.com>
2 years ago
if err := progress.Pause(); err != nil {
return err
defer progress.Unpause()
monitorIn, monitorOut := ioset.Pipe()
defer func() {
monitorEnableCh := make(chan struct{})
monitorDisableCh := make(chan struct{})
monitorOutCtx := ioset.MuxOut{
Out: monitorOut,
EnableHook: func() { monitorEnableCh <- struct{}{} },
DisableHook: func() { monitorDisableCh <- struct{}{} },
containerIn, containerOut := ioset.Pipe()
defer func() {
containerOutCtx := ioset.MuxOut{
Out: containerOut,
// send newline to hopefully get the prompt; TODO: better UI (e.g. reprinting the last line)
EnableHook: func() { containerOut.Stdin.Write([]byte("\n")) },
DisableHook: func() {},
invokeForwarder := ioset.NewForwarder()
m := &monitor{
BuildxController: c,
invokeIO: invokeForwarder,
muxIO: ioset.NewMuxIO(ioset.In{
Stdin: io.NopCloser(stdin),
Stdout: nopCloser{stdout},
Stderr: nopCloser{stderr},
}, []ioset.MuxOut{monitorOutCtx, containerOutCtx}, 1, func(prev int, res int) string {
if prev == 0 && res == 0 {
// No toggle happened because container I/O isn't enabled.
return "Process isn't attached (previous \"exec\" exited?). Use \"attach\" for attaching or \"rollback\" or \"exec\" for running new one.\n"
return "Switched IO\n"
// Start container automatically
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Launching interactive container. Press Ctrl-a-c to switch to monitor console\n")
invokeConfig.Rollback = false
invokeConfig.Initial = false
id := m.Rollback(ctx, invokeConfig)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "Interactive container was restarted with process %q. Press Ctrl-a-c to switch to the new container\n", id)
st, err := c.Inspect(ctx, curRef)
if err != nil {
return err
wc := utils.NewWalkerController(m, stdout, invokeConfig, progress, st.Definition)
availableCommands := []types.Command{
commands.NewReloadCmd(m, stdout, progress, options, invokeConfig),
commands.NewRollbackCmd(m, invokeConfig, stdout),
commands.NewListCmd(m, stdout),
commands.NewAttachCmd(m, stdout, progress, invokeConfig),
commands.NewExecCmd(m, invokeConfig, stdout),
commands.NewPsCmd(m, stdout),
// breakpoint debugger
commands.NewShowCmd(m, stdout),
registeredCommands := make(map[string]types.Command)
for _, c := range availableCommands {
registeredCommands[c.Info().Name] = c
additionalHelpMessages := map[string]string{
"help": "shows this message. Optionally pass a command name as an argument to print the detailed usage.",
"exit": "exits monitor",
// Serve monitor commands
monitorForwarder := ioset.NewForwarder()
for {
in, out := ioset.Pipe()
doneCh, errCh := make(chan struct{}), make(chan error)
go func() {
defer close(doneCh)
defer in.Close()
go func() {
t := term.NewTerminal(readWriter{in.Stdin, in.Stdout}, "(buildx) ")
for {
l, err := t.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
errCh <- err
args, err := shlex.Split(l)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "monitor: failed to parse command: %v", err)
} else if len(args) == 0 {
// Builtin commands
switch args[0] {
case "":
// nop
case "exit":
case "help":
if len(args) >= 2 {
printHelpMessageOfCommand(stdout, args[1], registeredCommands, additionalHelpMessages)
printHelpMessage(stdout, registeredCommands, additionalHelpMessages)
// Registered commands
cmdname := args[0]
if cm, ok := registeredCommands[cmdname]; ok {
if err := cm.Exec(ctx, args); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "%s: %v\n", cmdname, err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "monitor: unknown command: %q\n", l)
printHelpMessage(stdout, registeredCommands, additionalHelpMessages)
select {
case <-doneCh:
return nil
case err := <-errCh:
return err
case <-monitorDisableCh:
func printHelpMessageOfCommand(out io.Writer, name string, registeredCommands map[string]types.Command, additional map[string]string) {
var target types.Command
if c, ok := registeredCommands[name]; ok {
target = c
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "monitor: no help message for %q\n", name)
printHelpMessage(out, registeredCommands, additional)
fmt.Fprintln(out, target.Info().HelpMessage)
if h := target.Info().HelpMessageLong; h != "" {
fmt.Fprintln(out, h)
func printHelpMessage(out io.Writer, registeredCommands map[string]types.Command, additional map[string]string) {
var names []string
for name := range registeredCommands {
names = append(names, name)
for name := range additional {
names = append(names, name)
fmt.Fprint(out, "Available commands are:\n")
w := new(tabwriter.Writer)
w.Init(out, 0, 8, 0, '\t', 0)
for _, name := range names {
var mes string
if c, ok := registeredCommands[name]; ok {
mes = c.Info().HelpMessage
} else if m, ok := additional[name]; ok {
mes = m
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(w, " "+name+"\t"+mes)
type readWriter struct {
type monitor struct {
ref atomic.Value
muxIO *ioset.MuxIO
invokeIO *ioset.Forwarder
invokeCancel func()
attachedPid atomic.Value
walkerController *walker.Controller
func (m *monitor) RegisterWalkerController(wc *walker.Controller) {
if m.walkerController != nil {
m.walkerController = wc
func (m *monitor) GetWalkerController() *walker.Controller {
return m.walkerController
func (m *monitor) DisconnectSession(ctx context.Context, targetID string) error {
return m.Disconnect(ctx, targetID)
func (m *monitor) AttachSession(ref string) {
func (m *monitor) AttachedSessionID() string {
return m.ref.Load().(string)
func (m *monitor) Rollback(ctx context.Context, cfg controllerapi.InvokeConfig) string {
pid := identity.NewID()
cfg1 := cfg
cfg1.Rollback = true
return m.startInvoke(ctx, pid, cfg1)
func (m *monitor) Exec(ctx context.Context, cfg controllerapi.InvokeConfig) string {
return m.startInvoke(ctx, identity.NewID(), cfg)
func (m *monitor) Attach(ctx context.Context, pid string) {
m.startInvoke(ctx, pid, controllerapi.InvokeConfig{})
func (m *monitor) Detach() {
if m.invokeCancel != nil {
m.invokeCancel() // Finish existing attach
func (m *monitor) AttachedPID() string {
return m.attachedPid.Load().(string)
func (m *monitor) close() {
func (m *monitor) startInvoke(ctx context.Context, pid string, cfg controllerapi.InvokeConfig) string {
if m.invokeCancel != nil {
m.invokeCancel() // Finish existing attach
if len(cfg.Entrypoint) == 0 && len(cfg.Cmd) == 0 {
cfg.Entrypoint = []string{"sh"} // launch shell by default
go func() {
// Start a new invoke
if err := m.invoke(ctx, pid, cfg); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("invoke error: %v", err)
if pid == m.attachedPid.Load() {
return pid
func (m *monitor) invoke(ctx context.Context, pid string, cfg controllerapi.InvokeConfig) error {
defer m.muxIO.Disable(1)
if err := m.muxIO.SwitchTo(1); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to switch to process IO: %v", err)
if m.AttachedSessionID() == "" {
return nil
invokeCtx, invokeCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
containerIn, containerOut := ioset.Pipe()
waitInvokeDoneCh := make(chan struct{})
var cancelOnce sync.Once
invokeCancelAndDetachFn := func() {
cancelOnce.Do(func() {
defer invokeCancelAndDetachFn()
m.invokeCancel = invokeCancelAndDetachFn
err := m.Invoke(invokeCtx, m.AttachedSessionID(), pid, cfg, containerIn.Stdin, containerIn.Stdout, containerIn.Stderr)
return err
type nopCloser struct {
func (c nopCloser) Close() error { return nil }