226 lines
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package system
import (
// DefaultPathEnvUnix is unix style list of directories to search for
// executables. Each directory is separated from the next by a colon
// ':' character .
const DefaultPathEnvUnix = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
// DefaultPathEnvWindows is windows style list of directories to search for
// executables. Each directory is separated from the next by a colon
// ';' character .
const DefaultPathEnvWindows = "c:\\Windows\\System32;c:\\Windows"
func DefaultPathEnv(os string) string {
if os == "windows" {
return DefaultPathEnvWindows
return DefaultPathEnvUnix
// NormalizePath cleans the path based on the operating system the path is meant for.
// It takes into account a potential parent path, and will join the path to the parent
// if the path is relative. Additionally, it will apply the folliwing rules:
// - always return an absolute path
// - always strip drive letters for Windows paths
// - optionally keep the trailing slashes on paths
// - paths are returned using forward slashes
func NormalizePath(parent, newPath, inputOS string, keepSlash bool) (string, error) {
if inputOS == "" {
inputOS = "linux"
newPath = toSlash(newPath, inputOS)
parent = toSlash(parent, inputOS)
origPath := newPath
if parent == "" {
parent = "/"
var err error
parent, err = CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter(parent, inputOS)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "removing drive letter")
if !IsAbs(parent, inputOS) {
parent = path.Join("/", parent)
if newPath == "" {
// New workdir is empty. Use the "current" workdir. It should already
// be an absolute path.
newPath = parent
newPath, err = CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter(newPath, inputOS)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "removing drive letter")
if !IsAbs(newPath, inputOS) {
// The new WD is relative. Join it to the previous WD.
newPath = path.Join(parent, newPath)
if keepSlash {
if strings.HasSuffix(origPath, "/") && !strings.HasSuffix(newPath, "/") {
newPath += "/"
} else if strings.HasSuffix(origPath, "/.") {
if newPath != "/" {
newPath += "/"
newPath += "."
return toSlash(newPath, inputOS), nil
func toSlash(inputPath, inputOS string) string {
separator := "/"
if inputOS == "windows" {
separator = "\\"
return strings.Replace(inputPath, separator, "/", -1)
func fromSlash(inputPath, inputOS string) string {
separator := "/"
if inputOS == "windows" {
separator = "\\"
return strings.Replace(inputPath, "/", separator, -1)
// NormalizeWorkdir will return a normalized version of the new workdir, given
// the currently configured workdir and the desired new workdir. When setting a
// new relative workdir, it will be joined to the previous workdir or default to
// the root folder.
// On Windows we remove the drive letter and convert the path delimiter to "\".
// Paths that begin with os.PathSeparator are considered absolute even on Windows.
func NormalizeWorkdir(current, wd string, inputOS string) (string, error) {
if inputOS == "" {
inputOS = "linux"
wd, err := NormalizePath(current, wd, inputOS, false)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "normalizing working directory")
// Make sure we use the platform specific path separator. HCS does not like forward
// slashes in CWD.
return fromSlash(wd, inputOS), nil
// IsAbs returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the path
// is absolute. On Linux, this is just a wrapper for filepath.IsAbs().
// On Windows, we strip away the drive letter (if any), clean the path,
// and check whether or not the path starts with a filepath.Separator.
// This function is meant to check if a path is absolute, in the context
// of a COPY, ADD or WORKDIR, which have their root set in the mount point
// of the writable layer we are mutating. The filepath.IsAbs() function on
// Windows will not work in these scenatios, as it will return true for paths
// that:
// - Begin with drive letter (DOS style paths)
// - Are volume paths \\?\Volume{UUID}
// - Are UNC paths
func IsAbs(pth, inputOS string) bool {
if inputOS == "" {
inputOS = "linux"
cleanedPath, err := CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter(pth, inputOS)
if err != nil {
return false
cleanedPath = toSlash(cleanedPath, inputOS)
// We stripped any potential drive letter and converted any backslashes to
// forward slashes. We can safely use path.IsAbs() for both Windows and Linux.
return path.IsAbs(cleanedPath)
// CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter verifies and manipulates a Windows path.
// For linux, this is a no-op.
// This is used, for example, when validating a user provided path in docker cp.
// If a drive letter is supplied, it must be the system drive. The drive letter
// is always removed. It also converts any backslash to forward slash. The conversion
// to OS specific separator should happen as late as possible (ie: before passing the
// value to the function that will actually use it). Paths are parsed and code paths are
// triggered starting with the client and all the way down to calling into the runtime
// environment. The client may run on a foreign OS from the one the build will be triggered
// (Windows clients connecting to Linux or vice versa).
// Keeping the file separator consistent until the last moment is desirable.
// We need the Windows path without the drive letter so that it can ultimately be concatenated with
// a Windows long-path which doesn't support drive-letters. Examples:
// C: --> Fail
// C:somepath --> somepath // This is a relative path to the CWD set for that drive letter
// C:\ --> \
// a --> a
// /a --> \a
// d:\ --> Fail
// UNC paths can refer to multiple types of paths. From local filesystem paths,
// to remote filesystems like SMB or named pipes.
// There is no sane way to support this without adding a lot of complexity
// which I am not sure is worth it.
// \\.\C$\a --> Fail
func CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter(path string, inputOS string) (string, error) {
if inputOS == "" {
inputOS = "linux"
if inputOS != "windows" {
return path, nil
if len(path) == 2 && string(path[1]) == ":" {
return "", errors.Errorf("No relative path specified in %q", path)
// UNC paths should error out
if len(path) >= 2 && toSlash(path[:2], inputOS) == "//" {
return "", errors.Errorf("UNC paths are not supported")
parts := strings.SplitN(path, ":", 2)
// Path does not have a drive letter. Just return it.
if len(parts) < 2 {
return toSlash(filepath.Clean(path), inputOS), nil
// We expect all paths to be in C:
if !strings.EqualFold(parts[0], "c") {
return "", errors.New("The specified path is not on the system drive (C:)")
// A path of the form F:somepath, is a path that is relative CWD set for a particular
// drive letter. See:
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file#fully-qualified-vs-relative-paths
// C:\>mkdir F:somepath
// C:\>dir F:\
// Volume in drive F is New Volume
// Volume Serial Number is 86E5-AB64
// Directory of F:\
// 11/27/2022 02:22 PM <DIR> somepath
// 0 File(s) 0 bytes
// 1 Dir(s) 1,052,876,800 bytes free
// We must return the second element of the split path, as is, without attempting to convert
// it to an absolute path. We have no knowledge of the CWD; that is treated elsewhere.
return toSlash(filepath.Clean(parts[1]), inputOS), nil