package llb

import (

	digest ""

type MergeOp struct {
	inputs      []Output
	output      Output
	constraints Constraints

func NewMerge(inputs []State, c Constraints) *MergeOp {
	op := &MergeOp{constraints: c}
	for _, input := range inputs {
		op.inputs = append(op.inputs, input.Output())
	op.output = &output{vertex: op}
	return op

func (m *MergeOp) Validate(ctx context.Context, constraints *Constraints) error {
	if len(m.inputs) < 2 {
		return errors.Errorf("merge must have at least 2 inputs")
	return nil

func (m *MergeOp) Marshal(ctx context.Context, constraints *Constraints) (digest.Digest, []byte, *pb.OpMetadata, []*SourceLocation, error) {
	if m.Cached(constraints) {
		return m.Load()
	if err := m.Validate(ctx, constraints); err != nil {
		return "", nil, nil, nil, err

	pop, md := MarshalConstraints(constraints, &m.constraints)
	pop.Platform = nil // merge op is not platform specific

	op := &pb.MergeOp{}
	for _, input := range m.inputs {
		op.Inputs = append(op.Inputs, &pb.MergeInput{Input: pb.InputIndex(len(pop.Inputs))})
		pbInput, err := input.ToInput(ctx, constraints)
		if err != nil {
			return "", nil, nil, nil, err
		pop.Inputs = append(pop.Inputs, pbInput)
	pop.Op = &pb.Op_Merge{Merge: op}

	dt, err := pop.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil, nil, nil, err

	m.Store(dt, md, m.constraints.SourceLocations, constraints)
	return m.Load()

func (m *MergeOp) Output() Output {
	return m.output

func (m *MergeOp) Inputs() []Output {
	return m.inputs

// Merge merges multiple states into a single state. This is useful in
// conjunction with [Diff] to create set of patches which are independent of
// each other to a base state without affecting the cache of other merged
// states.
// As an example, lets say you have a rootfs with the following directories:
//	/ /bin /etc /opt /tmp
// Now lets say you want to copy a directory /etc/foo from one state and a
// binary /bin/bar from another state.
// [Copy] makes a duplicate of file on top of another directory.
// Merge creates a directory whose contents is an overlay of 2 states on top of each other.
// With "Merge" you can do this:
//	fooState := Diff(rootfs, fooState)
//	barState := Diff(rootfs, barState)
// Then merge the results with:
//	Merge(rootfs, fooDiff, barDiff)
// The resulting state will have both /etc/foo and /bin/bar, but because Merge
// was used, changing the contents of "fooDiff" does not require copying
// "barDiff" again.
func Merge(inputs []State, opts ...ConstraintsOpt) State {
	// filter out any scratch inputs, which have no effect when merged
	var filteredInputs []State
	for _, input := range inputs {
		if input.Output() != nil {
			filteredInputs = append(filteredInputs, input)
	if len(filteredInputs) == 0 {
		// a merge of only scratch results in scratch
		return Scratch()
	if len(filteredInputs) == 1 {
		// a merge of a single non-empty input results in that non-empty input
		return filteredInputs[0]

	var c Constraints
	for _, o := range opts {
	addCap(&c, pb.CapMergeOp)
	return filteredInputs[0].WithOutput(NewMerge(filteredInputs, c).Output())