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## About

This is a library containing utilities to generate (reference) documentation
for the [`docker` CLI](https://github.com/docker/cli) on [docs.docker.com](https://docs.docker.com/reference/).

## Disclaimer

This library is intended for use by Docker's CLIs, and is not intended to be a
general-purpose utility. Various bits are hard-coded or make assumptions that
are very specific to our use-case. Contributions are welcome, but we will not
accept contributions to make this a general-purpose module.

## Usage

To generate the documentation it's recommended to do so using a Go submodule
in your repository.

We will use the example of `docker/buildx` and create a Go submodule in a
`docs` folder (recommended):

$ mkdir docs
$ cd ./docs
$ go mod init github.com/docker/buildx/docs
$ go get github.com/docker/cli-docs-tool

Your `go.mod` should look like this:

module github.com/docker/buildx/docs

go 1.16

require (
	github.com/docker/cli-docs-tool v0.0.0

Next, create a file named `main.go` inside that directory containing the
following Go code from [`example/main.go`](example/main.go).

Running this example should produce the following output:

$ go run main.go
INFO: Generating Markdown for "docker buildx bake"
INFO: Generating Markdown for "docker buildx build"
INFO: Generating Markdown for "docker buildx create"
INFO: Generating Markdown for "docker buildx du"
INFO: Generating YAML for "docker buildx uninstall"
INFO: Generating YAML for "docker buildx use"
INFO: Generating YAML for "docker buildx version"
INFO: Generating YAML for "docker buildx"

Generated docs will be available in the `./docs` folder of the project.

## Contributing

Want to contribute? Awesome! You can find information about contributing to
this project in the [CONTRIBUTING.md](/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)