package client

import (

	contentlocal ""
	controlapi ""
	sessioncontent ""
	ocispecs ""
	fstypes ""

type SolveOpt struct {
	Exports               []ExportEntry
	LocalDirs             map[string]string
	OCIStores             map[string]content.Store
	SharedKey             string
	Frontend              string
	FrontendAttrs         map[string]string
	FrontendInputs        map[string]llb.State
	CacheExports          []CacheOptionsEntry
	CacheImports          []CacheOptionsEntry
	Session               []session.Attachable
	AllowedEntitlements   []entitlements.Entitlement
	SharedSession         *session.Session // TODO: refactor to better session syncing
	SessionPreInitialized bool             // TODO: refactor to better session syncing

type ExportEntry struct {
	Type      string
	Attrs     map[string]string
	Output    func(map[string]string) (io.WriteCloser, error) // for ExporterOCI and ExporterDocker
	OutputDir string                                          // for ExporterLocal

type CacheOptionsEntry struct {
	Type  string
	Attrs map[string]string

// Solve calls Solve on the controller.
// def must be nil if (and only if) opt.Frontend is set.
func (c *Client) Solve(ctx context.Context, def *llb.Definition, opt SolveOpt, statusChan chan *SolveStatus) (*SolveResponse, error) {
	defer func() {
		if statusChan != nil {

	if opt.Frontend == "" && def == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid empty definition")
	if opt.Frontend != "" && def != nil {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid definition for frontend %s", opt.Frontend)

	return c.solve(ctx, def, nil, opt, statusChan)

type runGatewayCB func(ref string, s *session.Session, opts map[string]string) error

func (c *Client) solve(ctx context.Context, def *llb.Definition, runGateway runGatewayCB, opt SolveOpt, statusChan chan *SolveStatus) (*SolveResponse, error) {
	if def != nil && runGateway != nil {
		return nil, errors.New("invalid with def and cb")

	syncedDirs, err := prepareSyncedDirs(def, opt.LocalDirs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ref := identity.NewID()
	eg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)

	statusContext, cancelStatus := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancelStatus()

	if span := trace.SpanFromContext(ctx); span.SpanContext().IsValid() {
		statusContext = trace.ContextWithSpan(statusContext, span)

	s := opt.SharedSession

	if s == nil {
		if opt.SessionPreInitialized {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("no session provided for preinitialized option")
		s, err = session.NewSession(statusContext, defaultSessionName(), opt.SharedKey)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create session")

	cacheOpt, err := parseCacheOptions(ctx, runGateway != nil, opt)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var ex ExportEntry
	if len(opt.Exports) > 1 {
		return nil, errors.New("currently only single Exports can be specified")
	if len(opt.Exports) == 1 {
		ex = opt.Exports[0]

	indicesToUpdate := []string{}

	if !opt.SessionPreInitialized {
		if len(syncedDirs) > 0 {

		for _, a := range opt.Session {

		contentStores := map[string]content.Store{}
		for key, store := range cacheOpt.contentStores {
			contentStores[key] = store
		for key, store := range opt.OCIStores {
			key2 := "oci:" + key
			if _, ok := contentStores[key2]; ok {
				return nil, errors.Errorf("oci store key %q already exists", key)
			contentStores[key2] = store

		var supportFile bool
		var supportDir bool
		switch ex.Type {
		case ExporterLocal:
			supportDir = true
		case ExporterTar:
			supportFile = true
		case ExporterOCI, ExporterDocker:
			supportDir = ex.OutputDir != ""
			supportFile = ex.Output != nil

		if supportFile && supportDir {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("both file and directory output is not support by %s exporter", ex.Type)
		if !supportFile && ex.Output != nil {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("output file writer is not supported by %s exporter", ex.Type)
		if !supportDir && ex.OutputDir != "" {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("output directory is not supported by %s exporter", ex.Type)

		if supportFile {
			if ex.Output == nil {
				return nil, errors.Errorf("output file writer is required for %s exporter", ex.Type)
		if supportDir {
			if ex.OutputDir == "" {
				return nil, errors.Errorf("output directory is required for %s exporter", ex.Type)
			switch ex.Type {
			case ExporterOCI, ExporterDocker:
				if err := os.MkdirAll(ex.OutputDir, 0755); err != nil {
					return nil, err
				cs, err := contentlocal.NewStore(ex.OutputDir)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				contentStores["export"] = cs
				indicesToUpdate = append(indicesToUpdate, filepath.Join(ex.OutputDir, "index.json"))

		if len(contentStores) > 0 {

		eg.Go(func() error {
			sd := c.sessionDialer
			if sd == nil {
				sd = grpchijack.Dialer(c.controlClient())
			return s.Run(statusContext, sd)

	for k, v := range cacheOpt.frontendAttrs {
		if opt.FrontendAttrs == nil {
			opt.FrontendAttrs = map[string]string{}
		opt.FrontendAttrs[k] = v

	solveCtx, cancelSolve := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	var res *SolveResponse
	eg.Go(func() error {
		ctx := solveCtx
		defer cancelSolve()

		defer func() { // make sure the Status ends cleanly on build errors
			go func() {
				<-time.After(3 * time.Second)
			if !opt.SessionPreInitialized {
				bklog.G(ctx).Debugf("stopping session")
		var pbd *pb.Definition
		if def != nil {
			pbd = def.ToPB()

		frontendInputs := make(map[string]*pb.Definition)
		for key, st := range opt.FrontendInputs {
			def, err := st.Marshal(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			frontendInputs[key] = def.ToPB()

		resp, err := c.controlClient().Solve(ctx, &controlapi.SolveRequest{
			Ref:            ref,
			Definition:     pbd,
			Exporter:       ex.Type,
			ExporterAttrs:  ex.Attrs,
			Session:        s.ID(),
			Frontend:       opt.Frontend,
			FrontendAttrs:  opt.FrontendAttrs,
			FrontendInputs: frontendInputs,
			Cache:          cacheOpt.options,
			Entitlements:   opt.AllowedEntitlements,
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to solve")
		res = &SolveResponse{
			ExporterResponse: resp.ExporterResponse,
		return nil

	if runGateway != nil {
		eg.Go(func() error {
			err := runGateway(ref, s, opt.FrontendAttrs)
			if err == nil {
				return nil

			// If the callback failed then the main
			// `Solve` (called above) should error as
			// well. However as a fallback we wait up to
			// 5s for that to happen before failing this
			// goroutine.
			select {
			case <-solveCtx.Done():
			case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):

			return err

	eg.Go(func() error {
		stream, err := c.controlClient().Status(statusContext, &controlapi.StatusRequest{
			Ref: ref,
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get status")
		for {
			resp, err := stream.Recv()
			if err != nil {
				if err == io.EOF {
					return nil
				return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to receive status")
			s := SolveStatus{}
			for _, v := range resp.Vertexes {
				s.Vertexes = append(s.Vertexes, &Vertex{
					Digest:        v.Digest,
					Inputs:        v.Inputs,
					Name:          v.Name,
					Started:       v.Started,
					Completed:     v.Completed,
					Error:         v.Error,
					Cached:        v.Cached,
					ProgressGroup: v.ProgressGroup,
			for _, v := range resp.Statuses {
				s.Statuses = append(s.Statuses, &VertexStatus{
					ID:        v.ID,
					Vertex:    v.Vertex,
					Name:      v.Name,
					Total:     v.Total,
					Current:   v.Current,
					Timestamp: v.Timestamp,
					Started:   v.Started,
					Completed: v.Completed,
			for _, v := range resp.Logs {
				s.Logs = append(s.Logs, &VertexLog{
					Vertex:    v.Vertex,
					Stream:    int(v.Stream),
					Data:      v.Msg,
					Timestamp: v.Timestamp,
			for _, v := range resp.Warnings {
				s.Warnings = append(s.Warnings, &VertexWarning{
					Vertex:     v.Vertex,
					Level:      int(v.Level),
					Short:      v.Short,
					Detail:     v.Detail,
					URL:        v.Url,
					SourceInfo: v.Info,
					Range:      v.Ranges,
			if statusChan != nil {
				statusChan <- &s

	if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Update index.json of exported cache content store
	// FIXME(AkihiroSuda): dedupe const definition of cache/remotecache.ExporterResponseManifestDesc = "cache.manifest"
	if manifestDescJSON := res.ExporterResponse["cache.manifest"]; manifestDescJSON != "" {
		var manifestDesc ocispecs.Descriptor
		if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(manifestDescJSON), &manifestDesc); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for indexJSONPath, tag := range cacheOpt.indicesToUpdate {
			if err = ociindex.PutDescToIndexJSONFileLocked(indexJSONPath, manifestDesc, tag); err != nil {
				return nil, err
	if manifestDescDt := res.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageDescriptorKey]; manifestDescDt != "" {
		manifestDescDt, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(manifestDescDt)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		var manifestDesc ocispecs.Descriptor
		if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(manifestDescDt), &manifestDesc); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for _, indexJSONPath := range indicesToUpdate {
			tag := "latest"
			if t, ok := res.ExporterResponse[""]; ok {
				tag = t
			if err = ociindex.PutDescToIndexJSONFileLocked(indexJSONPath, manifestDesc, tag); err != nil {
				return nil, err
	return res, nil

func prepareSyncedDirs(def *llb.Definition, localDirs map[string]string) (filesync.StaticDirSource, error) {
	for _, d := range localDirs {
		fi, err := os.Stat(d)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "could not find %s", d)
		if !fi.IsDir() {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("%s not a directory", d)
	resetUIDAndGID := func(p string, st *fstypes.Stat) fsutil.MapResult {
		st.Uid = 0
		st.Gid = 0
		return fsutil.MapResultKeep

	dirs := make(filesync.StaticDirSource, len(localDirs))
	if def == nil {
		for name, d := range localDirs {
			dirs[name] = filesync.SyncedDir{Dir: d, Map: resetUIDAndGID}
	} else {
		for _, dt := range def.Def {
			var op pb.Op
			if err := (&op).Unmarshal(dt); err != nil {
				return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse llb proto op")
			if src := op.GetSource(); src != nil {
				if strings.HasPrefix(src.Identifier, "local://") {
					name := strings.TrimPrefix(src.Identifier, "local://")
					d, ok := localDirs[name]
					if !ok {
						return nil, errors.Errorf("local directory %s not enabled", name)
					dirs[name] = filesync.SyncedDir{Dir: d, Map: resetUIDAndGID}
	return dirs, nil

func defaultSessionName() string {
	wd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		return "unknown"
	return filepath.Base(wd)

type cacheOptions struct {
	options         controlapi.CacheOptions
	contentStores   map[string]content.Store // key: ID of content store ("local:" + csDir)
	indicesToUpdate map[string]string        // key: index.JSON file name, value: tag
	frontendAttrs   map[string]string

func parseCacheOptions(ctx context.Context, isGateway bool, opt SolveOpt) (*cacheOptions, error) {
	var (
		cacheExports []*controlapi.CacheOptionsEntry
		cacheImports []*controlapi.CacheOptionsEntry
	contentStores := make(map[string]content.Store)
	indicesToUpdate := make(map[string]string) // key: index.JSON file name, value: tag
	frontendAttrs := make(map[string]string)
	for _, ex := range opt.CacheExports {
		if ex.Type == "local" {
			csDir := ex.Attrs["dest"]
			if csDir == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("local cache exporter requires dest")
			if err := os.MkdirAll(csDir, 0755); err != nil {
				return nil, err
			cs, err := contentlocal.NewStore(csDir)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			contentStores["local:"+csDir] = cs

			tag := "latest"
			if t, ok := ex.Attrs["tag"]; ok {
				tag = t
			// TODO(AkihiroSuda): support custom index JSON path and tag
			indexJSONPath := filepath.Join(csDir, "index.json")
			indicesToUpdate[indexJSONPath] = tag
		if ex.Type == "registry" {
			regRef := ex.Attrs["ref"]
			if regRef == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("registry cache exporter requires ref")
		cacheExports = append(cacheExports, &controlapi.CacheOptionsEntry{
			Type:  ex.Type,
			Attrs: ex.Attrs,
	for _, im := range opt.CacheImports {
		if im.Type == "local" {
			csDir := im.Attrs["src"]
			if csDir == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("local cache importer requires src")
			cs, err := contentlocal.NewStore(csDir)
			if err != nil {
				bklog.G(ctx).Warning("local cache import at " + csDir + " not found due to err: " + err.Error())
			// if digest is not specified, load from "latest" tag
			if im.Attrs["digest"] == "" {
				idx, err := ociindex.ReadIndexJSONFileLocked(filepath.Join(csDir, "index.json"))
				if err != nil {
					bklog.G(ctx).Warning("local cache import at " + csDir + " not found due to err: " + err.Error())
				for _, m := range idx.Manifests {
					tag := "latest"
					if t, ok := im.Attrs["tag"]; ok {
						tag = t
					if m.Annotations[ocispecs.AnnotationRefName] == tag {
						im.Attrs["digest"] = string(m.Digest)
				if im.Attrs["digest"] == "" {
					return nil, errors.New("local cache importer requires either explicit digest, \"latest\" tag or custom tag on index.json")
			contentStores["local:"+csDir] = cs
		if im.Type == "registry" {
			regRef := im.Attrs["ref"]
			if regRef == "" {
				return nil, errors.New("registry cache importer requires ref")
		cacheImports = append(cacheImports, &controlapi.CacheOptionsEntry{
			Type:  im.Type,
			Attrs: im.Attrs,
	if opt.Frontend != "" || isGateway {
		if len(cacheImports) > 0 {
			s, err := json.Marshal(cacheImports)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			frontendAttrs["cache-imports"] = string(s)
	res := cacheOptions{
		options: controlapi.CacheOptions{
			Exports: cacheExports,
			Imports: cacheImports,
		contentStores:   contentStores,
		indicesToUpdate: indicesToUpdate,
		frontendAttrs:   frontendAttrs,
	return &res, nil