// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package otelhttp

import (


const (
	instrumentationName = "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp"

// config represents the configuration options available for the http.Handler
// and http.Transport types.
type config struct {
	Tracer            trace.Tracer
	Meter             metric.Meter
	Propagators       propagation.TextMapPropagator
	SpanStartOptions  []trace.SpanStartOption
	ReadEvent         bool
	WriteEvent        bool
	Filters           []Filter
	SpanNameFormatter func(string, *http.Request) string
	ClientTrace       func(context.Context) *httptrace.ClientTrace

	TracerProvider trace.TracerProvider
	MeterProvider  metric.MeterProvider

// Option interface used for setting optional config properties.
type Option interface {

type optionFunc func(*config)

func (o optionFunc) apply(c *config) {

// newConfig creates a new config struct and applies opts to it.
func newConfig(opts ...Option) *config {
	c := &config{
		Propagators:   otel.GetTextMapPropagator(),
		MeterProvider: global.GetMeterProvider(),
	for _, opt := range opts {

	// Tracer is only initialized if manually specified. Otherwise, can be passed with the tracing context.
	if c.TracerProvider != nil {
		c.Tracer = newTracer(c.TracerProvider)

	c.Meter = c.MeterProvider.Meter(

	return c

// WithTracerProvider specifies a tracer provider to use for creating a tracer.
// If none is specified, the global provider is used.
func WithTracerProvider(provider trace.TracerProvider) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(cfg *config) {
		if provider != nil {
			cfg.TracerProvider = provider

// WithMeterProvider specifies a meter provider to use for creating a meter.
// If none is specified, the global provider is used.
func WithMeterProvider(provider metric.MeterProvider) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(cfg *config) {
		if provider != nil {
			cfg.MeterProvider = provider

// WithPublicEndpoint configures the Handler to link the span with an incoming
// span context. If this option is not provided, then the association is a child
// association instead of a link.
func WithPublicEndpoint() Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		c.SpanStartOptions = append(c.SpanStartOptions, trace.WithNewRoot())

// WithPropagators configures specific propagators. If this
// option isn't specified, then the global TextMapPropagator is used.
func WithPropagators(ps propagation.TextMapPropagator) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		if ps != nil {
			c.Propagators = ps

// WithSpanOptions configures an additional set of
// trace.SpanOptions, which are applied to each new span.
func WithSpanOptions(opts ...trace.SpanStartOption) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		c.SpanStartOptions = append(c.SpanStartOptions, opts...)

// WithFilter adds a filter to the list of filters used by the handler.
// If any filter indicates to exclude a request then the request will not be
// traced. All filters must allow a request to be traced for a Span to be created.
// If no filters are provided then all requests are traced.
// Filters will be invoked for each processed request, it is advised to make them
// simple and fast.
func WithFilter(f Filter) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		c.Filters = append(c.Filters, f)

type event int

// Different types of events that can be recorded, see WithMessageEvents
const (
	ReadEvents event = iota

// WithMessageEvents configures the Handler to record the specified events
// (span.AddEvent) on spans. By default only summary attributes are added at the
// end of the request.
// Valid events are:
//     * ReadEvents: Record the number of bytes read after every http.Request.Body.Read
//       using the ReadBytesKey
//     * WriteEvents: Record the number of bytes written after every http.ResponeWriter.Write
//       using the WriteBytesKey
func WithMessageEvents(events ...event) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		for _, e := range events {
			switch e {
			case ReadEvents:
				c.ReadEvent = true
			case WriteEvents:
				c.WriteEvent = true

// WithSpanNameFormatter takes a function that will be called on every
// request and the returned string will become the Span Name
func WithSpanNameFormatter(f func(operation string, r *http.Request) string) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		c.SpanNameFormatter = f

// WithClientTrace takes a function that returns client trace instance that will be
// applied to the requests sent through the otelhttp Transport.
func WithClientTrace(f func(context.Context) *httptrace.ClientTrace) Option {
	return optionFunc(func(c *config) {
		c.ClientTrace = f