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package transport

import (

	utilnet "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net"

// TlsTransportCache caches TLS http.RoundTrippers different configurations. The
// same RoundTripper will be returned for configs with identical TLS options If
// the config has no custom TLS options, http.DefaultTransport is returned.
type tlsTransportCache struct {
	mu         sync.Mutex
	transports map[tlsCacheKey]*http.Transport

// DialerStopCh is stop channel that is passed down to dynamic cert dialer.
// It's exposed as variable for testing purposes to avoid testing for goroutine
// leakages.
var DialerStopCh = wait.NeverStop

const idleConnsPerHost = 25

var tlsCache = &tlsTransportCache{transports: make(map[tlsCacheKey]*http.Transport)}

type tlsCacheKey struct {
	insecure           bool
	caData             string
	certData           string
	keyData            string `datapolicy:"security-key"`
	certFile           string
	keyFile            string
	serverName         string
	nextProtos         string
	disableCompression bool
	// these functions are wrapped to allow them to be used as map keys
	getCert *GetCertHolder
	dial    *DialHolder

func (t tlsCacheKey) String() string {
	keyText := "<none>"
	if len(t.keyData) > 0 {
		keyText = "<redacted>"
	return fmt.Sprintf("insecure:%v, caData:%#v, certData:%#v, keyData:%s, serverName:%s, disableCompression:%t, getCert:%p, dial:%p",
		t.insecure, t.caData, t.certData, keyText, t.serverName, t.disableCompression, t.getCert, t.dial)

func (c *tlsTransportCache) get(config *Config) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
	key, canCache, err := tlsConfigKey(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if canCache {
		// Ensure we only create a single transport for the given TLS options
		defer c.mu.Unlock()

		// See if we already have a custom transport for this config
		if t, ok := c.transports[key]; ok {
			return t, nil

	// Get the TLS options for this client config
	tlsConfig, err := TLSConfigFor(config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// The options didn't require a custom TLS config
	if tlsConfig == nil && config.Dial == nil && config.Proxy == nil {
		return http.DefaultTransport, nil

	var dial func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error)
	if config.Dial != nil {
		dial = config.Dial
	} else {
		dial = (&net.Dialer{
			Timeout:   30 * time.Second,
			KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,

	// If we use are reloading files, we need to handle certificate rotation properly
	// TODO(jackkleeman): We can also add rotation here when config.HasCertCallback() is true
	if config.TLS.ReloadTLSFiles {
		dynamicCertDialer := certRotatingDialer(tlsConfig.GetClientCertificate, dial)
		tlsConfig.GetClientCertificate = dynamicCertDialer.GetClientCertificate
		dial = dynamicCertDialer.connDialer.DialContext
		go dynamicCertDialer.Run(DialerStopCh)

	proxy := http.ProxyFromEnvironment
	if config.Proxy != nil {
		proxy = config.Proxy

	transport := utilnet.SetTransportDefaults(&http.Transport{
		Proxy:               proxy,
		TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
		TLSClientConfig:     tlsConfig,
		MaxIdleConnsPerHost: idleConnsPerHost,
		DialContext:         dial,
		DisableCompression:  config.DisableCompression,

	if canCache {
		// Cache a single transport for these options
		c.transports[key] = transport

	return transport, nil

// tlsConfigKey returns a unique key for tls.Config objects returned from TLSConfigFor
func tlsConfigKey(c *Config) (tlsCacheKey, bool, error) {
	// Make sure ca/key/cert content is loaded
	if err := loadTLSFiles(c); err != nil {
		return tlsCacheKey{}, false, err

	if c.Proxy != nil {
		// cannot determine equality for functions
		return tlsCacheKey{}, false, nil
	if c.Dial != nil && c.DialHolder == nil {
		// cannot determine equality for dial function that doesn't have non-nil DialHolder set as well
		return tlsCacheKey{}, false, nil
	if c.TLS.GetCert != nil && c.TLS.GetCertHolder == nil {
		// cannot determine equality for getCert function that doesn't have non-nil GetCertHolder set as well
		return tlsCacheKey{}, false, nil

	k := tlsCacheKey{
		insecure:           c.TLS.Insecure,
		caData:             string(c.TLS.CAData),
		serverName:         c.TLS.ServerName,
		nextProtos:         strings.Join(c.TLS.NextProtos, ","),
		disableCompression: c.DisableCompression,
		getCert:            c.TLS.GetCertHolder,
		dial:               c.DialHolder,

	if c.TLS.ReloadTLSFiles {
		k.certFile = c.TLS.CertFile
		k.keyFile = c.TLS.KeyFile
	} else {
		k.certData = string(c.TLS.CertData)
		k.keyData = string(c.TLS.KeyData)

	return k, true, nil