package dotenv

import (

const (
	charComment       = '#'
	prefixSingleQuote = '\''
	prefixDoubleQuote = '"'

var (
	escapeSeqRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(\\(?:[abcfnrtv$"\\]|0\d{0,3}))`)
	exportRegex    = regexp.MustCompile(`^export\s+`)

type parser struct {
	line int

func newParser() *parser {
	return &parser{
		line: 1,

func (p *parser) parse(src string, out map[string]string, lookupFn LookupFn) error {
	cutset := src
	if lookupFn == nil {
		lookupFn = noLookupFn
	for {
		cutset = p.getStatementStart(cutset)
		if cutset == "" {
			// reached end of file

		key, left, inherited, err := p.locateKeyName(cutset)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if strings.Contains(key, " ") {
			return fmt.Errorf("line %d: key cannot contain a space", p.line)

		if inherited {
			value, ok := lookupFn(key)
			if ok {
				out[key] = value
			cutset = left

		value, left, err := p.extractVarValue(left, out, lookupFn)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		out[key] = value
		cutset = left

	return nil

// getStatementPosition returns position of statement begin.
// It skips any comment line or non-whitespace character.
func (p *parser) getStatementStart(src string) string {
	pos := p.indexOfNonSpaceChar(src)
	if pos == -1 {
		return ""

	src = src[pos:]
	if src[0] != charComment {
		return src

	// skip comment section
	pos = strings.IndexFunc(src, isCharFunc('\n'))
	if pos == -1 {
		return ""
	return p.getStatementStart(src[pos:])

// locateKeyName locates and parses key name and returns rest of slice
func (p *parser) locateKeyName(src string) (string, string, bool, error) {
	var key string
	var inherited bool
	// trim "export" and space at beginning
	src = strings.TrimLeftFunc(exportRegex.ReplaceAllString(src, ""), isSpace)

	// locate key name end and validate it in single loop
	offset := 0
	for i, rune := range src {
		if isSpace(rune) {

		switch rune {
		case '=', ':', '\n':
			// library also supports yaml-style value declaration
			key = string(src[0:i])
			offset = i + 1
			inherited = rune == '\n'
			break loop
		case '_', '.', '-', '[', ']':
			// variable name should match [A-Za-z0-9_.-]
			if unicode.IsLetter(rune) || unicode.IsNumber(rune) {

			return "", "", inherited, fmt.Errorf(
				`line %d: unexpected character %q in variable name %q`,
				p.line, string(rune), strings.Split(src, "\n")[0])

	if src == "" {
		return "", "", inherited, errors.New("zero length string")

	// trim whitespace
	key = strings.TrimRightFunc(key, unicode.IsSpace)
	cutset := strings.TrimLeftFunc(src[offset:], isSpace)
	return key, cutset, inherited, nil

// extractVarValue extracts variable value and returns rest of slice
func (p *parser) extractVarValue(src string, envMap map[string]string, lookupFn LookupFn) (string, string, error) {
	quote, isQuoted := hasQuotePrefix(src)
	if !isQuoted {
		// unquoted value - read until new line
		value, rest, _ := strings.Cut(src, "\n")

		// Remove inline comments on unquoted lines
		value, _, _ = strings.Cut(value, " #")
		value = strings.TrimRightFunc(value, unicode.IsSpace)
		retVal, err := expandVariables(string(value), envMap, lookupFn)
		return retVal, rest, err

	previousCharIsEscape := false
	// lookup quoted string terminator
	for i := 1; i < len(src); i++ {
		if src[i] == '\n' {
		if char := src[i]; char != quote {
			if !previousCharIsEscape && char == '\\' {
				previousCharIsEscape = true
			} else {
				previousCharIsEscape = false

		// skip escaped quote symbol (\" or \', depends on quote)
		if previousCharIsEscape {
			previousCharIsEscape = false

		// trim quotes
		value := string(src[1:i])
		if quote == prefixDoubleQuote {
			// expand standard shell escape sequences & then interpolate
			// variables on the result
			retVal, err := expandVariables(expandEscapes(value), envMap, lookupFn)
			if err != nil {
				return "", "", err
			value = retVal

		return value, src[i+1:], nil

	// return formatted error if quoted string is not terminated
	valEndIndex := strings.IndexFunc(src, isCharFunc('\n'))
	if valEndIndex == -1 {
		valEndIndex = len(src)

	return "", "", fmt.Errorf("line %d: unterminated quoted value %s", p.line, src[:valEndIndex])

func expandEscapes(str string) string {
	out := escapeSeqRegex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(str, func(match string) string {
		if match == `\$` {
			// `\$` is not a Go escape sequence, the expansion parser uses
			// the special `$$` syntax
			// both `FOO=\$bar` and `FOO=$$bar` are valid in an env file and
			// will result in FOO w/ literal value of "$bar" (no interpolation)
			return "$$"

		if strings.HasPrefix(match, `\0`) {
			// octal escape sequences in Go are not prefixed with `\0`, so
			// rewrite the prefix, e.g. `\0123` -> `\123` -> literal value "S"
			match = strings.Replace(match, `\0`, `\`, 1)

		// use Go to unquote (unescape) the literal
		// see
		// NOTE: Go supports ADDITIONAL escapes like `\x` & `\u` & `\U`!
		// These are NOT supported, which is why we use a regex to find
		// only matches we support and then use `UnquoteChar` instead of a
		// `Unquote` on the entire value
		v, _, _, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(match, '"')
		if err != nil {
			return match
		return string(v)
	return out

func (p *parser) indexOfNonSpaceChar(src string) int {
	return strings.IndexFunc(src, func(r rune) bool {
		if r == '\n' {
		return !unicode.IsSpace(r)

// hasQuotePrefix reports whether charset starts with single or double quote and returns quote character
func hasQuotePrefix(src string) (byte, bool) {
	if src == "" {
		return 0, false

	switch quote := src[0]; quote {
	case prefixDoubleQuote, prefixSingleQuote:
		return quote, true // isQuoted
		return 0, false

func isCharFunc(char rune) func(rune) bool {
	return func(v rune) bool {
		return v == char

// isSpace reports whether the rune is a space character but not line break character
// this differs from unicode.IsSpace, which also applies line break as space
func isSpace(r rune) bool {
	switch r {
	case '\t', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', 0x85, 0xA0:
		return true
	return false