package llb

import (
	_ "crypto/sha256" // for opencontainers/go-digest

	digest ""

// Examples:
// local := llb.Local(...)
// llb.Image().Dir("/abc").File(Mkdir("./foo").Mkfile("/abc/foo/bar", []byte("data")))
// llb.Image().File(Mkdir("/foo").Mkfile("/foo/bar", []byte("data")))
// llb.Image().File(Copy(local, "/foo", "/bar")).File(Copy(local, "/foo2", "/bar2"))
// a := Mkdir("./foo")  // *FileAction /ced/foo
// b := Mkdir("./bar") // /abc/bar
// c := b.Copy(a.WithState(llb.Scratch().Dir("/ced")), "./foo", "./baz") // /abc/baz
// llb.Image().Dir("/abc").File(c)
// In future this can be extended to multiple outputs with:
// a := Mkdir("./foo")
// b, id := a.GetSelector()
// c := b.Mkdir("./bar")
// filestate = state.File(c)
// filestate.GetOutput(id).Exec()

func NewFileOp(s State, action *FileAction, c Constraints) *FileOp {
	action = action.bind(s)

	f := &FileOp{
		action:      action,
		constraints: c,

	f.output = &output{vertex: f, getIndex: func() (pb.OutputIndex, error) {
		return pb.OutputIndex(0), nil

	return f

// CopyInput is either llb.State or *FileActionWithState
type CopyInput interface {

type subAction interface {
	toProtoAction(context.Context, string, pb.InputIndex) (pb.IsFileAction, error)

type capAdder interface {

type FileAction struct {
	state  *State
	prev   *FileAction
	action subAction
	err    error

func (fa *FileAction) Mkdir(p string, m os.FileMode, opt ...MkdirOption) *FileAction {
	a := Mkdir(p, m, opt...)
	a.prev = fa
	return a

func (fa *FileAction) Mkfile(p string, m os.FileMode, dt []byte, opt ...MkfileOption) *FileAction {
	a := Mkfile(p, m, dt, opt...)
	a.prev = fa
	return a

func (fa *FileAction) Rm(p string, opt ...RmOption) *FileAction {
	a := Rm(p, opt...)
	a.prev = fa
	return a

func (fa *FileAction) Copy(input CopyInput, src, dest string, opt ...CopyOption) *FileAction {
	a := Copy(input, src, dest, opt...)
	a.prev = fa
	return a

func (fa *FileAction) allOutputs(m map[Output]struct{}) {
	if fa == nil {
	if fa.state != nil && fa.state.Output() != nil {
		m[fa.state.Output()] = struct{}{}

	if a, ok := fa.action.(*fileActionCopy); ok {
		if a.state != nil {
			if out := a.state.Output(); out != nil {
				m[out] = struct{}{}
		} else if a.fas != nil {

func (fa *FileAction) bind(s State) *FileAction {
	if fa == nil {
		return nil
	fa2 := *fa
	fa2.prev = fa.prev.bind(s)
	fa2.state = &s
	return &fa2

func (fa *FileAction) WithState(s State) CopyInput {
	return &fileActionWithState{FileAction: fa.bind(s)}

type fileActionWithState struct {

func (fas *fileActionWithState) isFileOpCopyInput() {}

func Mkdir(p string, m os.FileMode, opt ...MkdirOption) *FileAction {
	var mi MkdirInfo
	for _, o := range opt {
	return &FileAction{
		action: &fileActionMkdir{
			file: p,
			mode: m,
			info: mi,

type fileActionMkdir struct {
	file string
	mode os.FileMode
	info MkdirInfo

func (a *fileActionMkdir) toProtoAction(ctx context.Context, parent string, base pb.InputIndex) (pb.IsFileAction, error) {
	return &pb.FileAction_Mkdir{
		Mkdir: &pb.FileActionMkDir{
			Path:        normalizePath(parent, a.file, false),
			Mode:        int32(a.mode & 0777),
			Timestamp:   marshalTime(,
	}, nil

type MkdirOption interface {

type ChownOption interface {

type mkdirOptionFunc func(*MkdirInfo)

func (fn mkdirOptionFunc) SetMkdirOption(mi *MkdirInfo) {

var _ MkdirOption = &MkdirInfo{}

func WithParents(b bool) MkdirOption {
	return mkdirOptionFunc(func(mi *MkdirInfo) {
		mi.MakeParents = b

type MkdirInfo struct {
	MakeParents bool
	ChownOpt    *ChownOpt
	CreatedTime *time.Time

func (mi *MkdirInfo) SetMkdirOption(mi2 *MkdirInfo) {
	*mi2 = *mi

func WithUser(name string) ChownOption {
	opt := ChownOpt{}

	parts := strings.SplitN(name, ":", 2)
	for i, v := range parts {
		switch i {
		case 0:
			uid, err := parseUID(v)
			if err != nil {
				opt.User = &UserOpt{Name: v}
			} else {
				opt.User = &UserOpt{UID: uid}
		case 1:
			gid, err := parseUID(v)
			if err != nil {
				opt.Group = &UserOpt{Name: v}
			} else {
				opt.Group = &UserOpt{UID: gid}

	return opt

func parseUID(str string) (int, error) {
	if str == "root" {
		return 0, nil
	uid, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return int(uid), nil

func WithUIDGID(uid, gid int) ChownOption {
	return ChownOpt{
		User:  &UserOpt{UID: uid},
		Group: &UserOpt{UID: gid},

type ChownOpt struct {
	User  *UserOpt
	Group *UserOpt

func (co ChownOpt) SetMkdirOption(mi *MkdirInfo) {
	mi.ChownOpt = &co
func (co ChownOpt) SetMkfileOption(mi *MkfileInfo) {
	mi.ChownOpt = &co
func (co ChownOpt) SetCopyOption(mi *CopyInfo) {
	mi.ChownOpt = &co

func (co *ChownOpt) marshal(base pb.InputIndex) *pb.ChownOpt {
	if co == nil {
		return nil
	return &pb.ChownOpt{
		User:  co.User.marshal(base),
		Group: co.Group.marshal(base),

type UserOpt struct {
	UID  int
	Name string

func (up *UserOpt) marshal(base pb.InputIndex) *pb.UserOpt {
	if up == nil {
		return nil
	if up.Name != "" {
		return &pb.UserOpt{User: &pb.UserOpt_ByName{ByName: &pb.NamedUserOpt{
			Name: up.Name, Input: base}}}
	return &pb.UserOpt{User: &pb.UserOpt_ByID{ByID: uint32(up.UID)}}

func Mkfile(p string, m os.FileMode, dt []byte, opts ...MkfileOption) *FileAction {
	var mi MkfileInfo
	for _, o := range opts {

	return &FileAction{
		action: &fileActionMkfile{
			file: p,
			mode: m,
			dt:   dt,
			info: mi,

type MkfileOption interface {

type MkfileInfo struct {
	ChownOpt    *ChownOpt
	CreatedTime *time.Time

func (mi *MkfileInfo) SetMkfileOption(mi2 *MkfileInfo) {
	*mi2 = *mi

var _ MkfileOption = &MkfileInfo{}

type fileActionMkfile struct {
	file string
	mode os.FileMode
	dt   []byte
	info MkfileInfo

func (a *fileActionMkfile) toProtoAction(ctx context.Context, parent string, base pb.InputIndex) (pb.IsFileAction, error) {
	return &pb.FileAction_Mkfile{
		Mkfile: &pb.FileActionMkFile{
			Path:      normalizePath(parent, a.file, false),
			Mode:      int32(a.mode & 0777),
			Data:      a.dt,
			Timestamp: marshalTime(,
	}, nil

func Rm(p string, opts ...RmOption) *FileAction {
	var mi RmInfo
	for _, o := range opts {

	return &FileAction{
		action: &fileActionRm{
			file: p,
			info: mi,

type RmOption interface {

type rmOptionFunc func(*RmInfo)

func (fn rmOptionFunc) SetRmOption(mi *RmInfo) {

type RmInfo struct {
	AllowNotFound bool
	AllowWildcard bool

func (mi *RmInfo) SetRmOption(mi2 *RmInfo) {
	*mi2 = *mi

var _ RmOption = &RmInfo{}

func WithAllowNotFound(b bool) RmOption {
	return rmOptionFunc(func(mi *RmInfo) {
		mi.AllowNotFound = b

func WithAllowWildcard(b bool) RmOption {
	return rmOptionFunc(func(mi *RmInfo) {
		mi.AllowWildcard = b

type fileActionRm struct {
	file string
	info RmInfo

func (a *fileActionRm) toProtoAction(ctx context.Context, parent string, base pb.InputIndex) (pb.IsFileAction, error) {
	return &pb.FileAction_Rm{
		Rm: &pb.FileActionRm{
			Path:          normalizePath(parent, a.file, false),
	}, nil

func Copy(input CopyInput, src, dest string, opts ...CopyOption) *FileAction {
	var state *State
	var fas *fileActionWithState
	var err error
	if st, ok := input.(State); ok {
		state = &st
	} else if v, ok := input.(*fileActionWithState); ok {
		fas = v
	} else {
		err = errors.Errorf("invalid input type %T for copy", input)

	var mi CopyInfo
	for _, o := range opts {

	return &FileAction{
		action: &fileActionCopy{
			state: state,
			fas:   fas,
			src:   src,
			dest:  dest,
			info:  mi,
		err: err,

type CopyOption interface {

type CopyInfo struct {
	Mode                *os.FileMode
	FollowSymlinks      bool
	CopyDirContentsOnly bool
	IncludePatterns     []string
	ExcludePatterns     []string
	AttemptUnpack       bool
	CreateDestPath      bool
	AllowWildcard       bool
	AllowEmptyWildcard  bool
	ChownOpt            *ChownOpt
	CreatedTime         *time.Time

func (mi *CopyInfo) SetCopyOption(mi2 *CopyInfo) {
	*mi2 = *mi

var _ CopyOption = &CopyInfo{}

type fileActionCopy struct {
	state *State
	fas   *fileActionWithState
	src   string
	dest  string
	info  CopyInfo

func (a *fileActionCopy) toProtoAction(ctx context.Context, parent string, base pb.InputIndex) (pb.IsFileAction, error) {
	src, err := a.sourcePath(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c := &pb.FileActionCopy{
		Src:                              src,
		Dest:                             normalizePath(parent, a.dest, true),
		Owner:                  ,
		IncludePatterns:        ,
		ExcludePatterns:        ,
		AllowWildcard:          ,
		AllowEmptyWildcard:     ,
		FollowSymlink:          ,
		DirCopyContents:        ,
		CreateDestPath:         ,
		Timestamp:                        marshalTime(,
	if != nil {
		c.Mode = int32(*
	} else {
		c.Mode = -1
	return &pb.FileAction_Copy{
		Copy: c,
	}, nil

func (a *fileActionCopy) sourcePath(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
	p := path.Clean(a.src)
	if !path.IsAbs(p) {
		if a.state != nil {
			dir, err := a.state.GetDir(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return "", err
			p = path.Join("/", dir, p)
		} else if a.fas != nil {
			dir, err := a.fas.state.GetDir(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return "", err
			p = path.Join("/", dir, p)
	return p, nil

func (a *fileActionCopy) addCaps(f *FileOp) {
	if len( != 0 || len( != 0 {
		addCap(&f.constraints, pb.CapFileCopyIncludeExcludePatterns)

type CreatedTime time.Time

func WithCreatedTime(t time.Time) CreatedTime {
	return CreatedTime(t)

func (c CreatedTime) SetMkdirOption(mi *MkdirInfo) {
	mi.CreatedTime = (*time.Time)(&c)

func (c CreatedTime) SetMkfileOption(mi *MkfileInfo) {
	mi.CreatedTime = (*time.Time)(&c)

func (c CreatedTime) SetCopyOption(mi *CopyInfo) {
	mi.CreatedTime = (*time.Time)(&c)

func marshalTime(t *time.Time) int64 {
	if t == nil {
		return -1
	return t.UnixNano()

type FileOp struct {
	action *FileAction
	output Output

	constraints Constraints
	isValidated bool

func (f *FileOp) Validate(context.Context, *Constraints) error {
	if f.isValidated {
		return nil
	if f.action == nil {
		return errors.Errorf("action is required")
	f.isValidated = true
	return nil

type marshalState struct {
	ctx     context.Context
	visited map[*FileAction]*fileActionState
	inputs  []*pb.Input
	actions []*fileActionState

func newMarshalState(ctx context.Context) *marshalState {
	return &marshalState{
		visited: map[*FileAction]*fileActionState{},
		ctx:     ctx,

type fileActionState struct {
	base           pb.InputIndex
	input          pb.InputIndex
	inputRelative  *int
	input2         pb.InputIndex
	input2Relative *int
	target         int
	action         subAction
	fa             *FileAction

func (ms *marshalState) addInput(st *fileActionState, c *Constraints, o Output) (pb.InputIndex, error) {
	inp, err := o.ToInput(ms.ctx, c)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	for i, inp2 := range ms.inputs {
		if *inp == *inp2 {
			return pb.InputIndex(i), nil
	i := pb.InputIndex(len(ms.inputs))
	ms.inputs = append(ms.inputs, inp)
	return i, nil

func (ms *marshalState) add(fa *FileAction, c *Constraints) (*fileActionState, error) {
	if st, ok := ms.visited[fa]; ok {
		return st, nil

	if fa.err != nil {
		return nil, fa.err

	var prevState *fileActionState
	if parent := fa.prev; parent != nil {
		var err error
		prevState, err = ms.add(parent, c)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	st := &fileActionState{
		action: fa.action,
		input:  -1,
		input2: -1,
		base:   -1,
		fa:     fa,

	if source := fa.state.Output(); source != nil {
		inp, err := ms.addInput(st, c, source)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		st.base = inp

	if fa.prev == nil {
		st.input = st.base
	} else {
		st.inputRelative = &

	if a, ok := fa.action.(*fileActionCopy); ok {
		if a.state != nil {
			if out := a.state.Output(); out != nil {
				inp, err := ms.addInput(st, c, out)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				st.input2 = inp
		} else if a.fas != nil {
			src, err := ms.add(a.fas.FileAction, c)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			st.input2Relative = &
		} else {
			return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid empty source for copy")
	} = len(ms.actions)

	ms.visited[fa] = st
	ms.actions = append(ms.actions, st)

	return st, nil

func (f *FileOp) Marshal(ctx context.Context, c *Constraints) (digest.Digest, []byte, *pb.OpMetadata, []*SourceLocation, error) {
	if f.Cached(c) {
		return f.Load()
	if err := f.Validate(ctx, c); err != nil {
		return "", nil, nil, nil, err

	addCap(&f.constraints, pb.CapFileBase)

	pfo := &pb.FileOp{}

	if f.constraints.Platform == nil {
		p, err := getPlatform(*f.action.state)(ctx, c)
		if err != nil {
			return "", nil, nil, nil, err
		f.constraints.Platform = p

	pop, md := MarshalConstraints(c, &f.constraints)
	pop.Op = &pb.Op_File{
		File: pfo,

	state := newMarshalState(ctx)
	_, err := state.add(f.action, c)
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil, nil, nil, err
	pop.Inputs = state.inputs

	for i, st := range state.actions {
		if adder, isCapAdder := st.action.(capAdder); isCapAdder {

		output := pb.OutputIndex(-1)
		if i+1 == len(state.actions) {
			output = 0

		var parent string
		if st.fa.state != nil {
			parent, err = st.fa.state.GetDir(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return "", nil, nil, nil, err

		action, err := st.action.toProtoAction(ctx, parent, st.base)
		if err != nil {
			return "", nil, nil, nil, err

		pfo.Actions = append(pfo.Actions, &pb.FileAction{
			Input:          getIndex(st.input, len(state.inputs), st.inputRelative),
			SecondaryInput: getIndex(st.input2, len(state.inputs), st.input2Relative),
			Output:         output,
			Action:         action,

	dt, err := pop.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil, nil, nil, err
	f.Store(dt, md, f.constraints.SourceLocations, c)
	return f.Load()

func normalizePath(parent, p string, keepSlash bool) string {
	origPath := p
	p = path.Clean(p)
	if !path.IsAbs(p) {
		p = path.Join("/", parent, p)
	if keepSlash {
		if strings.HasSuffix(origPath, "/") && !strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
			p += "/"
		} else if strings.HasSuffix(origPath, "/.") {
			if p != "/" {
				p += "/"
			p += "."
	return p

func (f *FileOp) Output() Output {
	return f.output

func (f *FileOp) Inputs() (inputs []Output) {
	mm := map[Output]struct{}{}


	for o := range mm {
		inputs = append(inputs, o)
	return inputs

func getIndex(input pb.InputIndex, len int, relative *int) pb.InputIndex {
	if relative != nil {
		return pb.InputIndex(len + *relative)
	return input