package config

import (


// CredentialsSourceName provides a name of the provider when config is
// loaded from environment.
const CredentialsSourceName = "EnvConfigCredentials"

// Environment variables that will be read for configuration values.
const (
	awsAccessKeyIDEnvVar = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
	awsAccessKeyEnvVar   = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY"

	awsSecretAccessKeyEnvVar = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
	awsSecretKeyEnvVar       = "AWS_SECRET_KEY"

	awsSessionTokenEnvVar = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"

	awsContainerCredentialsEndpointEnvVar     = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI"
	awsContainerCredentialsRelativePathEnvVar = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI"
	awsContainerPProviderAuthorizationEnvVar  = "AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN"

	awsRegionEnvVar        = "AWS_REGION"
	awsDefaultRegionEnvVar = "AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"

	awsProfileEnvVar        = "AWS_PROFILE"
	awsDefaultProfileEnvVar = "AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE"

	awsSharedCredentialsFileEnvVar = "AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"

	awsConfigFileEnvVar = "AWS_CONFIG_FILE"

	awsCustomCABundleEnvVar = "AWS_CA_BUNDLE"

	awsWebIdentityTokenFilePathEnvVar = "AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE"

	awsRoleARNEnvVar         = "AWS_ROLE_ARN"
	awsRoleSessionNameEnvVar = "AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME"

	awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnvVar = "AWS_ENABLE_ENDPOINT_DISCOVERY"

	awsS3UseARNRegionEnvVar = "AWS_S3_USE_ARN_REGION"

	awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE"

	awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnvVar = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT"

	awsEc2MetadataDisabled = "AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED"

	awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointEnvVar = "AWS_S3_DISABLE_MULTIREGION_ACCESS_POINTS"

	awsUseDualStackEndpoint = "AWS_USE_DUALSTACK_ENDPOINT"


	awsDefaultMode = "AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE"

	awsRetryMaxAttempts = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS"
	awsRetryMode        = "AWS_RETRY_MODE"

var (
	credAccessEnvKeys = []string{
	credSecretEnvKeys = []string{
	regionEnvKeys = []string{
	profileEnvKeys = []string{

// EnvConfig is a collection of environment values the SDK will read
// setup config from. All environment values are optional. But some values
// such as credentials require multiple values to be complete or the values
// will be ignored.
type EnvConfig struct {
	// Environment configuration values. If set both Access Key ID and Secret Access
	// Key must be provided. Session Token and optionally also be provided, but is
	// not required.
	//	# Access Key ID
	//	AWS_ACCESS_KEY=AKID # only read if AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is not set.
	//	# Secret Access Key
	//	AWS_SECRET_KEY=SECRET # only read if AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is not set.
	//	# Session Token
	Credentials aws.Credentials

	// ContainerCredentialsEndpoint value is the HTTP enabled endpoint to retrieve credentials
	// using the endpointcreds.Provider
	ContainerCredentialsEndpoint string

	// ContainerCredentialsRelativePath is the relative URI path that will be used when attempting to retrieve
	// credentials from the container endpoint.
	ContainerCredentialsRelativePath string

	// ContainerAuthorizationToken is the authorization token that will be included in the HTTP Authorization
	// header when attempting to retrieve credentials from the container credentials endpoint.
	ContainerAuthorizationToken string

	// Region value will instruct the SDK where to make service API requests to. If is
	// not provided in the environment the region must be provided before a service
	// client request is made.
	//	AWS_REGION=us-west-2
	//	AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
	Region string

	// Profile name the SDK should load use when loading shared configuration from the
	// shared configuration files. If not provided "default" will be used as the
	// profile name.
	//	AWS_PROFILE=my_profile
	//	AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=my_profile
	SharedConfigProfile string

	// Shared credentials file path can be set to instruct the SDK to use an alternate
	// file for the shared credentials. If not set the file will be loaded from
	// $HOME/.aws/credentials on Linux/Unix based systems, and
	// %USERPROFILE%\.aws\credentials on Windows.
	//	AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=$HOME/my_shared_credentials
	SharedCredentialsFile string

	// Shared config file path can be set to instruct the SDK to use an alternate
	// file for the shared config. If not set the file will be loaded from
	// $HOME/.aws/config on Linux/Unix based systems, and
	// %USERPROFILE%\.aws\config on Windows.
	//	AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$HOME/my_shared_config
	SharedConfigFile string

	// Sets the path to a custom Credentials Authority (CA) Bundle PEM file
	// that the SDK will use instead of the system's root CA bundle.
	// Only use this if you want to configure the SDK to use a custom set
	// of CAs.
	// Enabling this option will attempt to merge the Transport
	// into the SDK's HTTP client. If the client's Transport is
	// not a http.Transport an error will be returned. If the
	// Transport's TLS config is set this option will cause the
	// SDK to overwrite the Transport's TLS config's  RootCAs value.
	// Setting a custom HTTPClient in the aws.Config options will override this setting.
	// To use this option and custom HTTP client, the HTTP client needs to be provided
	// when creating the config. Not the service client.
	//  AWS_CA_BUNDLE=$HOME/my_custom_ca_bundle
	CustomCABundle string

	// Enables endpoint discovery via environment variables.
	EnableEndpointDiscovery aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState

	// Specifies the WebIdentity token the SDK should use to assume a role
	// with.
	WebIdentityTokenFilePath string

	// Specifies the IAM role arn to use when assuming an role.
	//  AWS_ROLE_ARN=role_arn
	RoleARN string

	// Specifies the IAM role session name to use when assuming a role.
	//  AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME=session_name
	RoleSessionName string

	// Specifies if the S3 service should allow ARNs to direct the region
	// the client's requests are sent to.
	S3UseARNRegion *bool

	// Specifies if the EC2 IMDS service client is enabled.
	EC2IMDSClientEnableState imds.ClientEnableState

	// Specifies the EC2 Instance Metadata Service default endpoint selection mode (IPv4 or IPv6)
	EC2IMDSEndpointMode imds.EndpointModeState

	// Specifies the EC2 Instance Metadata Service endpoint to use. If specified it overrides EC2IMDSEndpointMode.
	// AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT=http://fd00:ec2::254
	EC2IMDSEndpoint string

	// Specifies if the S3 service should disable multi-region access points
	// support.
	S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints *bool

	// Specifies that SDK clients must resolve a dual-stack endpoint for
	// services.
	UseDualStackEndpoint aws.DualStackEndpointState

	// Specifies that SDK clients must resolve a FIPS endpoint for
	// services.
	UseFIPSEndpoint aws.FIPSEndpointState

	// Specifies the SDK Defaults Mode used by services.
	// AWS_DEFAULTS_MODE=standard
	DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode

	// Specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call an
	// operation that fails with a retryable error.
	RetryMaxAttempts int

	// Specifies the retry model the API client will be created with.
	// aws_retry_mode=standard
	RetryMode aws.RetryMode

// loadEnvConfig reads configuration values from the OS's environment variables.
// Returning the a Config typed EnvConfig to satisfy the ConfigLoader func type.
func loadEnvConfig(ctx context.Context, cfgs configs) (Config, error) {
	return NewEnvConfig()

// NewEnvConfig retrieves the SDK's environment configuration.
// See `EnvConfig` for the values that will be retrieved.
func NewEnvConfig() (EnvConfig, error) {
	var cfg EnvConfig

	creds := aws.Credentials{
		Source: CredentialsSourceName,
	setStringFromEnvVal(&creds.AccessKeyID, credAccessEnvKeys)
	setStringFromEnvVal(&creds.SecretAccessKey, credSecretEnvKeys)
	if creds.HasKeys() {
		creds.SessionToken = os.Getenv(awsSessionTokenEnvVar)
		cfg.Credentials = creds

	cfg.ContainerCredentialsEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsEndpointEnvVar)
	cfg.ContainerCredentialsRelativePath = os.Getenv(awsContainerCredentialsRelativePathEnvVar)
	cfg.ContainerAuthorizationToken = os.Getenv(awsContainerPProviderAuthorizationEnvVar)

	setStringFromEnvVal(&cfg.Region, regionEnvKeys)
	setStringFromEnvVal(&cfg.SharedConfigProfile, profileEnvKeys)

	cfg.SharedCredentialsFile = os.Getenv(awsSharedCredentialsFileEnvVar)
	cfg.SharedConfigFile = os.Getenv(awsConfigFileEnvVar)

	cfg.CustomCABundle = os.Getenv(awsCustomCABundleEnvVar)

	cfg.WebIdentityTokenFilePath = os.Getenv(awsWebIdentityTokenFilePathEnvVar)

	cfg.RoleARN = os.Getenv(awsRoleARNEnvVar)
	cfg.RoleSessionName = os.Getenv(awsRoleSessionNameEnvVar)

	if err := setEndpointDiscoveryTypeFromEnvVal(&cfg.EnableEndpointDiscovery, []string{awsEnableEndpointDiscoveryEnvVar}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3UseARNRegion, []string{awsS3UseARNRegionEnvVar}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	setEC2IMDSClientEnableState(&cfg.EC2IMDSClientEnableState, []string{awsEc2MetadataDisabled})
	if err := setEC2IMDSEndpointMode(&cfg.EC2IMDSEndpointMode, []string{awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointModeEnvVar}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err
	cfg.EC2IMDSEndpoint = os.Getenv(awsEc2MetadataServiceEndpointEnvVar)

	if err := setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(&cfg.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, []string{awsS3DisableMultiRegionAccessPointEnvVar}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	if err := setUseDualStackEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseDualStackEndpoint, []string{awsUseDualStackEndpoint}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	if err := setUseFIPSEndpointFromEnvVal(&cfg.UseFIPSEndpoint, []string{awsUseFIPSEndpoint}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	if err := setDefaultsModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.DefaultsMode, []string{awsDefaultMode}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	if err := setIntFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMaxAttempts, []string{awsRetryMaxAttempts}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err
	if err := setRetryModeFromEnvVal(&cfg.RetryMode, []string{awsRetryMode}); err != nil {
		return cfg, err

	return cfg, nil

func (c EnvConfig) getDefaultsMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.DefaultsMode, bool, error) {
	if len(c.DefaultsMode) == 0 {
		return "", false, nil
	return c.DefaultsMode, true, nil

// GetRetryMaxAttempts returns the value of AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS if was specified,
// and not 0.
func (c EnvConfig) GetRetryMaxAttempts(ctx context.Context) (int, bool, error) {
	if c.RetryMaxAttempts == 0 {
		return 0, false, nil
	return c.RetryMaxAttempts, true, nil

// GetRetryMode returns the RetryMode of AWS_RETRY_MODE if was specified, and a
// valid value.
func (c EnvConfig) GetRetryMode(ctx context.Context) (aws.RetryMode, bool, error) {
	if len(c.RetryMode) == 0 {
		return "", false, nil
	return c.RetryMode, true, nil

func setEC2IMDSClientEnableState(state *imds.ClientEnableState, keys []string) {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {
		switch {
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "true"):
			*state = imds.ClientDisabled
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "false"):
			*state = imds.ClientEnabled

func setDefaultsModeFromEnvVal(mode *aws.DefaultsMode, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		if value := os.Getenv(k); len(value) > 0 {
			if ok := mode.SetFromString(value); !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid %s value: %s", k, value)
	return nil

func setRetryModeFromEnvVal(mode *aws.RetryMode, keys []string) (err error) {
	for _, k := range keys {
		if value := os.Getenv(k); len(value) > 0 {
			*mode, err = aws.ParseRetryMode(value)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid %s value, %w", k, err)
	return nil

func setEC2IMDSEndpointMode(mode *imds.EndpointModeState, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {
		if err := mode.SetFromString(value); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, %v", k, value, err)
	return nil

// GetRegion returns the AWS Region if set in the environment. Returns an empty
// string if not set.
func (c EnvConfig) getRegion(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) {
	if len(c.Region) == 0 {
		return "", false, nil
	return c.Region, true, nil

// GetSharedConfigProfile returns the shared config profile if set in the
// environment. Returns an empty string if not set.
func (c EnvConfig) getSharedConfigProfile(ctx context.Context) (string, bool, error) {
	if len(c.SharedConfigProfile) == 0 {
		return "", false, nil

	return c.SharedConfigProfile, true, nil

// getSharedConfigFiles returns a slice of filenames set in the environment.
// Will return the filenames in the order of:
// * Shared Config
func (c EnvConfig) getSharedConfigFiles(context.Context) ([]string, bool, error) {
	var files []string
	if v := c.SharedConfigFile; len(v) > 0 {
		files = append(files, v)

	if len(files) == 0 {
		return nil, false, nil
	return files, true, nil

// getSharedCredentialsFiles returns a slice of filenames set in the environment.
// Will return the filenames in the order of:
// * Shared Credentials
func (c EnvConfig) getSharedCredentialsFiles(context.Context) ([]string, bool, error) {
	var files []string
	if v := c.SharedCredentialsFile; len(v) > 0 {
		files = append(files, v)
	if len(files) == 0 {
		return nil, false, nil
	return files, true, nil

// GetCustomCABundle returns the custom CA bundle's PEM bytes if the file was
func (c EnvConfig) getCustomCABundle(context.Context) (io.Reader, bool, error) {
	if len(c.CustomCABundle) == 0 {
		return nil, false, nil

	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.CustomCABundle)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	return bytes.NewReader(b), true, nil

// GetS3UseARNRegion returns whether to allow ARNs to direct the region
// the S3 client's requests are sent to.
func (c EnvConfig) GetS3UseARNRegion(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err error) {
	if c.S3UseARNRegion == nil {
		return false, false, nil

	return *c.S3UseARNRegion, true, nil

// GetS3DisableMultRegionAccessPoints returns whether to disable multi-region access point
// support for the S3 client.
func (c EnvConfig) GetS3DisableMultRegionAccessPoints(ctx context.Context) (value, ok bool, err error) {
	if c.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints == nil {
		return false, false, nil

	return *c.S3DisableMultiRegionAccessPoints, true, nil

// GetUseDualStackEndpoint returns whether the service's dual-stack endpoint should be
// used for requests.
func (c EnvConfig) GetUseDualStackEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (value aws.DualStackEndpointState, found bool, err error) {
	if c.UseDualStackEndpoint == aws.DualStackEndpointStateUnset {
		return aws.DualStackEndpointStateUnset, false, nil

	return c.UseDualStackEndpoint, true, nil

// GetUseFIPSEndpoint returns whether the service's FIPS endpoint should be
// used for requests.
func (c EnvConfig) GetUseFIPSEndpoint(ctx context.Context) (value aws.FIPSEndpointState, found bool, err error) {
	if c.UseFIPSEndpoint == aws.FIPSEndpointStateUnset {
		return aws.FIPSEndpointStateUnset, false, nil

	return c.UseFIPSEndpoint, true, nil

func setStringFromEnvVal(dst *string, keys []string) {
	for _, k := range keys {
		if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) > 0 {
			*dst = v

func setIntFromEnvVal(dst *int, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		if v := os.Getenv(k); len(v) > 0 {
			i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %s=%s, %w", k, v, err)
			*dst = int(i)

	return nil

func setBoolPtrFromEnvVal(dst **bool, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {

		if *dst == nil {
			*dst = new(bool)

		switch {
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "false"):
			**dst = false
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "true"):
			**dst = true
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, need true or false",
				k, value)

	return nil

func setEndpointDiscoveryTypeFromEnvVal(dst *aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {
			continue // skip if empty

		switch {
		case strings.EqualFold(value, endpointDiscoveryDisabled):
			*dst = aws.EndpointDiscoveryDisabled
		case strings.EqualFold(value, endpointDiscoveryEnabled):
			*dst = aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnabled
		case strings.EqualFold(value, endpointDiscoveryAuto):
			*dst = aws.EndpointDiscoveryAuto
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, need true, false or auto",
				k, value)
	return nil

func setUseDualStackEndpointFromEnvVal(dst *aws.DualStackEndpointState, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {
			continue // skip if empty

		switch {
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "true"):
			*dst = aws.DualStackEndpointStateEnabled
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "false"):
			*dst = aws.DualStackEndpointStateDisabled
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, need true, false",
				k, value)
	return nil

func setUseFIPSEndpointFromEnvVal(dst *aws.FIPSEndpointState, keys []string) error {
	for _, k := range keys {
		value := os.Getenv(k)
		if len(value) == 0 {
			continue // skip if empty

		switch {
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "true"):
			*dst = aws.FIPSEndpointStateEnabled
		case strings.EqualFold(value, "false"):
			*dst = aws.FIPSEndpointStateDisabled
			return fmt.Errorf(
				"invalid value for environment variable, %s=%s, need true, false",
				k, value)
	return nil

// GetEnableEndpointDiscovery returns resolved value for EnableEndpointDiscovery env variable setting.
func (c EnvConfig) GetEnableEndpointDiscovery(ctx context.Context) (value aws.EndpointDiscoveryEnableState, found bool, err error) {
	if c.EnableEndpointDiscovery == aws.EndpointDiscoveryUnset {
		return aws.EndpointDiscoveryUnset, false, nil

	return c.EnableEndpointDiscovery, true, nil

// GetEC2IMDSClientEnableState implements a EC2IMDSClientEnableState options resolver interface.
func (c EnvConfig) GetEC2IMDSClientEnableState() (imds.ClientEnableState, bool, error) {
	if c.EC2IMDSClientEnableState == imds.ClientDefaultEnableState {
		return imds.ClientDefaultEnableState, false, nil

	return c.EC2IMDSClientEnableState, true, nil

// GetEC2IMDSEndpointMode implements a EC2IMDSEndpointMode option resolver interface.
func (c EnvConfig) GetEC2IMDSEndpointMode() (imds.EndpointModeState, bool, error) {
	if c.EC2IMDSEndpointMode == imds.EndpointModeStateUnset {
		return imds.EndpointModeStateUnset, false, nil

	return c.EC2IMDSEndpointMode, true, nil

// GetEC2IMDSEndpoint implements a EC2IMDSEndpoint option resolver interface.
func (c EnvConfig) GetEC2IMDSEndpoint() (string, bool, error) {
	if len(c.EC2IMDSEndpoint) == 0 {
		return "", false, nil

	return c.EC2IMDSEndpoint, true, nil