//go:build darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris
// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris

package user

import (


// Unix-specific path to the passwd and group formatted files.
const (
	unixPasswdPath = "/etc/passwd"
	unixGroupPath  = "/etc/group"

// LookupUser looks up a user by their username in /etc/passwd. If the user
// cannot be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem), then
// LookupUser returns an error.
func LookupUser(username string) (User, error) {
	return lookupUserFunc(func(u User) bool {
		return u.Name == username

// LookupUid looks up a user by their user id in /etc/passwd. If the user cannot
// be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem), then LookupId
// returns an error.
func LookupUid(uid int) (User, error) {
	return lookupUserFunc(func(u User) bool {
		return u.Uid == uid

func lookupUserFunc(filter func(u User) bool) (User, error) {
	// Get operating system-specific passwd reader-closer.
	passwd, err := GetPasswd()
	if err != nil {
		return User{}, err
	defer passwd.Close()

	// Get the users.
	users, err := ParsePasswdFilter(passwd, filter)
	if err != nil {
		return User{}, err

	// No user entries found.
	if len(users) == 0 {
		return User{}, ErrNoPasswdEntries

	// Assume the first entry is the "correct" one.
	return users[0], nil

// LookupGroup looks up a group by its name in /etc/group. If the group cannot
// be found (or there is no /etc/group file on the filesystem), then LookupGroup
// returns an error.
func LookupGroup(groupname string) (Group, error) {
	return lookupGroupFunc(func(g Group) bool {
		return g.Name == groupname

// LookupGid looks up a group by its group id in /etc/group. If the group cannot
// be found (or there is no /etc/group file on the filesystem), then LookupGid
// returns an error.
func LookupGid(gid int) (Group, error) {
	return lookupGroupFunc(func(g Group) bool {
		return g.Gid == gid

func lookupGroupFunc(filter func(g Group) bool) (Group, error) {
	// Get operating system-specific group reader-closer.
	group, err := GetGroup()
	if err != nil {
		return Group{}, err
	defer group.Close()

	// Get the users.
	groups, err := ParseGroupFilter(group, filter)
	if err != nil {
		return Group{}, err

	// No user entries found.
	if len(groups) == 0 {
		return Group{}, ErrNoGroupEntries

	// Assume the first entry is the "correct" one.
	return groups[0], nil

func GetPasswdPath() (string, error) {
	return unixPasswdPath, nil

func GetPasswd() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
	return os.Open(unixPasswdPath)

func GetGroupPath() (string, error) {
	return unixGroupPath, nil

func GetGroup() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
	return os.Open(unixGroupPath)

// CurrentUser looks up the current user by their user id in /etc/passwd. If the
// user cannot be found (or there is no /etc/passwd file on the filesystem),
// then CurrentUser returns an error.
func CurrentUser() (User, error) {
	return LookupUid(unix.Getuid())

// CurrentGroup looks up the current user's group by their primary group id's
// entry in /etc/passwd. If the group cannot be found (or there is no
// /etc/group file on the filesystem), then CurrentGroup returns an error.
func CurrentGroup() (Group, error) {
	return LookupGid(unix.Getgid())

func currentUserSubIDs(fileName string) ([]SubID, error) {
	u, err := CurrentUser()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	filter := func(entry SubID) bool {
		return entry.Name == u.Name || entry.Name == strconv.Itoa(u.Uid)
	return ParseSubIDFileFilter(fileName, filter)

func CurrentUserSubUIDs() ([]SubID, error) {
	return currentUserSubIDs("/etc/subuid")

func CurrentUserSubGIDs() ([]SubID, error) {
	return currentUserSubIDs("/etc/subgid")

func CurrentProcessUIDMap() ([]IDMap, error) {
	return ParseIDMapFile("/proc/self/uid_map")

func CurrentProcessGIDMap() ([]IDMap, error) {
	return ParseIDMapFile("/proc/self/gid_map")