package manager

import (

// pluginError is set as Plugin.Err by NewPlugin if the plugin
// candidate fails one of the candidate tests. This exists primarily
// to implement encoding.TextMarshaller such that rendering a plugin as JSON
// (e.g. for `docker info -f '{{json .CLIPlugins}}'`) renders the Err
// field as a useful string and not just `{}`. See
// for some discussion
// around why the builtin error type doesn't implement this.
type pluginError struct {
	cause error

// Error satisfies the core error interface for pluginError.
func (e *pluginError) Error() string {
	return e.cause.Error()

// Cause satisfies the errors.causer interface for pluginError.
func (e *pluginError) Cause() error {
	return e.cause

// MarshalText marshalls the pluginError into a textual form.
func (e *pluginError) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
	return []byte(e.cause.Error()), nil

// wrapAsPluginError wraps an error in a pluginError with an
// additional message, analogous to errors.Wrapf.
func wrapAsPluginError(err error, msg string) error {
	return &pluginError{cause: errors.Wrap(err, msg)}

// NewPluginError creates a new pluginError, analogous to
// errors.Errorf.
func NewPluginError(msg string, args ...interface{}) error {
	return &pluginError{cause: errors.Errorf(msg, args...)}