Tonis Tiigi 7f84582b37 vendor: update buildkit to 55ba9d14
Signed-off-by: Tonis Tiigi <>
Azure kubernetes: enable azure auth
Microsoft/go-winio vendor: update moby/buildkit
agext/levenshtein vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
agl/ed25519 vendor: initial vendor
apparentlymart bump from 1.7.1 to 1.10.0
beorn7/perks vendor: initial vendor
cenkalti/backoff/v4 vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
cespare/xxhash/v2 vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
compose-spec/compose-go update to v1.4.0
containerd vendor: bump buildkit to master
davecgh/go-spew bake: initial implementation
distribution/distribution/v3 update to v1.3.0
docker vendor: v20.10.3-0.20220803220330-418ca3b4d46f (v22.06.0-dev)
felixge/httpsnoop vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
fvbommel/sortorder vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
go-logr vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
gofrs/flock vendor: update buildkit with typed errors support
gogo vendor: update buildkit to 539be170
golang/protobuf vendor: update buildkit
golang-jwt/jwt/v4 kubernetes: enable azure auth
google update to v1.3.0
googleapis/gnostic vendor: update buildkit
gorilla/mux vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
grpc-ecosystem vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
hashicorp vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
imdario/mergo update to v1.2.7
inconshreveable/mousetrap vendor: initial vendor
json-iterator/go vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
klauspost/compress build: add experimental support for print flag
mattn/go-shellwords vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions vendor: initial vendor
miekg/pkcs11 vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
mitchellh update to v1.2.7
moby vendor: update buildkit to 55ba9d14
modern-go vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
morikuni/aec vendor: initial vendor
opencontainers vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
pelletier/go-toml vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
pkg/errors Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
pmezard/go-difflib bake: initial implementation
prometheus build: add experimental support for print flag
serialx/hashring new driver: kubernetes
sirupsen/logrus update to v1.3.0
spf13 vendor: update docker/cli to f1615fa
stretchr/testify update to v1.3.0
theupdateframework/notary vendor: initial vendor
tonistiigi vendor: update moby/buildkit
xeipuuv vendor: vendor with -compat=1.17
zclconf/go-cty bump from 1.7.1 to 1.10.0