175 lines
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175 lines
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package context
import (
clientcmdapi "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api"
// EndpointMeta is a typed wrapper around a context-store generic endpoint describing
// a Kubernetes endpoint, without TLS data
type EndpointMeta struct {
DefaultNamespace string `json:",omitempty"`
AuthProvider *clientcmdapi.AuthProviderConfig `json:",omitempty"`
Exec *clientcmdapi.ExecConfig `json:",omitempty"`
UsernamePassword *UsernamePassword `json:"usernamePassword,omitempty"`
// UsernamePassword contains username/password auth info
type UsernamePassword struct {
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
var _ command.EndpointDefaultResolver = &EndpointMeta{}
// Endpoint is a typed wrapper around a context-store generic endpoint describing
// a Kubernetes endpoint, with TLS data
type Endpoint struct {
TLSData *context.TLSData
func init() {
store.EndpointTypeGetter(KubernetesEndpoint, func() interface{} { return &EndpointMeta{} }),
// WithTLSData loads TLS materials for the endpoint
func (c *EndpointMeta) WithTLSData(s store.Reader, contextName string) (Endpoint, error) {
tlsData, err := context.LoadTLSData(s, contextName, KubernetesEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return Endpoint{}, err
return Endpoint{
EndpointMeta: *c,
TLSData: tlsData,
}, nil
// KubernetesConfig creates the kubernetes client config from the endpoint
func (c *Endpoint) KubernetesConfig() clientcmd.ClientConfig {
cfg := clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
cluster := clientcmdapi.NewCluster()
cluster.Server = c.Host
cluster.InsecureSkipTLSVerify = c.SkipTLSVerify
authInfo := clientcmdapi.NewAuthInfo()
if c.TLSData != nil {
cluster.CertificateAuthorityData = c.TLSData.CA
authInfo.ClientCertificateData = c.TLSData.Cert
authInfo.ClientKeyData = c.TLSData.Key
if c.UsernamePassword != nil {
authInfo.Username = c.UsernamePassword.Username
authInfo.Password = c.UsernamePassword.Password
authInfo.AuthProvider = c.AuthProvider
authInfo.Exec = c.Exec
cfg.Clusters["cluster"] = cluster
cfg.AuthInfos["authInfo"] = authInfo
ctx := clientcmdapi.NewContext()
ctx.AuthInfo = "authInfo"
ctx.Cluster = "cluster"
ctx.Namespace = c.DefaultNamespace
cfg.Contexts["context"] = ctx
cfg.CurrentContext = "context"
return clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*cfg, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{})
// ResolveDefault returns endpoint metadata for the default Kubernetes
// endpoint, which is derived from the env-based kubeconfig.
func (c *EndpointMeta) ResolveDefault() (interface{}, *store.EndpointTLSData, error) {
kubeconfig := os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG")
if kubeconfig == "" {
kubeconfig = filepath.Join(homedir.Get(), ".kube/config")
kubeEP, err := FromKubeConfig(kubeconfig, "", "")
if err != nil {
// We deliberately quash the error here, returning nil
// for the first argument is sufficient to indicate we weren't able to
// provide a default
return nil, nil, nil
var tls *store.EndpointTLSData
if kubeEP.TLSData != nil {
tls = kubeEP.TLSData.ToStoreTLSData()
return kubeEP.EndpointMeta, tls, nil
// EndpointFromContext extracts kubernetes endpoint info from current context
func EndpointFromContext(metadata store.Metadata) *EndpointMeta {
ep, ok := metadata.Endpoints[KubernetesEndpoint]
if !ok {
return nil
typed, ok := ep.(EndpointMeta)
if !ok {
return nil
return &typed
// ConfigFromContext resolves a kubernetes client config for the specified context.
// If kubeconfigOverride is specified, use this config file instead of the context defaults.ConfigFromContext
// if command.ContextDockerHost is specified as the context name, fallsback to the default user's kubeconfig file
func ConfigFromContext(name string, s store.Reader) (clientcmd.ClientConfig, error) {
ctxMeta, err := s.GetMetadata(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
epMeta := EndpointFromContext(ctxMeta)
if epMeta != nil {
ep, err := epMeta.WithTLSData(s, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ep.KubernetesConfig(), nil
// context has no kubernetes endpoint
return NewKubernetesConfig(""), nil
// NewKubernetesConfig resolves the path to the desired Kubernetes configuration
// file based on the KUBECONFIG environment variable and command line flags.
func NewKubernetesConfig(configPath string) clientcmd.ClientConfig {
kubeConfig := configPath
if kubeConfig == "" {
if config := os.Getenv("KUBECONFIG"); config != "" {
kubeConfig = config
} else {
kubeConfig = filepath.Join(homedir.Get(), ".kube/config")
return clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
&clientcmd.ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: kubeConfig},
// ConfigFromEndpoint loads kubernetes config from endpoint
func ConfigFromEndpoint(endpointName string, s store.Reader) (clientcmd.ClientConfig, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(endpointName, "kubernetes://") {
u, _ := url.Parse(endpointName)
if kubeconfig := u.Query().Get("kubeconfig"); kubeconfig != "" {
_ = os.Setenv(clientcmd.RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar, kubeconfig)
rules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()
apiConfig, err := rules.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*apiConfig, &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}), nil
return ConfigFromContext(endpointName, s)