156 lines
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156 lines
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package client
import (
digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
ocispecs "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
fstypes "github.com/tonistiigi/fsutil/types"
type Result = result.Result[Reference]
type BuildFunc func(context.Context, Client) (*Result, error)
func NewResult() *Result {
return &Result{}
type Client interface {
Solve(ctx context.Context, req SolveRequest) (*Result, error)
ResolveImageConfig(ctx context.Context, ref string, opt llb.ResolveImageConfigOpt) (digest.Digest, []byte, error)
BuildOpts() BuildOpts
Inputs(ctx context.Context) (map[string]llb.State, error)
NewContainer(ctx context.Context, req NewContainerRequest) (Container, error)
Warn(ctx context.Context, dgst digest.Digest, msg string, opts WarnOpts) error
// NewContainerRequest encapsulates the requirements for a client to define a
// new container, without defining the initial process.
type NewContainerRequest struct {
Mounts []Mount
NetMode pb.NetMode
ExtraHosts []*pb.HostIP
Platform *pb.Platform
Constraints *pb.WorkerConstraints
// Mount allows clients to specify a filesystem mount. A Reference to a
// previously solved Result is required.
type Mount struct {
Selector string
Dest string
ResultID string
Ref Reference
Readonly bool
MountType pb.MountType
CacheOpt *pb.CacheOpt
SecretOpt *pb.SecretOpt
SSHOpt *pb.SSHOpt
// Container is used to start new processes inside a container and release the
// container resources when done.
type Container interface {
Start(context.Context, StartRequest) (ContainerProcess, error)
Release(context.Context) error
// StartRequest encapsulates the arguments to define a process within a
// container.
type StartRequest struct {
Args []string
Env []string
User string
Cwd string
Tty bool
Stdin io.ReadCloser
Stdout, Stderr io.WriteCloser
SecurityMode pb.SecurityMode
// WinSize is same as executor.WinSize, copied here to prevent circular package
// dependencies.
type WinSize struct {
Rows uint32
Cols uint32
// ContainerProcess represents a process within a container.
type ContainerProcess interface {
Wait() error
Resize(ctx context.Context, size WinSize) error
Signal(ctx context.Context, sig syscall.Signal) error
type Reference interface {
ToState() (llb.State, error)
Evaluate(ctx context.Context) error
ReadFile(ctx context.Context, req ReadRequest) ([]byte, error)
StatFile(ctx context.Context, req StatRequest) (*fstypes.Stat, error)
ReadDir(ctx context.Context, req ReadDirRequest) ([]*fstypes.Stat, error)
type ReadRequest struct {
Filename string
Range *FileRange
type FileRange struct {
Offset int
Length int
type ReadDirRequest struct {
Path string
IncludePattern string
type StatRequest struct {
Path string
// SolveRequest is same as frontend.SolveRequest but avoiding dependency
type SolveRequest struct {
Evaluate bool
Definition *pb.Definition
Frontend string
FrontendOpt map[string]string
FrontendInputs map[string]*pb.Definition
CacheImports []CacheOptionsEntry
type CacheOptionsEntry struct {
Type string
Attrs map[string]string
type WorkerInfo struct {
ID string
Labels map[string]string
Platforms []ocispecs.Platform
type BuildOpts struct {
Opts map[string]string
SessionID string
Workers []WorkerInfo
Product string
LLBCaps apicaps.CapSet
Caps apicaps.CapSet
type WarnOpts struct {
Level int
SourceInfo *pb.SourceInfo
Range []*pb.Range
Detail [][]byte
URL string