Akihiro Suda 6b65b0c982 new driver: kubernetes
Tested with `kind` and GKE.

Note: "nodes" shown in `docker buildx ls` are unrelated to Kubernetes "nodes".
Probably buildx should come up with an alternative term.


  $ kind create cluster
  $ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"

  $ docker buildx create --driver kubernetes --driver-opt replicas=3 --use
  $ docker buildx build -t foo --load .

`--load` loads the image into the local Docker.

Driver opts:

  - `image=IMAGE` - Sets the container image to be used for running buildkit.
  - `namespace=NS` - Sets the Kubernetes namespace. Defaults to the current namespace.
  - `replicas=N` - Sets the number of `Pod` replicas. Defaults to 1.
  - `rootless=(true|false)` - Run the container as a non-root user without `securityContext.privileged`. Defaults to false.
  - `loadbalance=(sticky|random)` - Load-balancing strategy. If set to "sticky", the pod is chosen using the hash of the context path. Defaults to "sticky"

Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <>
Azure/go-ansiterm vendor: initial vendor
Microsoft vendor: update docker/cli (ab688a9a79a1) and docker/docker (3998dffb806f)
agl/ed25519 vendor: initial vendor
beorn7/perks vendor: initial vendor
containerd vendor: update buildkit to docker-19.03 (ae10b292)
davecgh/go-spew bake: initial implementation
docker new driver: kubernetes
ghodss/yaml vendor: initial vendor
gofrs/flock vendor: add buildkit
gogo vendor: add buildkit
golang new driver: kubernetes
google new driver: kubernetes
googleapis/gnostic new driver: kubernetes
gophercloud/gophercloud new driver: kubernetes
gorilla/mux vendor: initial vendor
gregjones/httpcache new driver: kubernetes
grpc-ecosystem/grpc-opentracing vendor: add buildkit
hashicorp bake: initial implementation
imdario/mergo vendor: initial vendor
inconshreveable/mousetrap vendor: initial vendor
jaguilar/vt100 vendor: update buildkit and dockerd
json-iterator/go vendor: initial vendor
konsorten/go-windows-terminal-sequences vendor: initial vendor
mattn/go-shellwords bake: initial implementation
matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions vendor: initial vendor
miekg/pkcs11 vendor: initial vendor
mitchellh/mapstructure bake: initial implementation
moby/buildkit vendor: update buildkit to docker-19.03 (ae10b292)
modern-go vendor: initial vendor
morikuni/aec vendor: initial vendor
opencontainers vendor: add buildkit
opentracing/opentracing-go vendor: add buildkit
peterbourgon/diskv new driver: kubernetes
pkg/errors vendor: initial vendor
pmezard/go-difflib bake: initial implementation
prometheus vendor: initial vendor
serialx/hashring new driver: kubernetes
sirupsen/logrus vendor: initial vendor
spf13 vendor: initial vendor
stretchr/testify bake: initial implementation
syndtr/gocapability vendor: initial vendor
theupdateframework/notary vendor: initial vendor
tonistiigi vendor: update buildkit to docker-19.03 (ae10b292)
xeipuuv bake: initial implementation