You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
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Copyright The containerd Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package mount
import (
var pagesize = 4096
func init() {
pagesize = os.Getpagesize()
// Mount to the provided target path
func (m *Mount) Mount(target string) error {
var (
chdir string
options = m.Options
// avoid hitting one page limit of mount argument buffer
// NOTE: 512 is a buffer during pagesize check.
if m.Type == "overlay" && optionsSize(options) >= pagesize-512 {
chdir, options = compactLowerdirOption(options)
flags, data := parseMountOptions(options)
if len(data) > pagesize {
return errors.Errorf("mount options is too long")
// propagation types.
const ptypes = unix.MS_SHARED | unix.MS_PRIVATE | unix.MS_SLAVE | unix.MS_UNBINDABLE
// Ensure propagation type change flags aren't included in other calls.
oflags := flags &^ ptypes
// In the case of remounting with changed data (data != ""), need to call mount (moby/moby#34077).
if flags&unix.MS_REMOUNT == 0 || data != "" {
// Initial call applying all non-propagation flags for mount
// or remount with changed data
if err := mountAt(chdir, m.Source, target, m.Type, uintptr(oflags), data); err != nil {
return err
if flags&ptypes != 0 {
// Change the propagation type.
const pflags = ptypes | unix.MS_REC | unix.MS_SILENT
if err := unix.Mount("", target, "", uintptr(flags&pflags), ""); err != nil {
return err
const broflags = unix.MS_BIND | unix.MS_RDONLY
if oflags&broflags == broflags {
// Remount the bind to apply read only.
return unix.Mount("", target, "", uintptr(oflags|unix.MS_REMOUNT), "")
return nil
// Unmount the provided mount path with the flags
func Unmount(target string, flags int) error {
if err := unmount(target, flags); err != nil && err != unix.EINVAL {
return err
return nil
func unmount(target string, flags int) error {
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
if err := unix.Unmount(target, flags); err != nil {
switch err {
case unix.EBUSY:
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
return err
return nil
return errors.Wrapf(unix.EBUSY, "failed to unmount target %s", target)
// UnmountAll repeatedly unmounts the given mount point until there
// are no mounts remaining (EINVAL is returned by mount), which is
// useful for undoing a stack of mounts on the same mount point.
// UnmountAll all is noop when the first argument is an empty string.
// This is done when the containerd client did not specify any rootfs
// mounts (e.g. because the rootfs is managed outside containerd)
// UnmountAll is noop when the mount path does not exist.
func UnmountAll(mount string, flags int) error {
if mount == "" {
return nil
if _, err := os.Stat(mount); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
for {
if err := unmount(mount, flags); err != nil {
// EINVAL is returned if the target is not a
// mount point, indicating that we are
// done. It can also indicate a few other
// things (such as invalid flags) which we
// unfortunately end up squelching here too.
if err == unix.EINVAL {
return nil
return err
// parseMountOptions takes fstab style mount options and parses them for
// use with a standard mount() syscall
func parseMountOptions(options []string) (int, string) {
var (
flag int
data []string
flags := map[string]struct {
clear bool
flag int
"async": {true, unix.MS_SYNCHRONOUS},
"atime": {true, unix.MS_NOATIME},
"bind": {false, unix.MS_BIND},
"defaults": {false, 0},
"dev": {true, unix.MS_NODEV},
"diratime": {true, unix.MS_NODIRATIME},
"dirsync": {false, unix.MS_DIRSYNC},
"exec": {true, unix.MS_NOEXEC},
"mand": {false, unix.MS_MANDLOCK},
"noatime": {false, unix.MS_NOATIME},
"nodev": {false, unix.MS_NODEV},
"nodiratime": {false, unix.MS_NODIRATIME},
"noexec": {false, unix.MS_NOEXEC},
"nomand": {true, unix.MS_MANDLOCK},
"norelatime": {true, unix.MS_RELATIME},
"nostrictatime": {true, unix.MS_STRICTATIME},
"nosuid": {false, unix.MS_NOSUID},
"rbind": {false, unix.MS_BIND | unix.MS_REC},
"relatime": {false, unix.MS_RELATIME},
"remount": {false, unix.MS_REMOUNT},
"ro": {false, unix.MS_RDONLY},
"rw": {true, unix.MS_RDONLY},
"strictatime": {false, unix.MS_STRICTATIME},
"suid": {true, unix.MS_NOSUID},
"sync": {false, unix.MS_SYNCHRONOUS},
for _, o := range options {
// If the option does not exist in the flags table or the flag
// is not supported on the platform,
// then it is a data value for a specific fs type
if f, exists := flags[o]; exists && f.flag != 0 {
if f.clear {
flag &^= f.flag
} else {
flag |= f.flag
} else {
data = append(data, o)
return flag, strings.Join(data, ",")
// compactLowerdirOption updates overlay lowdir option and returns the common
// dir among all the lowdirs.
func compactLowerdirOption(opts []string) (string, []string) {
idx, dirs := findOverlayLowerdirs(opts)
if idx == -1 || len(dirs) == 1 {
// no need to compact if there is only one lowerdir
return "", opts
// find out common dir
commondir := longestCommonPrefix(dirs)
if commondir == "" {
return "", opts
// NOTE: the snapshot id is based on digits.
// in order to avoid to get snapshots/x, should be back to parent dir.
// however, there is assumption that the common dir is ${root}/io.containerd.v1.overlayfs/snapshots.
commondir = path.Dir(commondir)
if commondir == "/" {
return "", opts
commondir = commondir + "/"
newdirs := make([]string, 0, len(dirs))
for _, dir := range dirs {
newdirs = append(newdirs, dir[len(commondir):])
newopts := copyOptions(opts)
newopts = append(newopts[:idx], newopts[idx+1:]...)
newopts = append(newopts, fmt.Sprintf("lowerdir=%s", strings.Join(newdirs, ":")))
return commondir, newopts
// findOverlayLowerdirs returns the index of lowerdir in mount's options and
// all the lowerdir target.
func findOverlayLowerdirs(opts []string) (int, []string) {
var (
idx = -1
prefix = "lowerdir="
for i, opt := range opts {
if strings.HasPrefix(opt, prefix) {
idx = i
if idx == -1 {
return -1, nil
return idx, strings.Split(opts[idx][len(prefix):], ":")
// longestCommonPrefix finds the longest common prefix in the string slice.
func longestCommonPrefix(strs []string) string {
if len(strs) == 0 {
return ""
} else if len(strs) == 1 {
return strs[0]
// find out the min/max value by alphabetical order
min, max := strs[0], strs[0]
for _, str := range strs[1:] {
if min > str {
min = str
if max < str {
max = str
// find out the common part between min and max
for i := 0; i < len(min) && i < len(max); i++ {
if min[i] != max[i] {
return min[:i]
return min
// copyOptions copies the options.
func copyOptions(opts []string) []string {
if len(opts) == 0 {
return nil
acopy := make([]string, len(opts))
copy(acopy, opts)
return acopy
// optionsSize returns the byte size of options of mount.
func optionsSize(opts []string) int {
size := 0
for _, opt := range opts {
size += len(opt)
return size
func mountAt(chdir string, source, target, fstype string, flags uintptr, data string) error {
if chdir == "" {
return unix.Mount(source, target, fstype, flags, data)
f, err := os.Open(chdir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to mountat")
defer f.Close()
fs, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to mountat")
if !fs.IsDir() {
return errors.Wrap(errors.Errorf("%s is not dir", chdir), "failed to mountat")
return errors.Wrap(sys.FMountat(f.Fd(), source, target, fstype, flags, data), "failed to mountat")