Sebastiaan van Stijn d582a21acd
go.mod: update k8s deps to v0.26.2 (remove "replace" rule)
Replace rules are not inherited by consumers of buildx as a module, and as
such would default to use the v0.26.2 version. Removing the replace rules
also removes various (indirect) dependencies (although brings in some new
packages from k8s itself).

The "azure" and "gcp" authentication packages in are now
no longer functional, so removing those imports.

Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
allowedcsidriver.go vendor: update buildkit
allowedflexvolume.go vendor: update buildkit
allowedhostpath.go vendor: update buildkit
daemonset.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
daemonsetcondition.go vendor: update buildkit
daemonsetspec.go vendor: update buildkit
daemonsetstatus.go vendor: update buildkit
daemonsetupdatestrategy.go vendor: update buildkit
deployment.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
deploymentcondition.go vendor: update buildkit
deploymentspec.go vendor: update buildkit
deploymentstatus.go vendor: update buildkit
deploymentstrategy.go vendor: update buildkit
fsgroupstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit
hostportrange.go vendor: update buildkit
httpingresspath.go vendor: update buildkit
httpingressrulevalue.go vendor: update buildkit
idrange.go vendor: update buildkit
ingress.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
ingressbackend.go vendor: update buildkit
ingressloadbalanceringress.go go.mod: update k8s deps to v0.26.2 (remove "replace" rule)
ingressloadbalancerstatus.go go.mod: update k8s deps to v0.26.2 (remove "replace" rule)
ingressportstatus.go go.mod: update k8s deps to v0.26.2 (remove "replace" rule)
ingressrule.go vendor: update buildkit
ingressrulevalue.go vendor: update buildkit
ingressspec.go vendor: update buildkit
ingressstatus.go go.mod: update k8s deps to v0.26.2 (remove "replace" rule)
ingresstls.go vendor: update buildkit
ipblock.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicy.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
networkpolicyegressrule.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicyingressrule.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicypeer.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicyport.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicyspec.go vendor: update buildkit
networkpolicystatus.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
podsecuritypolicy.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
podsecuritypolicyspec.go vendor: update buildkit
replicaset.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
replicasetcondition.go vendor: update buildkit
replicasetspec.go vendor: update buildkit
replicasetstatus.go vendor: update buildkit
rollbackconfig.go vendor: update buildkit
rollingupdatedaemonset.go vendor: update buildkit
rollingupdatedeployment.go vendor: update buildkit
runasgroupstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit
runasuserstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit
runtimeclassstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit
scale.go vendor: bump k8s to v0.25.4
selinuxstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit
supplementalgroupsstrategyoptions.go vendor: update buildkit