Akihiro Suda 6b65b0c982 new driver: kubernetes
Tested with `kind` and GKE.

Note: "nodes" shown in `docker buildx ls` are unrelated to Kubernetes "nodes".
Probably buildx should come up with an alternative term.


  $ kind create cluster
  $ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="kind")"

  $ docker buildx create --driver kubernetes --driver-opt replicas=3 --use
  $ docker buildx build -t foo --load .

`--load` loads the image into the local Docker.

Driver opts:

  - `image=IMAGE` - Sets the container image to be used for running buildkit.
  - `namespace=NS` - Sets the Kubernetes namespace. Defaults to the current namespace.
  - `replicas=N` - Sets the number of `Pod` replicas. Defaults to 1.
  - `rootless=(true|false)` - Run the container as a non-root user without `securityContext.privileged`. Defaults to false.
  - `loadbalance=(sticky|random)` - Load-balancing strategy. If set to "sticky", the pod is chosen using the hash of the context path. Defaults to "sticky"

Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <akihiro.suda.cz@hco.ntt.co.jp>
OpenAPIv2.go new driver: kubernetes
OpenAPIv2.pb.go new driver: kubernetes
OpenAPIv2.proto new driver: kubernetes
README.md new driver: kubernetes
openapi-2.0.json new driver: kubernetes


OpenAPI v2 Protocol Buffer Models

This directory contains a Protocol Buffer-language model and related code for supporting OpenAPI v2.

Gnostic applications and plugins can use OpenAPIv2.proto to generate Protocol Buffer support code for their preferred languages.

OpenAPIv2.go is used by Gnostic to read JSON and YAML OpenAPI descriptions into the Protocol Buffer-based datastructures generated from OpenAPIv2.proto.

OpenAPIv2.proto and OpenAPIv2.go are generated by the Gnostic compiler generator, and OpenAPIv2.pb.go is generated by protoc, the Protocol Buffer compiler, and protoc-gen-go, the Protocol Buffer Go code generation plugin.