Tonis Tiigi c41b006be1 vendor: update buildkit to 2943a0838
Signed-off-by: Tonis Tiigi <>
google Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
internal Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
jws new driver: kubernetes
jwt Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
.travis.yml new driver: kubernetes
AUTHORS new driver: kubernetes new driver: kubernetes
CONTRIBUTORS new driver: kubernetes
LICENSE new driver: kubernetes Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
go.mod Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
go.sum Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
oauth2.go Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
token.go Bump buildkit to master and fix versions incompatible with go mod 1.13
transport.go vendor: update buildkit to 2943a0838

OAuth2 for Go

Build Status GoDoc

oauth2 package contains a client implementation for OAuth 2.0 spec.


go get

Or you can manually git clone the repository to $(go env GOPATH)/src/

See godoc for further documentation and examples.

Policy for new packages

We no longer accept new provider-specific packages in this repo. For defining provider endpoints and provider-specific OAuth2 behavior, we encourage you to create packages elsewhere. We'll keep the existing packages for compatibility.

Report Issues / Send Patches

This repository uses Gerrit for code changes. To learn how to submit changes to this repository, see

The main issue tracker for the oauth2 repository is located at