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894 lines
27 KiB
894 lines
27 KiB
package commands
import (
cbuild ""
controllererrors ""
controllerapi ""
dockeropts ""
type buildOptions struct {
allow []string
buildArgs []string
cacheFrom []string
cacheTo []string
cgroupParent string
contextPath string
contexts []string
dockerfileName string
extraHosts []string
imageIDFile string
labels []string
networkMode string
noCacheFilter []string
outputs []string
platforms []string
printFunc string
secrets []string
shmSize dockeropts.MemBytes
ssh []string
tags []string
target string
ulimits *dockeropts.UlimitOpt
attests []string
sbom string
provenance string
progress string
quiet bool
builder string
metadataFile string
noCache bool
pull bool
exportPush bool
exportLoad bool
invokeConfig *invokeConfig
func (o *buildOptions) toControllerOptions() (*controllerapi.BuildOptions, error) {
var err error
opts := controllerapi.BuildOptions{
Allow: o.allow,
BuildArgs: listToMap(o.buildArgs, true),
CgroupParent: o.cgroupParent,
ContextPath: o.contextPath,
DockerfileName: o.dockerfileName,
ExtraHosts: o.extraHosts,
Labels: listToMap(o.labels, false),
NetworkMode: o.networkMode,
NoCacheFilter: o.noCacheFilter,
Platforms: o.platforms,
ShmSize: int64(o.shmSize),
Tags: o.tags,
Ulimits: dockerUlimitToControllerUlimit(o.ulimits),
Builder: o.builder,
NoCache: o.noCache,
Pull: o.pull,
ExportPush: o.exportPush,
ExportLoad: o.exportLoad,
// TODO: extract env var parsing to a method easily usable by library consumers
if v := os.Getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"); v != "" {
if _, ok := opts.BuildArgs["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"]; !ok {
opts.BuildArgs["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"] = v
opts.SourcePolicy, err = build.ReadSourcePolicy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inAttests := append([]string{}, o.attests...)
if o.provenance != "" {
inAttests = append(inAttests, buildflags.CanonicalizeAttest("provenance", o.provenance))
if o.sbom != "" {
inAttests = append(inAttests, buildflags.CanonicalizeAttest("sbom", o.sbom))
opts.Attests, err = buildflags.ParseAttests(inAttests)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.NamedContexts, err = buildflags.ParseContextNames(o.contexts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.Exports, err = buildflags.ParseExports(o.outputs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, e := range opts.Exports {
if (e.Type == client.ExporterLocal || e.Type == client.ExporterTar) && o.imageIDFile != "" {
return nil, errors.Errorf("local and tar exporters are incompatible with image ID file")
opts.CacheFrom, err = buildflags.ParseCacheEntry(o.cacheFrom)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.CacheTo, err = buildflags.ParseCacheEntry(o.cacheTo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.Secrets, err = buildflags.ParseSecretSpecs(o.secrets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.SSH, err = buildflags.ParseSSHSpecs(o.ssh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.PrintFunc, err = buildflags.ParsePrintFunc(o.printFunc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &opts, nil
func (o *buildOptions) toProgress() (string, error) {
switch o.progress {
case progress.PrinterModeAuto, progress.PrinterModeTty, progress.PrinterModePlain, progress.PrinterModeQuiet:
return "", errors.Errorf("progress=%s is not a valid progress option", o.progress)
if o.quiet {
if o.progress != progress.PrinterModeAuto && o.progress != progress.PrinterModeQuiet {
return "", errors.Errorf("progress=%s and quiet cannot be used together", o.progress)
return progress.PrinterModeQuiet, nil
return o.progress, nil
func runBuild(dockerCli command.Cli, options buildOptions) (err error) {
ctx := appcontext.Context()
ctx, end, err := tracing.TraceCurrentCommand(ctx, "build")
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
opts, err := options.toControllerOptions()
if err != nil {
return err
// Avoid leaving a stale file if we eventually fail
if options.imageIDFile != "" {
if err := os.Remove(options.imageIDFile); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return errors.Wrap(err, "removing image ID file")
contextPathHash := options.contextPath
if absContextPath, err := filepath.Abs(contextPathHash); err == nil {
contextPathHash = absContextPath
b, err := builder.New(dockerCli,
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = b.LoadNodes(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
return err
var term bool
if _, err := console.ConsoleFromFile(os.Stderr); err == nil {
term = true
ctx2, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
defer cancel()
progressMode, err := options.toProgress()
if err != nil {
return err
var printer *progress.Printer
printer, err = progress.NewPrinter(ctx2, os.Stderr, os.Stderr, progressMode,
fmt.Sprintf("building with %q instance using %s driver", b.Name, b.Driver),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", b.Driver, b.Name),
progress.WithOnClose(func() {
printWarnings(os.Stderr, printer.Warnings(), progressMode)
if err != nil {
return err
var resp *client.SolveResponse
var retErr error
if isExperimental() {
resp, retErr = runControllerBuild(ctx, dockerCli, opts, options, printer)
} else {
resp, retErr = runBasicBuild(ctx, dockerCli, opts, options, printer)
if err := printer.Wait(); retErr == nil {
retErr = err
if retErr != nil {
return retErr
if progressMode != progress.PrinterModeQuiet {
desktop.PrintBuildDetails(os.Stderr, printer.BuildRefs(), term)
} else {
if options.imageIDFile != "" {
if err := os.WriteFile(options.imageIDFile, []byte(getImageID(resp.ExporterResponse)), 0644); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "writing image ID file")
if options.metadataFile != "" {
if err := writeMetadataFile(options.metadataFile, decodeExporterResponse(resp.ExporterResponse)); err != nil {
return err
if opts.PrintFunc != nil {
if err := printResult(opts.PrintFunc, resp.ExporterResponse); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getImageID returns the image ID - the digest of the image config
func getImageID(resp map[string]string) string {
dgst := resp[exptypes.ExporterImageDigestKey]
if v, ok := resp[exptypes.ExporterImageConfigDigestKey]; ok {
dgst = v
return dgst
func runBasicBuild(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, opts *controllerapi.BuildOptions, options buildOptions, printer *progress.Printer) (*client.SolveResponse, error) {
resp, res, err := cbuild.RunBuild(ctx, dockerCli, *opts, dockerCli.In(), printer, false)
if res != nil {
return resp, err
func runControllerBuild(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, opts *controllerapi.BuildOptions, options buildOptions, printer *progress.Printer) (*client.SolveResponse, error) {
if options.invokeConfig != nil && (options.dockerfileName == "-" || options.contextPath == "-") {
// stdin must be usable for monitor
return nil, errors.Errorf("Dockerfile or context from stdin is not supported with invoke")
c, err := controller.NewController(ctx, options.ControlOptions, dockerCli, printer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err := c.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("failed to close server connection %v", err)
// NOTE: buildx server has the current working directory different from the client
// so we need to resolve paths to abosolute ones in the client.
opts, err = controllerapi.ResolveOptionPaths(opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ref string
var retErr error
var resp *client.SolveResponse
f := ioset.NewSingleForwarder()
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
f.SetWriter(pw, func() io.WriteCloser {
pw.Close() // propagate EOF
logrus.Debug("propagating stdin close")
return nil
ref, resp, err = c.Build(ctx, *opts, pr, printer)
if err != nil {
var be *controllererrors.BuildError
if errors.As(err, &be) {
ref = be.Ref
retErr = err
// We can proceed to monitor
} else {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to build")
if err := pw.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Debug("failed to close stdin pipe writer")
if err := pr.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Debug("failed to close stdin pipe reader")
if options.invokeConfig != nil && options.invokeConfig.needsDebug(retErr) {
pr2, pw2 := io.Pipe()
f.SetWriter(pw2, func() io.WriteCloser {
pw2.Close() // propagate EOF
return nil
err = options.invokeConfig.runDebug(ctx, ref, opts, c, pr2, os.Stdout, os.Stderr, printer)
if err := pw2.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Debug("failed to close monitor stdin pipe reader")
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("failed to run monitor: %v", err)
} else {
if err := c.Disconnect(ctx, ref); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("disconnect error: %v", err)
return resp, retErr
func newDebuggableBuild(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions) debug.DebuggableCmd {
return &debuggableBuild{dockerCli: dockerCli, rootOpts: rootOpts}
type debuggableBuild struct {
dockerCli command.Cli
rootOpts *rootOptions
func (b *debuggableBuild) NewDebugger(cfg *debug.DebugConfig) *cobra.Command {
return buildCmd(b.dockerCli, b.rootOpts, cfg)
func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions, debugConfig *debug.DebugConfig) *cobra.Command {
cFlags := &commonFlags{}
options := &buildOptions{}
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -",
Aliases: []string{"b"},
Short: "Start a build",
Args: cli.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
options.contextPath = args[0]
options.builder = rootOpts.builder
options.metadataFile = cFlags.metadataFile
options.noCache = false
if cFlags.noCache != nil {
options.noCache = *cFlags.noCache
options.pull = false
if cFlags.pull != nil {
options.pull = *cFlags.pull
options.progress = cFlags.progress
if debugConfig != nil && (debugConfig.InvokeFlag != "" || debugConfig.OnFlag != "") {
iConfig := new(invokeConfig)
if err := iConfig.parseInvokeConfig(debugConfig.InvokeFlag, debugConfig.OnFlag); err != nil {
return err
options.invokeConfig = iConfig
return runBuild(dockerCli, *options)
ValidArgsFunction: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
return nil, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs
var platformsDefault []string
if v := os.Getenv("DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM"); v != "" {
platformsDefault = []string{v}
flags := cmd.Flags()
flags.StringSliceVar(&options.extraHosts, "add-host", []string{}, `Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: "host:ip")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("add-host", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{""})
flags.StringSliceVar(&options.allow, "allow", []string{}, `Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., "", "security.insecure")`)
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.buildArgs, "build-arg", []string{}, "Set build-time variables")
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.cacheFrom, "cache-from", []string{}, `External cache sources (e.g., "user/app:cache", "type=local,src=path/to/dir")`)
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.cacheTo, "cache-to", []string{}, `Cache export destinations (e.g., "user/app:cache", "type=local,dest=path/to/dir")`)
flags.StringVar(&options.cgroupParent, "cgroup-parent", "", `Set the parent cgroup for the "RUN" instructions during build`)
flags.SetAnnotation("cgroup-parent", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{""})
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.contexts, "build-context", []string{}, "Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path)")
flags.StringVarP(&options.dockerfileName, "file", "f", "", `Name of the Dockerfile (default: "PATH/Dockerfile")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("file", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{""})
flags.StringVar(&options.imageIDFile, "iidfile", "", "Write the image ID to the file")
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.labels, "label", []string{}, "Set metadata for an image")
flags.BoolVar(&options.exportLoad, "load", false, `Shorthand for "--output=type=docker"`)
flags.StringVar(&options.networkMode, "network", "default", `Set the networking mode for the "RUN" instructions during build`)
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.noCacheFilter, "no-cache-filter", []string{}, "Do not cache specified stages")
flags.StringArrayVarP(&options.outputs, "output", "o", []string{}, `Output destination (format: "type=local,dest=path")`)
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.platforms, "platform", platformsDefault, "Set target platform for build")
if isExperimental() {
flags.StringVar(&options.printFunc, "print", "", "Print result of information request (e.g., outline, targets)")
flags.SetAnnotation("print", "experimentalCLI", nil)
flags.BoolVar(&options.exportPush, "push", false, `Shorthand for "--output=type=registry"`)
flags.BoolVarP(&options.quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "Suppress the build output and print image ID on success")
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.secrets, "secret", []string{}, `Secret to expose to the build (format: "id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]")`)
flags.Var(&options.shmSize, "shm-size", `Size of "/dev/shm"`)
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.ssh, "ssh", []string{}, `SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: "default|<id>[=<socket>|<key>[,<key>]]")`)
flags.StringArrayVarP(&options.tags, "tag", "t", []string{}, `Name and optionally a tag (format: "name:tag")`)
flags.SetAnnotation("tag", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{""})
flags.StringVar(&, "target", "", "Set the target build stage to build")
flags.SetAnnotation("target", annotation.ExternalURL, []string{""})
options.ulimits = dockeropts.NewUlimitOpt(nil)
flags.Var(options.ulimits, "ulimit", "Ulimit options")
flags.StringArrayVar(&options.attests, "attest", []string{}, `Attestation parameters (format: "type=sbom,generator=image")`)
flags.StringVar(&options.sbom, "sbom", "", `Shorthand for "--attest=type=sbom"`)
flags.StringVar(&options.provenance, "provenance", "", `Shorthand for "--attest=type=provenance"`)
if isExperimental() {
// TODO: move this to debug command if needed
flags.StringVar(&options.Root, "root", "", "Specify root directory of server to connect")
flags.SetAnnotation("root", "experimentalCLI", nil)
flags.BoolVar(&options.Detach, "detach", false, "Detach buildx server (supported only on linux)")
flags.SetAnnotation("detach", "experimentalCLI", nil)
flags.StringVar(&options.ServerConfig, "server-config", "", "Specify buildx server config file (used only when launching new server)")
flags.SetAnnotation("server-config", "experimentalCLI", nil)
// hidden flags
var ignore string
var ignoreSlice []string
var ignoreBool bool
var ignoreInt int64
flags.BoolVar(&ignoreBool, "compress", false, "Compress the build context using gzip")
flags.StringVar(&ignore, "isolation", "", "Container isolation technology")
flags.SetAnnotation("isolation", "flag-warn", []string{"isolation flag is deprecated with BuildKit."})
flags.StringSliceVar(&ignoreSlice, "security-opt", []string{}, "Security options")
flags.SetAnnotation("security-opt", "flag-warn", []string{`security-opt flag is deprecated. "RUN --security=insecure" should be used with BuildKit.`})
flags.BoolVar(&ignoreBool, "squash", false, "Squash newly built layers into a single new layer")
flags.SetAnnotation("squash", "flag-warn", []string{"experimental flag squash is removed with BuildKit. You should squash inside build using a multi-stage Dockerfile for efficiency."})
flags.SetAnnotation("squash", "experimentalCLI", nil)
flags.StringVarP(&ignore, "memory", "m", "", "Memory limit")
flags.StringVar(&ignore, "memory-swap", "", `Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: "-1" to enable unlimited swap`)
flags.Int64VarP(&ignoreInt, "cpu-shares", "c", 0, "CPU shares (relative weight)")
flags.Int64Var(&ignoreInt, "cpu-period", 0, "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period")
flags.Int64Var(&ignoreInt, "cpu-quota", 0, "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota")
flags.StringVar(&ignore, "cpuset-cpus", "", `CPUs in which to allow execution ("0-3", "0,1")`)
flags.StringVar(&ignore, "cpuset-mems", "", `MEMs in which to allow execution ("0-3", "0,1")`)
flags.BoolVar(&ignoreBool, "rm", true, "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build")
flags.BoolVar(&ignoreBool, "force-rm", false, "Always remove intermediate containers")
commonBuildFlags(cFlags, flags)
return cmd
// comomnFlags is a set of flags commonly shared among subcommands.
type commonFlags struct {
metadataFile string
progress string
noCache *bool
pull *bool
func commonBuildFlags(options *commonFlags, flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
options.noCache = flags.Bool("no-cache", false, "Do not use cache when building the image")
flags.StringVar(&options.progress, "progress", "auto", `Set type of progress output ("auto", "plain", "tty"). Use plain to show container output`)
options.pull = flags.Bool("pull", false, "Always attempt to pull all referenced images")
flags.StringVar(&options.metadataFile, "metadata-file", "", "Write build result metadata to the file")
func checkWarnedFlags(f *pflag.Flag) {
if !f.Changed {
for t, m := range f.Annotations {
switch t {
case "flag-warn":
func writeMetadataFile(filename string, dt interface{}) error {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(dt, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(filename, b, 0644)
func decodeExporterResponse(exporterResponse map[string]string) map[string]interface{} {
out := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range exporterResponse {
dt, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v)
if err != nil {
out[k] = v
var raw map[string]interface{}
if err = json.Unmarshal(dt, &raw); err != nil || len(raw) == 0 {
out[k] = v
out[k] = json.RawMessage(dt)
return out
func wrapBuildError(err error, bake bool) error {
if err == nil {
return nil
st, ok := grpcerrors.AsGRPCStatus(err)
if ok {
if st.Code() == codes.Unimplemented && strings.Contains(st.Message(), "unsupported frontend capability moby.buildkit.frontend.contexts") {
msg := "current frontend does not support --build-context."
if bake {
msg = "current frontend does not support defining additional contexts for targets."
msg += " Named contexts are supported since Dockerfile v1.4. Use #syntax directive in Dockerfile or update to latest BuildKit."
return &wrapped{err, msg}
return err
type wrapped struct {
err error
msg string
func (w *wrapped) Error() string {
return w.msg
func (w *wrapped) Unwrap() error {
return w.err
func isExperimental() bool {
if v, ok := os.LookupEnv("BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL"); ok {
vv, _ := strconv.ParseBool(v)
return vv
return false
func updateLastActivity(dockerCli command.Cli, ng *store.NodeGroup) error {
txn, release, err := storeutil.GetStore(dockerCli)
if err != nil {
return err
defer release()
return txn.UpdateLastActivity(ng)
func listToMap(values []string, defaultEnv bool) map[string]string {
result := make(map[string]string, len(values))
for _, value := range values {
kv := strings.SplitN(value, "=", 2)
if len(kv) == 1 {
if defaultEnv {
v, ok := os.LookupEnv(kv[0])
if ok {
result[kv[0]] = v
} else {
result[kv[0]] = ""
} else {
result[kv[0]] = kv[1]
return result
func dockerUlimitToControllerUlimit(u *dockeropts.UlimitOpt) *controllerapi.UlimitOpt {
if u == nil {
return nil
values := make(map[string]*controllerapi.Ulimit)
for _, u := range u.GetList() {
values[u.Name] = &controllerapi.Ulimit{
Name: u.Name,
Hard: u.Hard,
Soft: u.Soft,
return &controllerapi.UlimitOpt{Values: values}
func printWarnings(w io.Writer, warnings []client.VertexWarning, mode string) {
if len(warnings) == 0 || mode == progress.PrinterModeQuiet {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n ")
sb := &bytes.Buffer{}
if len(warnings) == 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "1 warning found")
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "%d warnings found", len(warnings))
if logrus.GetLevel() < logrus.DebugLevel {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, " (use --debug to expand)")
fmt.Fprintf(sb, ":\n")
fmt.Fprint(w, aec.Apply(sb.String(), aec.YellowF))
for _, warn := range warnings {
fmt.Fprintf(w, " - %s\n", warn.Short)
if logrus.GetLevel() < logrus.DebugLevel {
for _, d := range warn.Detail {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\n", d)
if warn.URL != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "More info: %s\n", warn.URL)
if warn.SourceInfo != nil && warn.Range != nil {
src := errdefs.Source{
Info: warn.SourceInfo,
Ranges: warn.Range,
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\n")
func printResult(f *controllerapi.PrintFunc, res map[string]string) error {
switch f.Name {
case "outline":
return printValue(outline.PrintOutline, outline.SubrequestsOutlineDefinition.Version, f.Format, res)
case "targets":
return printValue(targets.PrintTargets, targets.SubrequestsTargetsDefinition.Version, f.Format, res)
case "subrequests.describe":
return printValue(subrequests.PrintDescribe, subrequests.SubrequestsDescribeDefinition.Version, f.Format, res)
if dt, ok := res["result.txt"]; ok {
} else {
log.Printf("%s %+v", f, res)
return nil
type printFunc func([]byte, io.Writer) error
func printValue(printer printFunc, version string, format string, res map[string]string) error {
if format == "json" {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, res["result.json"])
return nil
if res["version"] != "" && versions.LessThan(version, res["version"]) && res["result.txt"] != "" {
// structure is too new and we don't know how to print it
fmt.Fprint(os.Stdout, res["result.txt"])
return nil
return printer([]byte(res["result.json"]), os.Stdout)
type invokeConfig struct {
onFlag string
invokeFlag string
func (cfg *invokeConfig) needsDebug(retErr error) bool {
switch cfg.onFlag {
case "always":
return true
case "error":
return retErr != nil
return cfg.invokeFlag != ""
func (cfg *invokeConfig) runDebug(ctx context.Context, ref string, options *controllerapi.BuildOptions, c control.BuildxController, stdin io.ReadCloser, stdout io.WriteCloser, stderr console.File, progress *progress.Printer) error {
con := console.Current()
if err := con.SetRaw(); err != nil {
// TODO: run disconnect in build command (on error case)
if err := c.Disconnect(ctx, ref); err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("disconnect error: %v", err)
return errors.Errorf("failed to configure terminal: %v", err)
defer con.Reset()
return monitor.RunMonitor(ctx, ref, options, cfg.InvokeConfig, c, stdin, stdout, stderr, progress)
func (cfg *invokeConfig) parseInvokeConfig(invoke, on string) error {
cfg.onFlag = on
cfg.invokeFlag = invoke
cfg.Tty = true
cfg.NoCmd = true
switch invoke {
case "default", "":
return nil
case "on-error":
// NOTE: we overwrite the command to run because the original one should fail on the failed step.
// TODO: make this configurable via flags or restorable from LLB.
// Discussion:
cfg.Cmd = []string{"/bin/sh"}
cfg.NoCmd = false
return nil
csvReader := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(invoke))
csvReader.LazyQuotes = true
fields, err := csvReader.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(fields) == 1 && !strings.Contains(fields[0], "=") {
cfg.Cmd = []string{fields[0]}
cfg.NoCmd = false
return nil
cfg.NoUser = true
cfg.NoCwd = true
for _, field := range fields {
parts := strings.SplitN(field, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid value %s", field)
key := strings.ToLower(parts[0])
value := parts[1]
switch key {
case "args":
cfg.Cmd = append(cfg.Cmd, maybeJSONArray(value)...)
cfg.NoCmd = false
case "entrypoint":
cfg.Entrypoint = append(cfg.Entrypoint, maybeJSONArray(value)...)
if cfg.Cmd == nil {
cfg.Cmd = []string{}
cfg.NoCmd = false
case "env":
cfg.Env = append(cfg.Env, maybeJSONArray(value)...)
case "user":
cfg.User = value
cfg.NoUser = false
case "cwd":
cfg.Cwd = value
cfg.NoCwd = false
case "tty":
cfg.Tty, err = strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("failed to parse tty: %v", err)
return errors.Errorf("unknown key %q", key)
return nil
func maybeJSONArray(v string) []string {
var list []string
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(v), &list); err == nil {
return list
return []string{v}