using RPiRgbLEDMatrix; if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("font-example.exe [font_path] "); return -1; } string text = "Hello World!"; if (args.Length > 1) text = args[1]; using var matrix = new RGBLedMatrix(32, 2, 1); var canvas = matrix.CreateOffscreenCanvas(); using var font = new RGBLedFont(args[0]); canvas.DrawText(font, 1, 6, new Color(0, 255, 0), text); matrix.SwapOnVsync(canvas); // run until user presses Ctrl+C var running = true; Console.CancelKeyPress += (_, e) => { running = false; e.Cancel = true; // do not terminate program with Ctrl+C, we need to dispose }; while (running) Thread.Yield(); return 0;