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// -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
// A program that reads frames form STDIN as RGB24, much like
// does.
// This code is public domain
// (but note, that the led-matrix library this depends on is GPL v2)
#include "led-matrix.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define FPS 60
using rgb_matrix::RGBMatrix;
using rgb_matrix::Canvas;
volatile bool interrupt_received = false;
static void InterruptHandler(int signo) {
interrupt_received = true;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
RGBMatrix::Options defaults;
defaults.hardware_mapping = "regular"; // or e.g. "adafruit-hat"
defaults.rows = 32;
defaults.chain_length = 1;
defaults.parallel = 1;
Canvas *canvas = RGBMatrix::CreateFromFlags(&argc, &argv, &defaults);
if (canvas == NULL) {
return 1;
// It is always good to set up a signal handler to cleanly exit when we
// receive a CTRL-C for instance. The DrawOnCanvas() routine is looking
// for that.
signal(SIGTERM, InterruptHandler);
signal(SIGINT, InterruptHandler);
ssize_t frame_size = canvas->width() * canvas->height() * 3;
uint8_t buf[frame_size];
while (1) {
struct timespec start;
timespec_get(&start, TIME_UTC);
ssize_t nread;
ssize_t total_nread = 0;
while ((nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, &buf[total_nread], frame_size - total_nread)) > 0) {
if (interrupt_received) {
return 1;
total_nread += nread;
if (total_nread < frame_size){
for (int y = 0; y < canvas->height(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < canvas->width(); x++) {
uint8_t *p = &buf[(y * canvas->width() + x) * 3];
uint8_t r = *(p+0), g = *(p+1), b = *(p+2);
canvas->SetPixel(x, y, r, g, b);
struct timespec end;
timespec_get(&end, TIME_UTC);
long tudiff = (end.tv_nsec / 1000 + end.tv_sec * 1000000) - (start.tv_nsec / 1000 + start.tv_sec * 1000000);
if (tudiff < 1000000l / FPS) {
usleep(1000000l / FPS - tudiff);
// Animation finished. Shut down the RGB matrix.
delete canvas;
return 0;