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package rpc
import (
type RPCMatrix struct {
m rgbmatrix.Matrix
type GeometryArgs struct{}
type GeometryReply struct{ Width, Height int }
func (m *RPCMatrix) Geometry(_ *GeometryArgs, reply *GeometryReply) error {
w, h := m.m.Geometry()
reply.Width = w
reply.Height = h
return nil
type ApplyArgs struct{ Colors []color.Color }
type ApplyReply struct{}
func (m *RPCMatrix) Apply(args *ApplyArgs, reply *ApplyReply) error {
return m.m.Apply(args.Colors)
type CloseArgs struct{}
type CloseReply struct{}
func (m *RPCMatrix) Close(_ *CloseArgs, _ *CloseReply) error {
return m.m.Close()
func Serve(m rgbmatrix.Matrix) {
l, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":1234")
if e != nil {
log.Fatal("listen error:", e)
http.Serve(l, nil)