@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ mqtt_port = int(os.getenv("MQTT_PORT") or 1883)
mqtt_username = os . getenv ( " MQTT_USERNAME " )
mqtt_password = os . getenv ( " MQTT_PASSWORD " ) # can be None
mqtt_tls_enabled = os . getenv ( " MQTT_TLS_ENABLED " ) == " true "
mqtt_tls_insecure = os . getenv ( " MQTT_TLS_INSECURE " ) == " true "
mqtt_tls_ca_cert = os . getenv ( " MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT " )
mqtt_tls_cert = os . getenv ( " MQTT_TLS_CERT " )
mqtt_tls_key = os . getenv ( " MQTT_TLS_KEY " )
@ -123,8 +124,45 @@ if amcrest_password is None:
log ( " Please set the AMCREST_PASSWORD environment variable " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if mqtt_username is None :
log ( " Please set the MQTT_USERNAME environment variable " , level = " ERROR " )
if mqtt_tls_enabled :
# TLS will be enabled
if not mqtt_tls_insecure :
# TLS verification will be enforced
if mqtt_tls_ca_cert is None :
# No TLS CA certificate was given
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
elif not os . path . exists ( mqtt_tls_ca_cert ) or not os . path . isfile ( mqtt_tls_ca_cert ) :
# Provided TLS CA certificate not found
log ( " Missing file: MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT file {} not found " . format ( mqtt_tls_ca_cert ) , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
# For TLS, MQTT accepts either TLS client auth or username auth.
if bool ( mqtt_tls_cert ) != bool ( mqtt_tls_key ) :
# One TLS client auth variable was given, but not the other
if mqtt_tls_cert is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_CERT " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if mqtt_tls_key is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_KEY " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
elif mqtt_tls_cert is not None and mqtt_tls_key is not None :
# Both TLS client auth variables were given
if not os . path . exists ( mqtt_tls_cert ) or not os . path . isfile ( mqtt_tls_cert ) :
log ( " Missing file: MQTT_TLS_CERT file {} not found " . format ( mqtt_tls_cert ) , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if not os . path . exists ( mqtt_tls_key ) or not os . path . isfile ( mqtt_tls_key ) :
log ( " Missing file: MQTT_TLS_KEY file {} not found " . format ( mqtt_tls_key ) , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
# No TLS client auth variables were given, so username auth is required
if mqtt_username is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_USERNAME " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
# TLS not enabled, so only option is username auth.
if mqtt_username is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_USERNAME " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
version = read_version ( )
@ -212,25 +250,22 @@ mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(
mqtt_client . on_disconnect = on_mqtt_disconnect
mqtt_client . will_set ( topics [ " status " ] , payload = " offline " , qos = mqtt_qos , retain = True )
if mqtt_tls_enabled :
log ( f " Setting up MQTT for TLS " )
if mqtt_tls_ca_cert is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if mqtt_tls_cert is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_CERT " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if mqtt_tls_cert is None :
log ( " Missing var: MQTT_TLS_KEY " , level = " ERROR " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
mqtt_client . tls_set (
ca_certs = mqtt_tls_ca_cert ,
certfile = mqtt_tls_cert ,
keyfile = mqtt_tls_key ,
cert_reqs = ssl . CERT_ REQUIRED,
cert_reqs = ssl . CERT_NONE if mqtt_tls_insecure else ssl . CERT_REQUIRED ,
tls_version = ssl . PROTOCOL_TLS ,
else :
if mqtt_tls_insecure :
log ( " MQTT TLS verification disabled - this is very insecure! Consider setting MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT instead. " , level = " WARN " )
mqtt_client . tls_insecure_set ( mqtt_tls_insecure )
# Need to pass username and password if not using TLS client authentication
if not mqtt_tls_enabled or ( mqtt_tls_cert is None and mqtt_tls_key is None ) :
mqtt_client . username_pw_set ( mqtt_username , password = mqtt_password )
try :