@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import (
dockeropts "github.com/docker/cli/opts"
@ -29,54 +29,39 @@ import (
const defaultTargetName = "default"
const defaultTargetName = "default"
type buildOptions struct {
type buildOptions struct {
contextPath string
contextPath string
dockerfileName string
dockerfileName string
tags [ ] string
labels [ ] string
buildArgs [ ] string
allow [ ] string
buildArgs [ ] string
cacheFrom [ ] string
cacheFrom [ ] string
cacheTo [ ] string
cacheTo [ ] string
target string
platforms [ ] string
secrets [ ] string
ssh [ ] string
outputs [ ] string
imageIDFile string
extraHosts [ ] string
extraHosts [ ] string
imageIDFile string
labels [ ] string
networkMode string
networkMode string
outputs [ ] string
platforms [ ] string
quiet bool
quiet bool
shmSize opts . MemBytes
secrets [ ] string
ulimits * opts . UlimitOpt
shmSize dockeropts . MemBytes
ssh [ ] string
tags [ ] string
target string
ulimits * dockeropts . UlimitOpt
// unimplemented
// unimplemented
squash bool
squash bool
allow [ ] string
// hidden
// untrusted bool
// memory opts.MemBytes
// memorySwap opts.MemSwapBytes
// shmSize opts.MemBytes
// cpuShares int64
// cpuPeriod int64
// cpuQuota int64
// cpuSetCpus string
// cpuSetMems string
// cgroupParent string
// isolation string
// compress bool
// securityOpt []string
type commonOptions struct {
type commonOptions struct {
builder string
builder string
metadataFile string
noCache * bool
noCache * bool
progress string
progress string
pull * bool
pull * bool
metadataFile string
// golangci-lint#826
// golangci-lint#826
// nolint:structcheck
// nolint:structcheck
exportPush bool
exportPush bool
@ -119,16 +104,16 @@ func runBuild(dockerCli command.Cli, in buildOptions) (err error) {
DockerfilePath : in . dockerfileName ,
DockerfilePath : in . dockerfileName ,
InStream : os . Stdin ,
InStream : os . Stdin ,
} ,
} ,
Tags : in . tags ,
Labels : listToMap ( in . labels , false ) ,
BuildArgs : listToMap ( in . buildArgs , true ) ,
BuildArgs : listToMap ( in . buildArgs , true ) ,
Pull : pull ,
NoCache : noCache ,
Target : in . target ,
ImageIDFile : in . imageIDFile ,
ExtraHosts : in . extraHosts ,
ExtraHosts : in . extraHosts ,
ImageIDFile : in . imageIDFile ,
Labels : listToMap ( in . labels , false ) ,
NetworkMode : in . networkMode ,
NetworkMode : in . networkMode ,
NoCache : noCache ,
Pull : pull ,
ShmSize : in . shmSize ,
ShmSize : in . shmSize ,
Tags : in . tags ,
Target : in . target ,
Ulimits : in . ulimits ,
Ulimits : in . ulimits ,
@ -268,7 +253,7 @@ func buildTargets(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, opts map[string]bu
func newBuildOptions ( ) buildOptions {
func newBuildOptions ( ) buildOptions {
ulimits := make ( map [ string ] * units . Ulimit )
ulimits := make ( map [ string ] * units . Ulimit )
return buildOptions {
return buildOptions {
ulimits : opts. NewUlimitOpt ( & ulimits ) ,
ulimits : docker opts. NewUlimitOpt ( & ulimits ) ,
@ -287,35 +272,56 @@ func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions) *cobra.Command {
} ,
} ,
var platformsDefault [ ] string
if v := os . Getenv ( "DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" ) ; v != "" {
platformsDefault = [ ] string { v }
flags := cmd . Flags ( )
flags := cmd . Flags ( )
flags . BoolVar ( & options . exportPush , "push" , false , "Shorthand for `--output=type=registry`" )
flags . StringSliceVar ( & options . extraHosts , "add-host" , [ ] string { } , "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`)" )
flags . BoolVar ( & options . exportLoad , "load" , false , "Shorthand for `--output=type=docker`" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "add-host" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#add-entries-to-container-hosts-file---add-host" } )
flags . StringSliceVar ( & options . allow , "allow" , [ ] string { } , "Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`)" )
flags . StringArrayVarP ( & options . tags , "tag" , "t" , [ ] string { } , "Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`)" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "tag" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#tag-an-image--t" } )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . buildArgs , "build-arg" , [ ] string { } , "Set build-time variables" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . buildArgs , "build-arg" , [ ] string { } , "Set build-time variables" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "build-arg" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#set-build-time-variables---build-arg" } )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "build-arg" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#set-build-time-variables---build-arg" } )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . cacheFrom , "cache-from" , [ ] string { } , "External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`)" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . cacheTo , "cache-to" , [ ] string { } , "Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`)" )
flags . StringVarP ( & options . dockerfileName , "file" , "f" , "" , "Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`)" )
flags . StringVarP ( & options . dockerfileName , "file" , "f" , "" , "Name of the Dockerfile (default: `PATH/Dockerfile`)" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "file" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#specify-a-dockerfile--f" } )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "file" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#specify-a-dockerfile--f" } )
flags . StringVar ( & options . imageIDFile , "iidfile" , "" , "Write the image ID to the file" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . labels , "label" , [ ] string { } , "Set metadata for an image" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . labels , "label" , [ ] string { } , "Set metadata for an image" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . cacheFrom , "cache-from" , [ ] string { } , "External cache sources (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,src=path/to/dir`)" )
flags . BoolVar ( & options . exportLoad , "load" , false , "Shorthand for `--output=type=docker`" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . cacheTo , "cache-to" , [ ] string { } , "Cache export destinations (e.g., `user/app:cache`, `type=local,dest=path/to/dir`)" )
flags . StringVar ( & options . target , "target" , "" , "Set the target build stage to build." )
flags . StringVar ( & options . networkMode , "network" , "default" , "Set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "target" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#specifying-target-build-stage---target" } )
flags . StringSliceVar ( & options . allow , "allow" , [ ] string { } , "Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., `network.host`, `security.insecure`)" )
flags . StringArrayVarP ( & options . outputs , "output" , "o" , [ ] string { } , "Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`)" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . platforms , "platform" , platformsDefault , "Set target platform for build" )
flags . BoolVar ( & options . exportPush , "push" , false , "Shorthand for `--output=type=registry`" )
flags . BoolVarP ( & options . quiet , "quiet" , "q" , false , "Suppress the build output and print image ID on success" )
flags . BoolVarP ( & options . quiet , "quiet" , "q" , false , "Suppress the build output and print image ID on success" )
flags . StringVar ( & options . networkMode , "network" , "default" , "Set the networking mode for the RUN instructions during build" )
flags . StringSliceVar ( & options . extraHosts , "add-host" , [ ] string { } , "Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: `host:ip`)" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . secrets , "secret" , [ ] string { } , "Secret file to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret,src=/local/secret`)" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "add-host" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#add-entries-to-container-hosts-file---add-host" } )
flags . StringVar ( & options . imageIDFile , "iidfile" , "" , "Write the image ID to the file" )
flags . Var ( & options . shmSize , "shm-size" , "Size of `/dev/shm`" )
flags . Var ( & options . shmSize , "shm-size" , "Size of `/dev/shm`" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . ssh , "ssh" , [ ] string { } , "SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default|<id>[=<socket>|<key>[,<key>]]`)" )
flags . StringArrayVarP ( & options . tags , "tag" , "t" , [ ] string { } , "Name and optionally a tag (format: `name:tag`)" )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "tag" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#tag-an-image--t" } )
flags . StringVar ( & options . target , "target" , "" , "Set the target build stage to build." )
flags . SetAnnotation ( "target" , "docs.external.url" , [ ] string { "https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/build/#specifying-target-build-stage---target" } )
flags . Var ( options . ulimits , "ulimit" , "Ulimit options" )
flags . Var ( options . ulimits , "ulimit" , "Ulimit options" )
// not implemented
// not implemented
@ -327,47 +333,47 @@ func buildCmd(dockerCli command.Cli, rootOpts *rootOptions) *cobra.Command {
var ignoreSlice [ ] string
var ignoreSlice [ ] string
var ignoreBool bool
var ignoreBool bool
var ignoreInt int64
var ignoreInt int64
flags . StringSliceVar ( & ignoreSlice , "security-opt" , [ ] string { } , "Security options" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "security-opt" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cgroup-parent" , "" , "Optional parent cgroup for the container" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cgroup-parent" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "compress" , false , "Compress the build context using gzip" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "compress" , false , "Compress the build context using gzip" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "compress" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "compress" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "isolation" , "" , "Container isolation technology" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "isolation" )
flags . StringSliceVar ( & ignoreSlice , "security-opt" , [ ] string { } , "Security options" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "security-opt" )
flags . StringVarP ( & ignore , "memory" , "m" , "" , "Memory limit" )
flags . StringVarP ( & ignore , "memory" , "m" , "" , "Memory limit" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "memory" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "memory" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "memory-swap" , "" , "Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: `-1` to enable unlimited swap" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "memory-swap" , "" , "Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: `-1` to enable unlimited swap" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "memory-swap" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "memory-swap" )
flags . Int64VarP ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-shares" , "c" , 0 , "CPU shares (relative weight)" )
flags . Int64VarP ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-shares" , "c" , 0 , "CPU shares (relative weight)" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-shares" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-shares" )
flags . Int64Var ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-period" , 0 , "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period" )
flags . Int64Var ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-period" , 0 , "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-period" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-period" )
flags . Int64Var ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-quota" , 0 , "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota" )
flags . Int64Var ( & ignoreInt , "cpu-quota" , 0 , "Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-quota" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpu-quota" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cpuset-cpus" , "" , "CPUs in which to allow execution (`0-3`, `0,1`)" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cpuset-cpus" , "" , "CPUs in which to allow execution (`0-3`, `0,1`)" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpuset-cpus" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpuset-cpus" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cpuset-mems" , "" , "MEMs in which to allow execution (`0-3`, `0,1`)" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cpuset-mems" , "" , "MEMs in which to allow execution (`0-3`, `0,1`)" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpuset-mems" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cpuset-mems" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "cgroup-parent" , "" , "Optional parent cgroup for the container" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "cgroup-parent" )
flags . StringVar ( & ignore , "isolation" , "" , "Container isolation technology" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "isolation" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "rm" , true , "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "rm" , true , "Remove intermediate containers after a successful build" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "rm" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "rm" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "force-rm" , false , "Always remove intermediate containers" )
flags . BoolVar ( & ignoreBool , "force-rm" , false , "Always remove intermediate containers" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "force-rm" )
flags . MarkHidden ( "force-rm" )
platformsDefault := [ ] string { }
if v := os . Getenv ( "DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM" ) ; v != "" {
platformsDefault = [ ] string { v }
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . platforms , "platform" , platformsDefault , "Set target platform for build" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . secrets , "secret" , [ ] string { } , "Secret file to expose to the build (format: `id=mysecret,src=/local/secret`)" )
flags . StringArrayVar ( & options . ssh , "ssh" , [ ] string { } , "SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: `default|<id>[=<socket>|<key>[,<key>]]`)" )
flags . StringArrayVarP ( & options . outputs , "output" , "o" , [ ] string { } , "Output destination (format: `type=local,dest=path`)" )
commonBuildFlags ( & options . commonOptions , flags )
commonBuildFlags ( & options . commonOptions , flags )
return cmd
return cmd