@ -952,26 +952,190 @@ func BuildWithResultHandler(ctx context.Context, nodes []builder.Node, opt map[s
if multiTarget {
span, ctx = tracing.StartSpan(ctx, k)
baseCtx := ctx
res := make([]*client.SolveResponse, len(dps))
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
eg2, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
var pushNames string
var insecurePush bool
for i, dp := range dps {
i, dp, so := i, dp, *dp.so
if multiDriver {
for i, e := range so.Exports {
switch e.Type {
case "oci", "tar":
return errors.Errorf("%s for multi-node builds currently not supported", e.Type)
case "image":
if pushNames == "" && e.Attrs["push"] != "" {
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["push"]); ok {
pushNames = e.Attrs["name"]
if pushNames == "" {
return errors.Errorf("tag is needed when pushing to registry")
names, err := toRepoOnly(e.Attrs["name"])
if err != nil {
return err
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["registry.insecure"]); ok {
insecurePush = true
e.Attrs["name"] = names
e.Attrs["push-by-digest"] = "true"
so.Exports[i].Attrs = e.Attrs
pw := progress.WithPrefix(w, k, multiTarget)
c := clients[dp.driverIndex]
eg2.Go(func() error {
pw = progress.ResetTime(pw)
if err := waitContextDeps(ctx, dp.driverIndex, results, &so); err != nil {
return err
frontendInputs := make(map[string]*pb.Definition)
for key, st := range so.FrontendInputs {
def, err := st.Marshal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
frontendInputs[key] = def.ToPB()
req := gateway.SolveRequest{
Frontend: so.Frontend,
FrontendInputs: frontendInputs,
FrontendOpt: make(map[string]string),
for k, v := range so.FrontendAttrs {
req.FrontendOpt[k] = v
so.Frontend = ""
so.FrontendInputs = nil
ch, done := progress.NewChannel(pw)
defer func() { <-done }()
cc := c
var printRes map[string][]byte
rr, err := c.Build(ctx, so, "buildx", func(ctx context.Context, c gateway.Client) (*gateway.Result, error) {
var isFallback bool
var origErr error
for {
if opt.PrintFunc != nil {
if _, ok := req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"]; !ok {
req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"] = "moby.buildkit.frontend.subrequests+forward"
} else {
req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"] += ",moby.buildkit.frontend.subrequests+forward"
req.FrontendOpt["requestid"] = "frontend." + opt.PrintFunc.Name
if isFallback {
req.FrontendOpt["build-arg:BUILDKIT_SYNTAX"] = printFallbackImage
res, err := c.Solve(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
if origErr != nil {
return nil, err
var reqErr *errdefs.UnsupportedSubrequestError
if !isFallback {
if errors.As(err, &reqErr) {
switch reqErr.Name {
case "frontend.outline", "frontend.targets":
isFallback = true
origErr = err
return nil, err
// buildkit v0.8 vendored in Docker 20.10 does not support typed errors
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported request frontend.outline") || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported request frontend.targets") {
isFallback = true
origErr = err
return nil, err
if opt.PrintFunc != nil {
printRes = res.Metadata
results.Set(resultKey(dp.driverIndex, k), res)
if resultHandleFunc != nil {
resultHandleFunc(dp.driverIndex, &ResultContext{cc, res})
return res, nil
}, ch)
if err != nil {
return err
res[i] = rr
if rr.ExporterResponse == nil {
rr.ExporterResponse = map[string]string{}
for k, v := range printRes {
rr.ExporterResponse[k] = string(v)
node := nodes[dp.driverIndex].Driver
if node.IsMobyDriver() {
for _, e := range so.Exports {
if e.Type == "moby" && e.Attrs["push"] != "" {
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["push"]); ok {
pushNames = e.Attrs["name"]
if pushNames == "" {
return errors.Errorf("tag is needed when pushing to registry")
pw := progress.ResetTime(pw)
pushList := strings.Split(pushNames, ",")
for _, name := range pushList {
if err := progress.Wrap(fmt.Sprintf("pushing %s with docker", name), pw.Write, func(l progress.SubLogger) error {
return pushWithMoby(ctx, node, name, l)
}); err != nil {
return err
remoteDigest, err := remoteDigestWithMoby(ctx, node, pushList[0])
if err == nil && remoteDigest != "" {
// old daemons might not have containerimage.config.digest set
// in response so use containerimage.digest value for it if available
if _, ok := rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageConfigDigestKey]; !ok {
if v, ok := rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageDigestKey]; ok {
rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageConfigDigestKey] = v
rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageDigestKey] = remoteDigest
} else if err != nil {
return err
return nil
eg.Go(func() (err error) {
ctx := baseCtx
defer func() {
if span != nil {
tracing.FinishWithError(span, err)
pw := progress.WithPrefix(w, "default", false)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if err := eg2.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
@ -1077,176 +1241,6 @@ func BuildWithResultHandler(ctx context.Context, nodes []builder.Node, opt map[s
return nil
for i, dp := range dps {
so := *dp.so
if multiDriver {
for i, e := range so.Exports {
switch e.Type {
case "oci", "tar":
return errors.Errorf("%s for multi-node builds currently not supported", e.Type)
case "image":
if pushNames == "" && e.Attrs["push"] != "" {
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["push"]); ok {
pushNames = e.Attrs["name"]
if pushNames == "" {
return errors.Errorf("tag is needed when pushing to registry")
names, err := toRepoOnly(e.Attrs["name"])
if err != nil {
return err
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["registry.insecure"]); ok {
insecurePush = true
e.Attrs["name"] = names
e.Attrs["push-by-digest"] = "true"
so.Exports[i].Attrs = e.Attrs
func(i int, dp driverPair, so client.SolveOpt) {
pw := progress.WithPrefix(w, k, multiTarget)
c := clients[dp.driverIndex]
eg.Go(func() error {
pw = progress.ResetTime(pw)
defer wg.Done()
if err := waitContextDeps(ctx, dp.driverIndex, results, &so); err != nil {
return err
frontendInputs := make(map[string]*pb.Definition)
for key, st := range so.FrontendInputs {
def, err := st.Marshal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
frontendInputs[key] = def.ToPB()
req := gateway.SolveRequest{
Frontend: so.Frontend,
FrontendInputs: frontendInputs,
FrontendOpt: make(map[string]string),
for k, v := range so.FrontendAttrs {
req.FrontendOpt[k] = v
so.Frontend = ""
so.FrontendInputs = nil
ch, done := progress.NewChannel(pw)
defer func() { <-done }()
cc := c
var printRes map[string][]byte
rr, err := c.Build(ctx, so, "buildx", func(ctx context.Context, c gateway.Client) (*gateway.Result, error) {
var isFallback bool
var origErr error
for {
if opt.PrintFunc != nil {
if _, ok := req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"]; !ok {
req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"] = "moby.buildkit.frontend.subrequests+forward"
} else {
req.FrontendOpt["frontend.caps"] += ",moby.buildkit.frontend.subrequests+forward"
req.FrontendOpt["requestid"] = "frontend." + opt.PrintFunc.Name
if isFallback {
req.FrontendOpt["build-arg:BUILDKIT_SYNTAX"] = printFallbackImage
res, err := c.Solve(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
if origErr != nil {
return nil, err
var reqErr *errdefs.UnsupportedSubrequestError
if !isFallback {
if errors.As(err, &reqErr) {
switch reqErr.Name {
case "frontend.outline", "frontend.targets":
isFallback = true
origErr = err
return nil, err
// buildkit v0.8 vendored in Docker 20.10 does not support typed errors
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported request frontend.outline") || strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unsupported request frontend.targets") {
isFallback = true
origErr = err
return nil, err
if opt.PrintFunc != nil {
printRes = res.Metadata
results.Set(resultKey(dp.driverIndex, k), res)
if resultHandleFunc != nil {
resultHandleFunc(dp.driverIndex, &ResultContext{cc, res})
return res, nil
}, ch)
if err != nil {
return err
res[i] = rr
if rr.ExporterResponse == nil {
rr.ExporterResponse = map[string]string{}
for k, v := range printRes {
rr.ExporterResponse[k] = string(v)
node := nodes[dp.driverIndex].Driver
if node.IsMobyDriver() {
for _, e := range so.Exports {
if e.Type == "moby" && e.Attrs["push"] != "" {
if ok, _ := strconv.ParseBool(e.Attrs["push"]); ok {
pushNames = e.Attrs["name"]
if pushNames == "" {
return errors.Errorf("tag is needed when pushing to registry")
pw := progress.ResetTime(pw)
pushList := strings.Split(pushNames, ",")
for _, name := range pushList {
if err := progress.Wrap(fmt.Sprintf("pushing %s with docker", name), pw.Write, func(l progress.SubLogger) error {
return pushWithMoby(ctx, node, name, l)
}); err != nil {
return err
remoteDigest, err := remoteDigestWithMoby(ctx, node, pushList[0])
if err == nil && remoteDigest != "" {
// old daemons might not have containerimage.config.digest set
// in response so use containerimage.digest value for it if available
if _, ok := rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageConfigDigestKey]; !ok {
if v, ok := rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageDigestKey]; ok {
rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageConfigDigestKey] = v
rr.ExporterResponse[exptypes.ExporterImageDigestKey] = remoteDigest
} else if err != nil {
return err
return nil
}(i, dp, so)
return nil
if err != nil {