@ -75,6 +75,77 @@ func ObjectsAreEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool {
return bytes.Equal(exp, act)
// copyExportedFields iterates downward through nested data structures and creates a copy
// that only contains the exported struct fields.
func copyExportedFields(expected interface{}) interface{} {
if isNil(expected) {
return expected
expectedType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
expectedKind := expectedType.Kind()
expectedValue := reflect.ValueOf(expected)
switch expectedKind {
case reflect.Struct:
result := reflect.New(expectedType).Elem()
for i := 0; i < expectedType.NumField(); i++ {
field := expectedType.Field(i)
isExported := field.IsExported()
if isExported {
fieldValue := expectedValue.Field(i)
if isNil(fieldValue) || isNil(fieldValue.Interface()) {
newValue := copyExportedFields(fieldValue.Interface())
return result.Interface()
case reflect.Ptr:
result := reflect.New(expectedType.Elem())
unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(expectedValue.Elem().Interface())
return result.Interface()
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
result := reflect.MakeSlice(expectedType, expectedValue.Len(), expectedValue.Len())
for i := 0; i < expectedValue.Len(); i++ {
index := expectedValue.Index(i)
if isNil(index) {
unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(index.Interface())
return result.Interface()
case reflect.Map:
result := reflect.MakeMap(expectedType)
for _, k := range expectedValue.MapKeys() {
index := expectedValue.MapIndex(k)
unexportedRemoved := copyExportedFields(index.Interface())
result.SetMapIndex(k, reflect.ValueOf(unexportedRemoved))
return result.Interface()
return expected
// ObjectsExportedFieldsAreEqual determines if the exported (public) fields of two objects are
// considered equal. This comparison of only exported fields is applied recursively to nested data
// structures.
// This function does no assertion of any kind.
func ObjectsExportedFieldsAreEqual(expected, actual interface{}) bool {
expectedCleaned := copyExportedFields(expected)
actualCleaned := copyExportedFields(actual)
return ObjectsAreEqualValues(expectedCleaned, actualCleaned)
// ObjectsAreEqualValues gets whether two objects are equal, or if their
// values are equal.
func ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual interface{}) bool {
@ -473,6 +544,50 @@ func EqualValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interfa
// EqualExportedValues asserts that the types of two objects are equal and their public
// fields are also equal. This is useful for comparing structs that have private fields
// that could potentially differ.
// type S struct {
// Exported int
// notExported int
// }
// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{1, 3}) => true
// assert.EqualExportedValues(t, S{1, 2}, S{2, 3}) => false
func EqualExportedValues(t TestingT, expected, actual interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok {
aType := reflect.TypeOf(expected)
bType := reflect.TypeOf(actual)
if aType != bType {
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to match exactly\n\t%v != %v", aType, bType), msgAndArgs...)
if aType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to both be struct \n\t%v != %v", aType.Kind(), reflect.Struct), msgAndArgs...)
if bType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Types expected to both be struct \n\t%v != %v", bType.Kind(), reflect.Struct), msgAndArgs...)
expected = copyExportedFields(expected)
actual = copyExportedFields(actual)
if !ObjectsAreEqualValues(expected, actual) {
diff := diff(expected, actual)
expected, actual = formatUnequalValues(expected, actual)
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("Not equal (comparing only exported fields): \n"+
"expected: %s\n"+
"actual : %s%s", expected, actual, diff), msgAndArgs...)
return true
// Exactly asserts that two objects are equal in value and type.
// assert.Exactly(t, int32(123), int64(123))
@ -794,10 +909,10 @@ func NotContains(t TestingT, s, contains interface{}, msgAndArgs ...interface{})
ok, found := containsElement(s, contains)
if !ok {
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...)
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v could not be applied builtin len()", s), msgAndArgs...)
if found {
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\" should not contain \"%s\"", s, contains), msgAndArgs...)
return Fail(t, fmt.Sprintf("%#v should not contain %#v", s, contains), msgAndArgs...)
return true
@ -1744,6 +1859,89 @@ func Eventually(t TestingT, condition func() bool, waitFor time.Duration, tick t
// CollectT implements the TestingT interface and collects all errors.
type CollectT struct {
errors []error
// Errorf collects the error.
func (c *CollectT) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.errors = append(c.errors, fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
// FailNow panics.
func (c *CollectT) FailNow() {
panic("Assertion failed")
// Reset clears the collected errors.
func (c *CollectT) Reset() {
c.errors = nil
// Copy copies the collected errors to the supplied t.
func (c *CollectT) Copy(t TestingT) {
if tt, ok := t.(tHelper); ok {
for _, err := range c.errors {
t.Errorf("%v", err)
// EventuallyWithT asserts that given condition will be met in waitFor time,
// periodically checking target function each tick. In contrast to Eventually,
// it supplies a CollectT to the condition function, so that the condition
// function can use the CollectT to call other assertions.
// The condition is considered "met" if no errors are raised in a tick.
// The supplied CollectT collects all errors from one tick (if there are any).
// If the condition is not met before waitFor, the collected errors of
// the last tick are copied to t.
// externalValue := false
// go func() {
// time.Sleep(8*time.Second)
// externalValue = true
// }()
// assert.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
// // add assertions as needed; any assertion failure will fail the current tick
// assert.True(c, externalValue, "expected 'externalValue' to be true")
// }, 1*time.Second, 10*time.Second, "external state has not changed to 'true'; still false")
func EventuallyWithT(t TestingT, condition func(collect *CollectT), waitFor time.Duration, tick time.Duration, msgAndArgs ...interface{}) bool {
if h, ok := t.(tHelper); ok {
collect := new(CollectT)
ch := make(chan bool, 1)
timer := time.NewTimer(waitFor)
defer timer.Stop()
ticker := time.NewTicker(tick)
defer ticker.Stop()
for tick := ticker.C; ; {
select {
case <-timer.C:
return Fail(t, "Condition never satisfied", msgAndArgs...)
case <-tick:
tick = nil
go func() {
ch <- len(collect.errors) == 0
case v := <-ch:
if v {
return true
tick = ticker.C
// Never asserts that the given condition doesn't satisfy in waitFor time,
// periodically checking the target function each tick.