
2.4 KiB

Azure Blob Storage cache storage


This cache backend is unreleased. You can use it today, by using the moby/buildkit:master image in your Buildx driver.

The azblob cache store uploads your resulting build cache to Azure's blob storage service.


This cache storage backend requires using a different driver than the default docker driver - see more information on selecting a driver here. To create a new driver (which can act as a simple drop-in replacement):

$ docker buildx create --use --driver=docker-container


$ docker buildx build --push -t <registry>/<image> \
  --cache-to type=azblob,name=<cache-image>[,parameters...] \
  --cache-from type=azblob,name=<cache-image>[,parameters...] .

The following table describes the available CSV parameters that you can pass to --cache-to and --cache-from.

Name Option Type Default Description
name cache-to,cache-from String Required. The name of the cache image.
account_url cache-to,cache-from String Base URL of the storage account.
secret_access_key cache-to,cache-from String Blob storage account key, see authentication.
mode cache-to min,max min Cache layers to export, see cache mode.


The secret_access_key, if left unspecified, is read from environment variables on the BuildKit server following the scheme for the Azure Go SDK. The environment variables are read from the server, not the Buildx client.

Further reading

For an introduction to caching see Optimizing builds with cache.

For more information on the azblob cache backend, see the BuildKit README.