You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9.3 KiB

Breakpoint debugger (experimental)

Debugger on the monitor

You can use --invoke=debug-step to use breakpoint debugger.

This doesn't perform the build but immediately launches the debug monitor. You can continue the build on the monitor in a step-by-step manner. show command shows the source file with breakpoint information.

$ BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL=1 buildx build --invoke=debug-step /tmp/ctx3
INFO: connecting to buildx server
INFO: no buildx server found; launching...
[+] Building 3.2s (5/5) FINISHED                                                
 => [internal] booting buildkit                                            0.6s
 => => starting container buildx_buildkit_testbuilder0                     0.6s
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                       0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 87B                                        0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                          0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                            0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for          2.3s
 => [auth] library/busybox:pull token for             0.0s
Launching interactive container. Press Ctrl-a-c to switch to monitor console
/ # Switched IO
(buildx) show
Filename: "Dockerfile"
      1| FROM busybox
      2| RUN echo hi > /hi
      3| RUN echo aaaa > /a

You can start the build using continue command. => shows the position where the build is pausing.

(buildx) continue
Break at [stopOnEntry]
Filename: "Dockerfile"
 =>   1| FROM busybox
      2| RUN echo hi > /hi
      3| RUN echo aaaa > /a

You can set a breakpoint using break command. The position of the breakpoint is shown by * on the show command output.

(buildx) break 3
(buildx) show
Filename: "Dockerfile"
 =>   1| FROM busybox
      2| RUN echo hi > /hi
*     3| RUN echo aaaa > /a

continue resumes the build and stops when it encounters a breakpoint. You can switch to the shell using C-a-c and inspect the filesystem.

(buildx) continue
[+] Building 0.0s (2/2) FINISHED                                                
 => CACHED [1/3] FROM  0.0s
 => => resolve  0.0s
 => CACHED [2/3] RUN echo hi > /hi                                         0.0s
[+] Building 0.0s (3/3) FINISHED                                                
 => CACHED [1/3] FROM  0.0s
 => => resolve  0.0s
 => CACHED [3/3] RUN echo aaaa > /a                                        0.0s
 => CACHED [2/3] RUN echo hi > /hi                                         0.0s
Break at [1]
Filename: "Dockerfile"
      1| FROM busybox
      2| RUN echo hi > /hi
*=>   3| RUN echo aaaa > /a

(buildx) Switched IO

/ # cat /a
  • Implemented commands
    • show: shows the Dockerfile
    • break: set a breakpoint at the specified line
    • breakpoints: list key-value pairs of available breakpoints
    • clear: clear the breakpoint specified by the key
    • clearall: clear all breakpoints
    • next: proceed to the next line
    • continue: resume the build until the next breakpoint

Debugger on IDEs

The breakpoint debugger can be used on IDEs. The monitor provides DAP API for IDEs so that the breakpoint debugger can be controlled via the editor's UI.

VS Code

You can use vscode-buildx-debugger extension. Buildx needs to be available via PATH environtmen variable.

Install the VSIX file to VS Code as the following:

code --install-extension vscode-buildx-debugger-${VERSION}.vsix

You can lanuch the debugger by putting launch.json in .vscode in the project directory.

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
	    "type": "dockerfile",
	    "request": "launch",
	    "name": "Debug Dockerfile",
	    "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Dockerfile",
	    "stopOnEntry": true



The following config enables emacs to use buildx as a breakpoint debugger for Dockerfile. Buildx needs to be available via PATH environtmen variable.

(require 'dap-mode)
(require 'dap-utils)

(dap-register-debug-provider "dockerfile" 'dap-dockerfile--populate-default-args)

(defun dap-dockerfile--populate-default-args (conf)
  "Populate CONF with the default arguments."
  (-> conf
    (dap--put-if-absent :program buffer-file-name)
    (dap--put-if-absent :dap-server-path (list "buildx" "dap"))))

(dap-register-debug-template "Dockerfile Debug Configuration"
                             (list :type "dockerfile"
                                   :request "launch"
                                   :stopOnEntry t
                                   :name "Debug Dockerfile"
                                   :environment-variables '(("BUILDX_EXPERIMENTAL" . "1"))

To launch the debugger, M-x dap-debug then select Dockerfile Debug Configuration template.

dap-mode also supports launch.json of VS Code. dap-mode looks up launch.json under (lsp-workspace-root) and loads it. Refer to the dap-mode document for details.

Emacs DAP


  • Requirements
    • Neovim (>= 0.6)

The following packer.nvim config enables neovim to use buildx as a breakpoint debugger for Dockerfile. Add it to your packer.nvim config location (e.g. ~/.config/nvim/init.lua, ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua, etc.). Buildx needs to be available via PATH environtmen variable.

        use "mfussenegger/nvim-dap"

local dap = require("dap")

dap.adapters.dockerfile = {
  type = 'executable';
  command = '/path/to/buildx';
  args = { 'dap' };
  options = {
    env = {

dap.configurations.dockerfile = {
        type = "dockerfile",
        name = "Dockerfile Configuration",
        request = "launch",
        stopOnEntry = true,
        program = "${file}",

nvim-dap also supports a subset of launch.json of VS Code. :lua require('dap.ext.vscode').load_launchjs() searches launch.json under the current working directory and loads it. Refer to the nvim-dap document for details.

See also :help dap.txt of nvim-dap for available commands.

nvim DAP

Launch Configuration

In the launch configuration (e.g. launch.json on VS Code), the following properties are provided.

  • program string REQUIRED : Absolute path to Dockerfile.
  • stopOnEntry boolean : Automatically stop after launch. (default: true)
  • target string : Target build stage to build.
  • build-args array : Build-time variables.
  • ssh array : Allow forwarding SSH agent to the build. Format: default|<id>[=<socket>|<key>[,<key>]]
  • secrets array : Expose secret value to the build. Format: id=secretname,src=filepath
  • root string : Root directory for controller server.
  • controller-mode string : Mode to launch the controller (local vs remote(default))
  • server-config string : Path to the controller server configuration file.

Common and mandatory properties are the following (see VS Code documentation for details).

  • type : Type of debugger to use. Must be dockerfile.
  • request : The request type. launch is only supported as of now.
  • name : The reader-friendly name of this configuration.

Repl commands


   buildx exec - Execute command in the step

   exec [OPTIONS] [ARGS...]

If ARGS isn't provided, "/bin/sh" is used by default.

   --init-state               Execute commands in an initial state of that step
   --tty, -t                  Allocate tty (enabled by default)
   -i                         Enable stdin (FIXME: must be set with tty) (enabled by default)
   --env value, -e value      Set environment variables
   --workdir value, -w value  Working directory inside the container
   --rollback                 Kill running processes and recreate the debugging container


   buildx ps - List attachable processes.



   buildx attach - Attach to a processes.

   attach PID


    - Shows a list of commands or help for one command


Known Limitations

Following lists the current known limitations that should be eliminated in the futural version.

  • Step Into and Step Out in Debug toolbar is unsupported. To inspect instructions deeper, you can use exec REPL command instead.
  • Logpoint, conditional, function and data breakpoints aren't supported.
  • Setting value to a variable isn't supported.
  • attach request type in launch configuration isn't supported.