# xbee python docs: http://cms.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90002219/#concepts/c_90002219_start.htm?TocPath=Digi%2520MicroPython%2520Programming%2520Guide%257C_____0
# using pycharm w/ xbee: https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/90002445/default.htm
# xbee hardware pdf: https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/pdfs/90001543.pdf
import time
import xbee
import spec
import barrier
from machine import Pin
import gen
import com
from micropython import const
import struct
#ad0 = Pin("D0", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
#ad1 = Pin("D1", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
#ad2 = Pin("D2", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)help
while xbee.atcmd("AI") != 0:
ad4 = Pin("D4", Pin.OUT, value=0)
def status_cb(status):
print("m stat: {:02x}".format(status))
# arduino_addr = 0x48
# senddata = 0
key = b'\x5A\x69\x67\x42\x65\x65\x41\x6C\x6C\x69\x61\x6E\x63\x65\x30\x39'
#_key = const(0x5A 0x69 0x67 0x42 0x65 0x65 0x41 0x6C 0x6C 0x69 0x61 0x6E 0x63 0x65 0x30 0x39)
xbee.atcmd('KY', key)
#leave_load=bytes([171, srcarry[1], srcarry[0], 209, 65, 0, 162, 19, 0, 2])
#xbee.transmit(xbee.ADDR_COORDINATOR, b'\xAB\xF7\x6A\x8D\xC2\xD1\x41\x00\xA2\x13\x00\x8E', source_ep=0, dest_ep=0, cluster=19, profile=0, tx_options=0)
#xbee.transmit(xbee.ADDR_COORDINATOR, b'\xAB\xF7\x6A\x8D\xC2\xD1\x41\x00\xA2\x13\x00\x8E', source_ep=0, dest_ep=0, cluster=19, profile=0, tx_options=0)
_rap=const(0x01) #read attribute response
_dap=const(0x0d) #discover attribute response
_war=const(0x05) #write attribute no response
_ra =const(0x0a) #report attributes
oob=b'\xab' #out of band sequence number
duint8 = b'\x20'
duint16 =b'\x21'
denum8 = b'\x30'
dbool = b'\x10'
SUCCESS = b'\x00'
def main_loop ():
diff = 10000
first_report = False
timestamp = time.ticks_ms()
garage = barrier.Barrier()
payload_header = b'\x18'
while 1 != 0:
packet = com.receive()
if packet is not None:
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
if packet['cluster'] == 259: #barrier cluster
cluster_name, seq, CommandType, command_name, disable_default_response, kwargs = spec.decode_zcl(
packet['cluster'], packet['payload'])
print("printing kwargs for incoming packet")
if "attributes" in kwargs:
print("found attribute request")
stat=garage.status(seq, kwargs)
if stat != 'b\xffff':
print("garage status")
payload = payload_header+ bytes([seq])+ bytes([_rap]) + stat
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=packet['dest_ep'], dest_ep=packet['source_ep'], cluster=packet['cluster'], profile=packet['profile'])
#if CommandType is not None:
if command_name == "stop":
garage.command(seq, packet['payload'])
payload = payload_header + bytes([seq]) + bytes([_def]) + 'b\x01' + 'b\x00'
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=packet['dest_ep'], dest_ep=packet['source_ep'], cluster=packet['cluster'], profile=packet['profile'])
if packet['cluster'] == 6: #genOnOffCluster in HA Profile
if packet['profile'] == 260: #HA profile
cluster_name, seq, CommandType, command_name, disable_default_response, kwargs = spec.decode_zcl(packet['cluster'], packet['payload'])
# print(packet['payload'])
# print(CommandType)
# print(command_name)
# print(kwargs)
if "attributes" in kwargs:
if kwargs['attributes'][0] == 0:
payload = payload_header + bytes([seq]) + bytes([_rap]) + bytes([0,0])+ SUCCESS + dbool + bytes([ad4.value()])
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=packet['dest_ep'], dest_ep=packet['source_ep'],
cluster=packet['cluster'], profile=packet['profile'])
if kwargs['attributes'][0] == 10:
payload = payload_header + bytes([seq]) + bytes([_rap]) + bytes([0, 0, 16, ad4.value()])
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=packet['dest_ep'], dest_ep=packet['source_ep'],
cluster=packet['cluster'], profile=packet['profile'])
if command_name == "on":
if command_name == "off":
if command_name == "toggle":
if packet['cluster']==5: #active endpoint request
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
payload=bytes([b[0], 00, b[1], b[2], 1, 1])
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload,source_ep=0,dest_ep=0,cluster=32773, profile=0)
if packet['cluster']==4: #simple descriptor request
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
payload = bytes([b[0], 00, b[1], b[2], 14, 1, 4, 1, 2, 0, 6, 4, 0, 0, 3, 0, 6,0, 3, 1,0, 0])
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=0, dest_ep=0, cluster=32772, profile=0)
print("simple descriptor response")
if packet['cluster'] == 0: #network address request
if packet['profile'] == 260:
cluster_name, seq, CommandType, command_name, disable_default_response, kwargs = spec.decode_zcl(packet['cluster'], packet['payload'])
if 'attributes' in kwargs:
zcl_header = payload_header + bytes([seq]) + _rap
payload = zcl_header+attr_bytes
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=packet['dest_ep'], dest_ep=packet['source_ep'], cluster=packet['cluster'], profile=packet['profile'])
#spec.decode_zcl(packet['cluster'], packet['payload'])
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
for x in b:
if packet['cluster'] == 2: #node descriptor request
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
payload = bytes([b[0], 00, b[1], b[2], 4, 143, 120, 8, 80, 160, 0, 1, 44, 160, 0, 0])
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload, source_ep=0, dest_ep=0, cluster=32772, profile=packet['profile'])
print("node descriptor response")
if packet['cluster'] == 32770: #node descriptor response
b = bytearray(packet['payload'])
print("Node descriptor response integer payload discard")
#for key, value in packet.items():
#1 print (key, ' : ', value)
if (diff < time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), timestamp)) or (not first_report):
timestamp = time.ticks_ms()
first_report = True
#payload = bytes([12, 30, 16, 171, 5,0, 0, 0, 16, ad4.value()]) # zcl_header
#payload = bytes([])
#payload = zcl_head# + payload
zcl_header = payload_header + oob + bytes([_ra])
#dumb = bytes([12, 30, 16, 171, 5])
#com.fancy_transmit(payload=bytes([12, 30, 16, 171, 10])+florp, source_ep=8, dest_ep=1, cluster=6, profile=260)
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payload , source_ep=1, dest_ep=1, cluster=259, profile=260)
if garage.watch():
#payload_header + oob + bytes([_war])
payl = payload_header + oob + bytes([_ra]) + garage.position()+ garage.movement()
print("door: "+ str(garage.door))
print("motor: "+ str(garage.motor))
print("moving: "+ str(garage.moving))
print("barrierPosition: "+ str(garage.barrier_position))
com.fancy_transmit(payload=payl, source_ep=1, dest_ep=1, cluster=259, profile=260)
garage.update = False
while 1 != 0:
except Exception as e:
#if tp > 0x7FFF:
# tp = tp - 0x10000
# print("The XBee is %.1F degrees" % (tp * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0))
#for i in list(xbee.discover()):
# print(i)
#while True:
# Check if the XBee has any message in the queue.
# received_msg = xbee.receive()
# ad0 = Pin("D0", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# ad1 = Pin("D1", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# ad2 = Pin("D2", Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# if ad0.value() == 0:
# print("input pin 0")
# if ad1.value() == 0:
# print("input pin 1")
# if ad2.value() == 0:
# print("input pin 2")
# #print("just a print, lots and lots")
# # if received_msg:
# Get the sender's 64-bit address and payload from the received message.
# sender = received_msg['sender_eui64']
# payload = received_msg['payload']
# Check to make sure data is coming from zigbee controller
# if sender == b'\x00!.\xff\xff\x06\rW':
# is an on/off command
# if len(payload) == 3:
# if payload[2] == 0:
# turn lamp off
# lamp_ha_state['on_off'] = 0
# lamp_ha_bytes[1] = 0
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 1
# senddata = 1
# elif payload[2] == 1:
# # turn lamp on
# lamp_ha_state['on_off'] = 1
# lamp_ha_bytes[1] = 1
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 1
# senddata = 1
# else:
# did not receive 1 or 0
# print("did not receive 1 or 0")
# pass
# brightness, color, or color temp command
# if len(payload) > 3:
# is brightness command
# if payload[2] == 4:
# Home Assistant automatically turns the switch 'on' if brightness
# is edited. Therefore, also set on_off to 1 to make sure to match
# Home Assistant
# print("brightness command")
# lamp_ha_state['on_off'] = 1
# lamp_ha_state['brightness'] = payload[3]
# lamp_ha_bytes[1] = 1
# lamp_ha_bytes[2] = payload[3]
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 2
# senddata = 1
# is color command
# elif payload[2] == 7:
# print("color command")
# lamp_ha_state['color_x_raw'] = (payload[4] << 8) | payload[3]
# lamp_ha_bytes[4] = payload[4]
# lamp_ha_bytes[5] = payload[3]
# lamp_ha_state['color_y_raw'] = (payload[6] << 8) | payload[5]
# lamp_ha_bytes[6] = payload[6]
# lamp_ha_bytes[7] = payload[5]
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 2
# turn lamp on
# lamp_ha_state['on_off'] = 1
# lamp_ha_bytes[1] = 1
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 1 # not necessary
# senddata = 1
# is color temp command
# elif payload[2] == 10:
# print("color temp command")
# pass
# is unknown data
# else:
# print("unknown data received %s" % ubinascii.hexlify(payload))
# pass
# print("good sender found")
# print(lamp_ha_state)
# print(lamp_ha_bytes)
# print(lamp_ha_state['color_x_raw']/65535)
# print(lamp_ha_state['color_y_raw'] / 65535)
# print("===================")
# if senddata == 1:
# i2c.writeto(arduino_addr, bytearray(lamp_ha_bytes), True)
# lamp_ha_bytes[0] = 0
# senddata = 0
# print(len(payload))
# print(ubinascii.hexlify(payload))
# print("Data received from %s >> %s" % (''.join('{:02x}'.format(x).upper() for x in sender),
# payload.decode()))