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package rgbmatrix
9 years ago
#cgo CFLAGS: -std=c99 -I${SRCDIR}/vendor/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/include -DSHOW_REFRESH_RATE
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lrgbmatrix -L${SRCDIR}/vendor/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/lib -lstdc++ -lm
9 years ago
#include <led-matrix-c.h>
void led_matrix_swap(struct RGBLedMatrix *matrix, struct LedCanvas *offscreen_canvas,
int width, int height, const uint32_t pixels[]) {
9 years ago
int i, x, y;
uint32_t color;
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
i = x + (y * width);
color = pixels[i];
led_canvas_set_pixel(offscreen_canvas, x, y,
(color >> 16) & 255, (color >> 8) & 255, color & 255);
9 years ago
offscreen_canvas = led_matrix_swap_on_vsync(matrix, offscreen_canvas);
9 years ago
void set_show_refresh_rate(struct RGBLedMatrixOptions *o, int show_refresh_rate) {
o->show_refresh_rate = show_refresh_rate != 0 ? 1 : 0;
void set_disable_hardware_pulsing(struct RGBLedMatrixOptions *o, int disable_hardware_pulsing) {
o->disable_hardware_pulsing = disable_hardware_pulsing != 0 ? 1 : 0;
void set_inverse_colors(struct RGBLedMatrixOptions *o, int inverse_colors) {
o->inverse_colors = inverse_colors != 0 ? 1 : 0;
9 years ago
import "C"
import (
9 years ago
9 years ago
// DefaultConfig default WS281x configuration
var DefaultConfig = HardwareConfig{
Rows: 32,
Cols: 32,
ChainLength: 1,
Parallel: 1,
PWMBits: 11,
PWMLSBNanoseconds: 130,
Brightness: 100,
ScanMode: Progressive,
type RuntimeOptions struct {
// Control speed of GPIO updates. Valid range is 0..3
GPIOSlowdown int
// HardwareConfig rgb-led-matrix configuration
type HardwareConfig struct {
// Rows the number of rows supported by the display, so 32 or 16.
Rows int
// Cols the number of columns supported by the display, so 32 or 64 .
Cols int
// ChainLengthis the number of displays daisy-chained together
// (output of one connected to input of next).
ChainLength int
// Parallel is the number of parallel chains connected to the Pi; in old Pis
// with 26 GPIO pins, that is 1, in newer Pis with 40 interfaces pins, that
// can also be 2 or 3. The effective number of pixels in vertical direction is
// then thus rows * parallel.
Parallel int
// Set PWM bits used for output. Default is 11, but if you only deal with
// limited comic-colors, 1 might be sufficient. Lower require less CPU and
// increases refresh-rate.
PWMBits int
// Change the base time-unit for the on-time in the lowest significant bit in
// nanoseconds. Higher numbers provide better quality (more accurate color,
// less ghosting), but have a negative impact on the frame rate.
PWMLSBNanoseconds int // the DMA channel to use
// Brightness is the initial brightness of the panel in percent. Valid range
// is 1..100
Brightness int
// ScanMode progressive or interlaced
ScanMode ScanMode // strip color layout
// Disable the PWM hardware subsystem to create pulses. Typically, you don't
// want to disable hardware pulsing, this is mostly for debugging and figuring
// out if there is interference with the sound system.
// This won't do anything if output enable is not connected to GPIO 18 in
// non-standard wirings.
DisableHardwarePulsing bool
ShowRefreshRate bool
InverseColors bool
// Name of GPIO mapping used
HardwareMapping string
func (c *HardwareConfig) geometry() (width, height int) {
return c.Cols * c.ChainLength, c.Rows * c.Parallel
func (r *RuntimeOptions) toC() *C.struct_RuntimeOptions {
o := &C.struct_RuntimeOptions{}
o.gpio_slowdown =
if c.GPIOSlowdown > 0 || c.GPIOSlowdown > 4 {
o.gpio_slowdown = 1
return o
func (c *HardwareConfig) toC() *C.struct_RGBLedMatrixOptions {
9 years ago
o := &C.struct_RGBLedMatrixOptions{}
o.rows =
o.cols =
o.chain_length =
o.parallel =
o.pwm_bits =
o.pwm_lsb_nanoseconds =
o.brightness =
o.scan_mode =
o.hardware_mapping = C.CString(c.HardwareMapping)
if c.ShowRefreshRate == true {
} else {
if c.DisableHardwarePulsing == true {
} else {
if c.InverseColors == true {
} else {
return o
9 years ago
type ScanMode int8
9 years ago
const (
Progressive ScanMode = 0
Interlaced ScanMode = 1
// RGBLedMatrix matrix representation for ws281x
type RGBLedMatrix struct {
Config *HardwareConfig
9 years ago
height int
width int
matrix *C.struct_RGBLedMatrix
buffer *C.struct_LedCanvas
leds []C.uint32_t
9 years ago
const MatrixEmulatorENV = "MATRIX_EMULATOR"
// NewRGBLedMatrix returns a new matrix using the given size and config
8 years ago
func NewRGBLedMatrix(config *HardwareConfig) (c Matrix, err error) {
8 years ago
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var ok bool
err, ok = r.(error)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("error creating matrix: %v", r)
if isMatrixEmulator() {
return buildMatrixEmulator(config), nil
w, h := config.geometry()
8 years ago
m := C.led_matrix_create_from_options(config.toC(), nil, nil)
b := C.led_matrix_create_offscreen_canvas(m)
8 years ago
c = &RGBLedMatrix{
Config: config,
width: w, height: h,
matrix: m,
buffer: b,
leds: make([]C.uint32_t, w*h),
if m == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to allocate memory")
return c, nil
// NewRGBLedMatrix returns a new matrix using the given size and config
func NewRGBLedMatrixWithOptions(config *HardwareConfig, run *RuntimeOptions) (c Matrix, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
var ok bool
err, ok = r.(error)
if !ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("error creating matrix: %v", r)
if isMatrixEmulator() {
return buildMatrixEmulator(config), nil
w, h := config.geometry()
m := C.from_matrix(C.CreateMatrixFromOptions(config.toC(), run.toC()))
b := C.led_matrix_create_offscreen_canvas(m)
c = &RGBLedMatrix{
Config: config,
width: w, height: h,
matrix: m,
buffer: b,
leds: make([]C.uint32_t, w*h),
8 years ago
if m == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to allocate memory")
9 years ago
return c, nil
9 years ago
func isMatrixEmulator() bool {
if os.Getenv(MatrixEmulatorENV) == "1" {
return true
return false
func buildMatrixEmulator(config *HardwareConfig) Matrix {
w, h := config.geometry()
return emulator.NewEmulator(w, h, emulator.DefaultPixelPitch, true)
// Initialize initialize library, must be called once before other functions are
// called.
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Initialize() error {
return nil
9 years ago
// Geometry returns the width and the height of the matrix
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Geometry() (width, height int) {
return c.width, c.height
// Apply set all the pixels to the values contained in leds
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Apply(leds []color.Color) error {
for position, l := range leds {
c.Set(position, l)
return c.Render()
// Render update the display with the data from the LED buffer
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Render() error {
w, h := c.Config.geometry()
9 years ago
c.leds = make([]C.uint32_t, w*h)
return nil
// At return an Color which allows access to the LED display data as
// if it were a sequence of 24-bit RGB values.
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) At(position int) color.Color {
return uint32ToColor(c.leds[position])
// Set set LED at position x,y to the provided 24-bit color value.
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Set(position int, color color.Color) {
c.leds[position] = C.uint32_t(colorToUint32(color))
// Close finalizes the ws281x interface
func (c *RGBLedMatrix) Close() error {
return nil
9 years ago
func colorToUint32(c color.Color) uint32 {
if c == nil {
return 0
9 years ago
// A color's RGBA method returns values in the range [0, 65535]
red, green, blue, _ := c.RGBA()
return (red>>8)<<16 | (green>>8)<<8 | blue>>8
func uint32ToColor(u C.uint32_t) color.Color {
return color.RGBA{
uint8(u>>16) & 255,
uint8(u>>8) & 255,
uint8(u>>0) & 255,